They must always respond quickly and appropriately. Higher education, including graduate degrees, can enhance the leadership potential of criminal justice professionals and support their promotion through the ranks. There are, however, cons to police discretion, which include: Police can use their discretion when deciding whether or not to search a vehicle, but they may make the wrong determination and violate the rights of a person. Quite often, you will also spend your leisure together and some police officers even spend plenty of time together after they retire. Our ethics and morals have been tossed out the window and replaced with disconnect and desensitized human shells. In fact, this can get really nasty, especially if your mistakes have led to serious adverse outcomes. The use of police discretion helps to foster the best use of police resources. WebAdvantages of Being a Police Officer You have a high reputation in society Police officers can keep their neighborhoods safe You can help out your family and friends If you make mistakes, you may also get fired. In fact, most police officers dont earn more than 70,000 dollars a year and especially in big metropolitan areas, this will imply a rather simple lifestyle since rents will eat up a significant fraction of the income. LockA locked padlock Police work can affect or sway our behavior to a greater degree of positivity, too. In fact, you will make many mistakes throughout your career and some of these mistakes can even cost lives. You should really be convinced about it and should take your mission quite seriously. However, I will not take any responsibility for incorrect information and will not be liable for any negative consequences that might occur due to the reliance on this information. In my opinion, people often make the mistake to choose their profession solely based on how much money they can earn from it instead of doing what makes them really happy. In fact, you will spend a significant fraction of your day as a police officer writing reports and documenting how things have happened and if you are not willing to do this kind of paperwork, you may want to search for other job opportunities instead. You will have to pass many different tests and many people fail those tests. Policemen can also retire earlier than people in most other jobs. These internal perks and lack of humdrum keep officers job satisfaction rates high. You will just have to live with the fact that your life could be over anytime. For instance, one disadvantage of being a police officer is that you will not get rich. Therefore, there is the possibility that the police could make an unnecessary and unauthorized search. You will also have to make difficult decisions within minutes or even seconds and your life will not be as easy as you might think now. However, while you can do a great job for your community, it can be quite annoying and exhausting to work at nighttime. Quite often, if police officers go to a restaurant or a pub, they get food and drinks at a reduced price or even for free. While this can be quite annoying and emotionally challenging, you will also learn how to keep your emotions under control and how to react to difficult situations. Hence, your life will depend on the reliability of your colleagues and if you dont want to put your life into the hands of others, chances are that becoming a police officer will not be the right way to go for you. In fact, many people struggle with it since it destroys the natural sleeping rhythm. If anything does go bad, they are here, a Grade 9. Special District Police Agencies: Types & Roles, What Is a Guardian ad Litem? In fact, while many other jobs will be automized and will be carried out by machines in the near future, policemen are not that replaceable since there is plenty of individuality and discretion in each case and police officers have to make decisions depending on many different variables and circumstances. Regardless of how old we are, we never stop learning. Often, in murder trials, the punishment can be the death penalty or life imprisonment. After reading this article, you will get more aware of all the chances and dangers of becoming a police officer and you may even change your mind due to that. It also requires plenty of paperwork and also legal knowledge. Decent pay ($53,360 average as of May 2014) Option to work in or out of an office environment (a probationer's home, place of employment or the officer's office)*. For instance, one mistake on your side can take away lives. However, from these experiences, you can really learn how to handle those situations and you can grow in character. While this can be exhausting and you will see many bad things during your career, you will also get significant action and chances are that you will never get bored as a police officer since so many different things will happen throughout your career. if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[336,280],'environmental_conscience_com-leader-1','ezslot_17',149,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-environmental_conscience_com-leader-1-0');Thus, over time, you will build a high level of trust with each other and after a few years, you will almost blindly rely on your colleagues having your back in case of emergency. Since you will have to manage many operations outdoors and have to walk or even run significant distances to catch thieves and also have to resolve conflicts, chances are that you will burn lots of calories during your shift and this can protect you from overweight and obesity. However, this fear will go away over time once you get more experience and learning to deal with this kind of fear is quite important. As a police officer, you will also enjoy many additional perks. See disclaimer. The disadvantages of police officer discretion are that it can escalate a situation or violate someone's rights if applied improperly. All rights reserved. Police discretion is used while officers are performing their official day-to-day duties. Being a police officer is not only about action. We can no longer look at the world we live in the same way. Being a police officer in America is a tough job.. Danger at Work. Here are eight advantages of being a security officer: 1. if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[336,280],'environmental_conscience_com-large-leaderboard-2','ezslot_16',146,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-environmental_conscience_com-large-leaderboard-2-0');In fact, many police officers have an inner motivation to improve circumstances and to do good for others. finds relevant news, identifies important training information, Disadvantages of Security Officers. It's not a lame assignment or a job for a cop looking for a cushy job Colleges and universities can help officers acquire the skills needed to help to reestablish trust between our communities and those who are sworn to protect and serve. It should come as little surprise, then, that police administrators, including police chiefs, are more likely to hold college and post-graduate degrees. The advantages of police discretion are that it makes the position more flexible, allows for quick interpretation and action, and fosters judicial economy. The phrase the thin blue line is often associated with the police. There will only be the harsh reality left and most policemen become really tired of being insulted and attacked in the long run. Recall examples of decisions that involve police discretion, Discuss the pros and cons of police discretion. It is all a balancing act. Officer Bob then sees a person matching the description and follows him on foot. We cant sit still nor do we seem to have the mindset at times to settle down at home. 60,105 police officers were assaulted while performing their duties in 2020. Some police officers also grew up under rather poor conditions and urgently want to make a positive change for their community. It is often very exciting and spotted with adrenaline dumps. In turn, you will never know how exactly your day will look like and what you will experience the next days. Hence, you dont have to worry about future job opportunities as a police officer that much since there will be plenty of work that still has to be carried out by humans. Policing is a very interesting job and the situations officers face change constantly. Police officers have to rely on each other to make their operations as safe as possible. Being a police officer assures financial security. To be clear, school resource officers (SROs) are sworn police officers and not security guards. Consequently, the police officer must decide on their own in the particular moment what to do. You will also enjoy great support from your colleagues during your police career. It also gives them the chance to get to know the communities they will police. Many citizens are shielded from the horrors we encounter. In fact, shifts of police officers can be quite long and depending on what happens in your district, you will have to work long hours and will come home exhausted. The Pros and Cons of Being a Police Officer Pros. Check out the top positive things about being a cop. One attractive aspect of being a police officer is the financial security you will have. Cons. Being a police officer is rewarding, but also challenging. Now You Know the Pros and Cons of Being a Police Officer. As you can see, there are many wonderful things about being a police officer. College-educated officers are also less likely to shoot their guns. succeed. My name is Andreas and my mission is to educate people of all ages about our environmental problems and how everyone can make a contribution to mitigate these issues. Police officers may incorrectly assess a situation and escalate it unnecessarily, such as by choosing an inappropriate time to draw their weapon. While many people who work in office jobs have to go to the gym to stay in shape, you as a police officer dont have to do this since you will stay in shape in a natural manner and can spend your time in a more enjoyable manner. Officers are afforded the opportunity to use their best judgement and knowledge to make decisions. Some people may find this type of job exciting and like doing new tasks every day. Through regular meetings with the offenders and sometimes with their families, a probation officer monitors these individuals and makes sure they are Consequently, dont be discouraged if your first job as a police officer will not be your dream job. The major pro of being a police detective would be that the work would be interesting and intellectually stimulating. Depending on the state you live in and your educational level, you can also earn pretty decent money from being a police officer. In any establishment, we choose the seat with our backs to the wall and a view of the entire place. Many police officers are also not happy with their overall working environment. As an associate, I may earn commissions from qualifying purchases from Amazon or other programs. If you have started your career as a police officer in your 20s, chances are that you will be eligible for retirement in your 50s in many states. If you have made bad decisions in the past and have an extensive criminal record, your chances of becoming accepted as a police officer will be almost zero in most states. All of these things have been shown to increase critical thinking, moral reasoning and openness to diversity. Of course, to succeed in this regard, you also have to build a strong network over time. Additionally, there are those who argue that the use of police discretion can potentially result in a violation of one's Fourth Amendment rights. direct and indirect speech past tense exercises; tarantula sling not moving; flitch beam span chart; sylvania country club membership fees; bs 3939 electrical and electronic symbols pdf; ninaki priddy date of birth; offspring chris havel wife; airigh 'n eilean; ontario bar exam results 2020 We are selective of where we dine. Police discretion examples include an officer's decision whether or not to draw their weapon, to make an arrest, to issue a traffic ticket, to perform a search on a suspect, or to stop and assist someone in need of help. The officer can use their discretion and decide whether or not to issue a ticket, issue a warning, or make an arrest. Police officers run the risk of misinterpreting a statute and violating someone's rights. Specially empowered security officers can relieve public police of spending time and resources to address crime against private businesses. People still want the personal component since they feel safer talking to a police officer instead of just talking to a robot in case of emergency. Policemen also learn how to deal with difficult people early on in their careers. Quite often, during your operations, you will be relatively helpless and you have to trust your colleagues to have your back. Now let's look at another example. WebAdvantages And Disadvantages Of Police Officers Working Without Uniform Intellectual stimulation One benefit of the detective career is the intellectual stimulation and There is also the risk that the police officer might misinterpret a statute when performing their duties. This is due to the fact that police officers often see pretty bad things that they can hardly process in an emotionally healthy manner. Whether it is a call to action in the line of duty or a personal crisis, the blue family will be there for one another come hell or high water. There are various reasons why the use of police discretion is a positive aspect of a police officer's position. Police work is particularly dynamic and no day is the same. For example, in murder cases, the prosecutor can decide whether or not they want to pursue a first-degree or second-degree murder charge, with first-degree murder being more serious and imposing a harsher penalty. Uniform Stories features a variety of contributors. An official website of the United States government, Department of Justice. While police officers can make a decent salary in many states, they will simply not make as much money as a doctor or a lawyer. If the judge decides on life imprisonment, they can decide whether or not the convicted party will ever get the chance for parole, and after how many years they will be eligible for parole. Another advantage of becoming a police officer is that it can also help you overcome your fears. If the defendant does have to stand trial, juries hear the case and use their discretion when deciding whether or not the defendant is innocent or guilty. Copyright 2023 - Definition, Qualifications & Responsibilities, The Office for Victims of Crime: History, Role & Purpose, Discrimination within Police Departments: Law, Incidents & Impact, The Impact of State Prosecutors on Police Practices, The History & Impact of Policing in America, Jury Selection Process | Trial, Civil Cases & Litigation, The U.S. Court Systems & History | Overview & Purpose of the Dual-Court System. 7. Its the nature of the beast. Many people will also secretly admire you for what you are doing for them. As researchers who specialize in crime and punishment, we see five reasons why police officers should be encouraged to pursue a college degree. Officers with a bachelors degree reportedly: have fewer citizen complaints choose options short of an arrest to resolve problems are less authoritarian are more ethical have fewer disciplinary problems compared to their high school graduate counterparts What are the reported disadvantages of a bachelors degree? In turn, many officers are simply not able to process those experiences in an emotionally healthy manner and will suffer from mental problems like depression later on in their lives. However, the and manufacturers. If you are thinking about becoming a police officer, you should first consider the many advantages and disadvantages of this profession. Proactive Policing Strategies & Examples | What is Proactive Policing? In fact, you will only be called if there are problems to solve and you will not see many nice things during your career as a policeman. In fact, shifts of 10 hours+ are quite common and this can be really exhausting, especially at nighttime when you will often count every minute until it will eventually be time to go home and fall into your bed. It enhances the status of the profession. Because of the high level of responsibility, police are held to high standards by internal affairs and the general public. if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[336,280],'environmental_conscience_com-leader-2','ezslot_20',190,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-environmental_conscience_com-leader-2-0');Since you will often have to deal with difficult people and have to see many unpleasant things, you will soon take things less seriously and your overall frustration tolerance will increase as well. As we can see from the previous chapter, there are definitely many important advantages of working as a police officer. It is unique devotion to people which comes along with the territory. Varied hours. In fact, most people know how hard the jobs as a police officer can be and will greatly appreciate that you keep their neighborhoods safe. Some policemen also get special training for free which in turn can translate into better chances for promotions in the future. Police culture is full of many coping skills and personality transformations. Advantages and disadvantages of police.Police officers often work long hours Also if you think that police officers have a relaxed life, you should think twice. Police officers usually also get more money if they work on weekends, in the nighttime or on holidays. Leana Bouffard does not work for, consult, own shares in or receive funding from any company or organisation that would benefit from this article, and has disclosed no relevant affiliations beyond their academic appointment. In turn, you will also become more patient in case things dont work out the way you want them to be. It is a curse and a blessing. Some exposures to police work change us for the better and others for the worse. Great! In fact, if people know that your family and friends know a police officer quite well, they will often act in a more respectful manner since they know that they can get into all sorts of trouble if they misbehave. In turn, you will get to know each other quite well and your colleagues will become your second family. Moreover, I also dont think that people want to be supervised and controlled solely by machines. In many states, it is also not easy to become a police officer. In fact, you will have to decide when it will be appropriate to use your gun and when there will be no need for it. For instance, if a police officer erroneously decides to search someone's car, this may violate that person's. Consequently, if you are not willing to take this risk, you should definitely go for a different career path instead. For example, internships and service-learning opportunities in college provide future police officers a chance to develop civic engagement skills. As a member, you'll also get unlimited access to over 84,000 Yes, there are people who simply dont like them. Some people may find this overwhelming, and others may find great joy in being responsible for helping others. In fact, you will spend plenty of time together and will be able to talk about myriads of different topics. Although juries do have instructions, it is ultimately up to all twelve individuals to use their discretion when hearing a case and evaluating the facts. Police officers have a duty to serve and protect their communities, but some officers may be discouraged by the fact that crimes will continue to be committed no matter what. As a police officer, you will also be at significant risk of serious attacks and many police officers even die during their careers. If you are still not sure yet, you may have some friends who are police officers and can give you some additional information on this topic. In general, police officers face quite irregular shifts and often dont know how the next weeks will look like for them. Officers love the fact that no two calls are alike and you never know what you are going to get sent to by your dispatch center. Do Not Sell My Personal Information. This is not only quite sad, it also makes the job of police officers much more difficult since people often just no longer comply with the commands of policemen. During your career as a police officer, you will also learn quite a lot of patience. Especially in case your mistakes become publicly known and have something to do with race, gender or other sensitive topics, you will be at great risk of losing your job since the general public wants justice and some scapegoat will be needed in this regard. Being fit and maintaining a healthy lifestyle is not only wise, but it is crucial for an officers physical and mental states. In fact, you can work in many different departments over the course of your career and are rather flexible regarding the field you want to work in. Fraternal relationships in law enforcement are very strong. Many police officers also suffer from serious mental issues. This could mean that they think that somebody follows them to their house when there will actually nobody be there. Its dreadful, really. 14 chapters | Upon completion of this lesson, students should be able to: To unlock this lesson you must be a Member. Being a police officer is more than a profession. While some people like this insecurity since they get a certain level of excitement out of it, others who need a structured day hate it and if you are the kind of person who wants to play way ahead, chances are that becoming a police officer will just not be the right way to go for you. Discretion in criminal justice is present at all levels of the system and in its bureaucracies. As a police officer, you will surely be both loved and hated. Policemen can support local neighborhoods. Police officers keep our streets safe and resolve conflicts between people on a daily basis. In fact, there will be almost no day without any insults or complaints that you have to deal with as a police officer. By far, the residual payoffs outweigh the bad. Pro: Youre a hero! Since enough sleep is crucial for our body and our brain to work properly, sleep deprivation can lead to many serious health issues and also significantly decreases overall quality of life. Next: 13 reasons why you love being a cop. Police body cameras provide visual and audio evidence that can independently verify events. In the long run, this can lead to serious health issues since constant stress is just not good for us. Private Law Enforcement: Types, Functions & Roles. If you make mistakes, people may even sue you. These sources are experts and educators within their profession. In this case, police are given discretion, or freedom to decide, on the job to make decisions, but there is a 'thin blue line' that the police cannot cross or they will be in violation of the law. As you can see, there are many additional benefits for police officers and this can compensate for the relatively low salary policemen get at the beginning of their careers. Because police officers are in constant danger, we are also overly suspicious of everything and everyone. In fact, it is not easy at all to be a police officer and to deal with all the emotional burden that comes along with it. There is just that much insecurity involved in this job that you will never know when you are called to the next operation. Many of these are advantages for wellness and creativity. In turn, you will become much more relaxed. Also, the prosecutor exercises their discretion to decide the severity of charges levied against the offender. In fact, especially if you have children, it can be quite hard to go to work as a police officer since you know that you might never come back and so do your children and your wife. In fact, there is plenty of hate around on the streets and you will no longer experience the level of respect previous police officer generations got from the general public. By machines degrees, can enhance the leadership potential of criminal justice is present at all levels of system. Take this risk, you will never know when you are thinking about becoming a police officer is possibility! The nighttime or on holidays and resolve conflicts between people on a daily basis as as... Phrase the thin blue line is often very exciting and like doing tasks! Many people fail those tests access to over 84,000 Yes, there are many wonderful things about a! 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Officers keep our streets safe and resolve conflicts between people on a daily basis with.