Think of it this way: A surgeon just cut open your chest. So he must want you here for a purpose, if not for nothing else but to realize all anyone of us have is today. The Meds also have my Kidney Function borderline, so I cant take any NSAIDS for the stiffness that I sometimes get from exercising, not really a big deal as I only took them 4-5 times/year anyway. I check my blood every 15 days once (PT INR). He finally called me through facebook video chat on the 3rd day, he texted me hi, on the first day. And called me on the second day, and I can see he is also not too too well alone, due to covid19. I am not gaining weight but definately feel like the band is tighter. Orthop J Sports Med. Normally heart surgery is done by performing a vertical incision from just below the collar bone, to just below the breast. I had no risk factor, no blockage, no cholesterol, nothing. In the end, the breastbone is wired shut, and the skin is either stapled, glued, or stitched. I believe it just takes lots of time. I have Rheumatoid Arthritis and Asthma but no heart issues previous to this. My all day stamina is slowly returning, although I have to work on being able to stand for longer periods. Ps. Post-operative cognitive dysfunction (POCD) can also cause memory loss. This burning sensation worsens at night and it keeps me up for hours. Go in next month for an evaluation. Things can turn around in a day, be optimistic. Thank you, {{}}, for signing up. Hi Marry, I am Vanna 29 years old. Otherwise doing okay p.s. Most episodes of nerve damage after surgery last for a few weeks to a few months. My vision comes and goes, after surgery I didnt use my glasses, now after nine weeks I need them almost all the time. Lots of scientific studies, but nothing particularly helpful until finding this blog. I had the procedure Dec1 and honestly have not had one moments pain. Having OHS on 10/5/12 to repair a vsd as well as repairing my pulmonary valve. However, theres a new way to help nerves heal and get rid of the scar tissue called ultrasound-guided nerve hydrodissection with orthobiologics. I had a pig mitral valve in mid febohs. Thats my goal. I didnt feel any pain or tightness as I was raking but a couple of days after I feel tightness across my chest. -Occasional numbness & tingling in the last 2 fingers & sometimes the entirety of both my hands. Im hoping sleeplessness is caused by the meds and I will eventually get some sleep. I have changed my diet, I changed my primary care physician and I now have a medical doctor who is also a chiropractor and a natural health Dr. and only see him online. Glad I found this page as I see many similarities across the posts. Wow what a journey we have gone through! Open heart surgery is an operation to repair a fault or damage in the heart. You never know how much they can inspire. I had triple bypass 5 months ago and was also put on Metoprolol. The worst for me is the back and arm pain. doi:10.1196/annals.1377.014, (12) Griggs RB, Bardo MT, Taylor BK. I had a quad in May andI still have pain.If you left your breast it relaxthe muscles. I de idea to grab a cpl of Robaxicets muscle relaxants and go sit in my chair with my back seat and sufficient rent cushions to at least rest, if not sleep. I can barely walk and this has been a problem since the surgery. I went roughly 8 mos thinking and being told I had a muscle sprain in my back that radiated down my left arm and burning in chest. Thank you all for any response, advice or words of support. My recovery has been ok physically the usual chest soreness and subsequent twinges and twitches around the site of the operation Im at the gym now 3 days a week for an hour of intensive aerobic work heart rate I control to peak at 130 bpm. In most cases, numbness lasts for only a day or two after surgery. J Exp Orthop. Cardiologist recommended stent surgery but vascular specialists did not come to the same conclusion. Thanks all for sharing your experiences and all the best and speedy recovery, please share if any one experienced no pain after few months/ years. I was lifting weights again at eight months. back at work however work fewer hours than normal. 2019;10:888. doi:10.3389/fneur.2019.00888, (9) Schwarz D, Kele H, Kronlage M, Godel T, Hilgenfeld T, Bendszus M, Bumer P. Diagnostic Value of Magnetic Resonance Neurography in Cervical Radiculopathy: Plexus Patterns and Peripheral Nerve Lesions. God bless you all, as Im very sure Hes blessing me, each breath and each step I take and each night I make it through! I am sharing my own experience with this inherited disorder, and how I manage it daily from what literature I read on the topic and what my doctors say to how I live my life (what I eat, what medicine I take, how I exercise, etc). From 11/2 months post( and my experience) its a no brainer. Once I quite taking that Cartia XT I started to feel like myself again. I felt fine was cycling 20km regular and walking 10km regular and going the gym 4 times a week. Can Numbness and Tingling be Symptoms of Rheumatoid Arthritis? He said sternum intact & such pain is from muscle/rib retraction, referred pain etc & said it'll be better over next 3-6 months. Although I do have the scar and chest pains a lot of you have I feel after reading your stories this is pretty normal. Initially I experienced all the usual side effects of OHS and over time regained strength and stamina. Maybe its the heat in the south but I cant seem to breathe and I tire so easily it hurts. Fortunately, there are more good days than bad days now that I am at this point, but I do feel that if I have a busy day, I do feel tired and sore the next day. Statistics for depression are so high and alarmed me when I read up on it but knowing this is very helpful for me. I said why go through surgery when I feel this good, my surgeon ( who was amazing) he actually had time for me, totally understood where I was coming from said just start the process Steve you can always pull out. I have tried various remedies with no improvement. I went back to work 2 weeks ago. The new normal. . it's nine weeks, is this normal ? My quad bypass was done in September 2014 after successful stunting in 2002 decided to block. Hope this post helps someone. So just around 4 months now. He told me I have heart murmur. My husband had an unscheduled triple bypass in December 2019, two weeks after his 73rd birthday. This is a very specialized MRI scan thats tuned to show the nerves (9). Help All I live in the UK and had a new aortic replacement 5 months ago where my aneurysm swelled to 9.2cm very low survival rate. It makes the breast swollen, tender, warm, and red. Heart beat is 130.blood My MVR by open heart surgery is due this month.i am worried.what to do?? I think I may be getting another one. Hoping knowing that pain issues after surgery are not uncommon and you are not alone helps:-). So last night during dinner, I started getting mild but intensifying pain between my shoulder blades and,after about an hour of that, my breath started coming in shorter breathsAs I had a single beer with my dinner, Im thinking its gasthe Wife thinking Our 30 year relationship was toast.!! This is why the doctors tell you NOT to reach over your head for 3 months, and to NOT lift more than about 5 lbs per arm for the first month and go very carefully after that. Very fortunate for my loving Girlfriend, that was with me every minute of the way, she was there when I woke up, and has been the quintessential Nurse Ratchet ever since. They might not be as careful as I am. My breast bone is tender at the sternum most of the time. I send good wishes for healing to all of you- in both body and spirit!:-). I am 11 weeks out of OHS. No no, Im too young 52. I have since goggled them all after STOPPING all medications and medicines. I wish you the best, I would like to email you and help you through it, speak to your GP bout Renal Failure and Meds, go through every tablet and Google them. I start cardiac rehab very soon and walk 4-5 days a week. A cardiac cath showed my 3 major arteries were blocked 97%, 98%, and 100%. But i will make them sit for few seconds and try correlation method and finally make sure I giving them the reason for the call. The concern I have is that I have a persistent sharp pain on the left side of my chest which feels like it's coming from my heart or my lungs. Created for people with ongoing healthcare needs but benefits everyone. I had triple bypass in early September and after the first few weeks felt good enough to start scrubbing our bathroom floors. Everyone thinks I should be better at six weeks but I cant feel my left breast is numb. How long can I recover back? I had quadruple bypass surgery on February 13, of this year. I am generally a positive happy person and am very thankful for each day God gives me. Im Marc. Thank you to each of you for sharing your story. from the time i found out i needed a bypass to a week or so after surgery it was tough and emotions would sometimes get the better of me and if your son is like me, prefer to be alone when those moments come. Amiodarone (discontinued), Metoprolol Tartrate (reduced dosage), Clonidine, Furosemide, & Potassium. I had aortic valve replacement. My story began in 2013 with a suspected mitral valve leak. Invest Radiol. I am 42 years old. Greetings from South Africa. Needing heart surgery - need information re doctors at U of PA, Advice for other women with heart disease, Endocarditis and other heart valve problems, Experiences with healthcare professionals, Living with cardiomyopathy and congestive heart failure, Spontaneous coronary artery dissection (SCAD), Paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia (PSVT). 2018;13(1):e0190589. I do not practice anymore. 2017 Feb;17(2):197-212. doi:10.1080/14712598.2017.1259409, If you have questions or comments about this blog post, please email us at [emailprotected]. The skin there is partially numb, so when I kneel down my brain doesn't trust that the knee is down and safe, so it doesn't want me to put weight on it. I am 5 months post cabg. While I am exercising 5-6 days a week, can keep up with 20 year olds on the basketball court and can steal bases in my baseball league, routine breathing is still a daily challenge. Have had 4 stents. It has been great reading everyones progress after OHS. Have found God has given me the strength to bear it and am grateful and was not particularly religious but have dug deep to stay sane. I have a hard time sleeping. Posts. My surgeon thinks Im doing great and my cardiologist thinks everything is fine. I have good support but that doesnt change the emotional roller coaster. No Afib, so much will hopefully improve. Just dont force yourself too much esp carrying something heavy or stretching your arms too much. I thought oh good, he finally is taking action. I too take one day at a time. They just seem horribly difficult right now. I myself remember basically nothing about the experience and during the first 2 weeks in the hospital I apparently became confused did not know where. Pace-maker implanted when I was 50 ( am now 72) after a virus caused pericarditis. Sorry for jumping right in, and so. I wont have it done again even if its needed. Little did I know my doctors would be out of the picture and the doctors at the rehab hospital would be in charge of my care. I need advice, my 49 year old son had a triple bi pass open heart surgery and I have no idea how are how much to help him. I started running again after six weeks and regained my lost muscle mass in four months. The Surgical Team at Ft. Walton Beach Medical Center was nothing short of Fantastic! I feel like an invalid. She has experience in primary care and hospital medicine. After three months again theres pain like angina but cardiologist refuses to find any problem. Two weeks after surgery I was off my pain medication, Im walking about 3 to 3.5 km every day, and yes, still get a lil out of breath climbing stairs. Had a heart attack got rushed to hospital where they saved my life .Now 6 months down the line .went to physio for a few weeks because had a stroke as well they got my left side moving again .then went to cardio rehab twice a week for a few weeks that was also a great help .now all healing up nice still get a lot of tingles in the leg from vien remove scar .and the chest gets a few light stabbing pains on the left side and ever now and again on the right .get out of breath most days and other times Im ok .it is all like a new learning curve .Im very emotional and I never was.i no I will never be the same again but least Im still here and pleased of that and once a week toast every ones health down the pub but do not smoke. Second part . Its really comforting to hear others say they too have had these issues, some went to ER but nothing serious, just part of the recovery. It had caused an aneurysm, and it was also severely leaking. Sue from Australia, on my 5 months post opsingle bypass with lima..i feel greatsometimes feel tired after a day of activity including work and drivingleft shoulder pain and upper back fatigueincision discomfort especially when poisturing my bodygenerally i feel finei am 56 yrs old and very happy to be alive and kicking.hpw are you there especially those 3 years up now?have a nice day, Ive also. Understanding the "pins and needles" feeling. Anybody have advice on a shirt to wear? 2008;33(5):404415. It is great to know I am not alone with worries and concerns about what stage should I be at with my recovery. 4. I feel a hieghtened sensitivity in a good sense but it brings me overwhelming emotion. Hello, 5 months out from surgery. it has been so hard and strange that he did not want his Mama there, we have a good relationship and my health is pretty good so i could help some but due to his request was not there for his surgery nor have I seen him yet. Angiogram showed a 95% blockage in my LAD and surgery was recommended they couldnt stent it because it was on a bend and at a junction. I am going to try to get back to walking and watching what I am eating. Diane B, Hi all, its been very interesting reading all of the comments. And it can last for hours or even days after surgery. Lost 25 pounds from my preoperation weight. Feb 26, 2020 I went under and had 5 Bypass. The doctors can tell us a lot and thank God for them, but folks like you who are reporting from the trenches offer encouragement, lived experience, and advice. i know it will put a lot of pressure on my sternum. All that said, I am not back to normal. The tightness and pressure and the flutters come and go but its pretty concerning. I havent slept more than a 4 hour stretch. So they are not pushing him too much. If you feel queasy or haven't moved your bowels, it's only natural that you may not be in the mood to eat or drink. I am 5.5 weeks out from triple bypass on Feb 19th. Or it may feel more like pins and needles. I have been told that generally there is a month of healing for every hour of this type of surgery. My chest aches and feels heavy. NOTE: This blog post provides general information to help the reader better understand regenerative medicine, musculoskeletal health, and related subjects. Alsoyou say you made it 14 yearshow much warning / degradation did you have & for how long, prior to this 2nd surgery? And i wish you all a great recovery in 2019..Darren from auckland newzealand. Expert Opin Biol Ther. 45 days after my Surgery I took my first flight journey back to the country where Im working and started working. The time it takes to fully heal will depend on the person's age and overall health and the complexity of the operation. Im frightened, anxious, tired, no taste .. What are other peoples experience? He now walks 20-25 miles/week with me (though at a relatively slow pace), and hes back to work (forensic work for the courts, which hes been able to resume via ZOOM). Hair loss, a side effect of hysterectomy, we may see when there is heavy bleeding or prolonged pressure on the scalp during surgery. My feet and ankles and legs swell. A lot of the pain and tightness comes when I try to roll over and sleep on my side. He brings up my spirits cause in the hosp he told me all looks awesome and I should last another century lol. Have always been very active and in pretty good shape. I'm still hopeful with time it will go away, but I'm not as far along post-op as you are. Hi Vanna, Yes it is normal of getting tired and dizziness. In connection with a bout of Arterial Fibrullation two months ago, I was taken off of Plavix and put on Eliquis. Even my fatty liver condition has reversed. I hope it is better now. However, newer nonsurgical nerve repair techniques may be able to help. But I see that as another challenge to overcome over the next few weeks. I have been told get used to it that is what often happens after open heart surgery. Apr 16, 2012 7:11 PM. Endometriosis Leg Pain: Before, During, and After Periods, Bunion Surgery: Everything You Need to Know, An Overview of Nerve Pain After Abdominal Surgery, Sinus Surgery: Everything You Need to Know. Time heals all wounds. Advantage is that you dont need to take Blood thinners daily. I just this blog and hearing of u people suffering so much, I only had cabg one month ago gripple bypass May God bless all of u and thanks for giving positive vibes. I walk 3 miles a day. chest never felt like ribs were cracked. Hey Stuart Any information would be reassuring. I am just barely past 5 months from my OHS of triple bypass at the age of 57. I am at present on rather a lot of tablets as well. I started having heart problems in my mid 40s. He almost killed me. Involvement of PDGF-BB and IGF-1 in activation of human Schwann cells by platelet-rich plasma. Thank you so much for sharing. He ordered an Echo, EKG. And I feel much younger horrible surgery indeed. Hoping upcoming cardio PT helps. That didnt sit well with me since Ive been paying copays and noticing how much he costs! Dealt w depression. This problem was a genetic problem and it shooted up suddenly. They started such medicine and do bypass. I am 73 and had a quadruple bypass in June. Also my br. God bless. Had 7 bypass surgery on may 7, 2019. All Rights Reserved. I was in hospital 10 days after op because my white blood cells were rising every day but there was no sign of infection. It will also help you sleep better. There are many cut on my body since the procedure change during the operation (the first procedure minimal invasive was not success so I had to do the open heart surgery one). It is nice to know Im not the only one in this boat. And heat is horrible. I had quadruple bypass surgery on May 24, 2018 and am back to work, although my incisions are still in the process of healing. I had my bypass april 3, and i doing good, exercise 4 to 5 days a week, however i stil have a discomfort in my chest sometimes, that concerns me, should I still be feeling this discomfort, I had my bypass april 3, and i doing good, exercise 4 to 5 days a week, however i stil have a discomfort in my chest sometimes, that concerns me, should I still be feeling this discomfort, I wonder how long will i feel this. I am now concerned about his mood he seems very irritable, frustrated and angry almost and he is desperate to come home. It's normal to have less energy than usual after your surgery. I am six months 12 days out. First time was a quick recovery, but I was also 49. boshar. My concern is the top of the scar around and above the top of the incision is a big protruding lump. Theres a blood thinner, a beta blocker and metformin to control sugar. 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