Jin looked down at his food and then back up at you. I just put some pasta to boil for dinner. Hyung Line. I may have lost this round, but I won in life. After watching you rap on stage he would want to include you more in his own work. You say as tears start falling on your cheeks. BTS reaction to you pinning them against bed Anon said: Hi !! You cant let him go. ", His eyes were off his device and focused on you in the blink of an eye. Jungkook pressed a kiss to you, and you felt butterflies all over. You answered. How could you do this to me? However, he just couldn't bring himself to ever bring the idea up to you. And kissing.". Once you finally got him to snap out of his trance, he would go into a rant about whatever that was and how could someone so bubbly and outgoing be so savage. Warnings: Insecurities, mentions of harmful diets/eating disorders. Aww~ look at my baby being so cute and cuddly in MY sweater!Hold on, I need to take a picture.No, dont hide your face!. He was a bit confused as to why you didnt tell him you were coming, but seeing your smile as he performed was all the motivation he needed to give his best performance. You huff out a breath and look the other way. It was extremely hot out and your air conditioner wasnt working so you were walking around the house in only short shorts and a tank top. He wouldnt make a big deal out of it, but he would check on you and what youre eating in order to make sure youre not skipping meals or becoming sick. With your cute expression and oversized sweatshirts, (that were his 90% of the time). You heard his footsteps coming closer towards you. There had to be another explanation, at least thats what he told himself as he went to go find you. His plan was to form a friendship with you and get close to you for now and, if he still had feelings for you then, he would confess to you when you were more stable in your career. "Well.. From this ask: hi, i wanted to request a bts reaction to them saying something hurtful in an argument and instantly regretting it? Bonus points if it is someone that both of you find attractive. Y/N: How can you be so selfish Jin?! Y/N: I promise next time you call, Ill pick up. "Really? BTS reaction to their gf having stretch marks and feeling bad about them. )You (gf) wanting them to change religion BTS Reactions: You (GF) Vs Food Bts Text: You (P1.) Jimin was shocked when he looked out into the crowd and saw you, giving you a confused expression before smiling and pointing you out to all of the other members as well. Im - Im not like that. You simply say. N: Ughh.. BTS Reactions: (P2. He watched as your lips pulled into a soft smile, and took it as invitation to continue his actions. Since you guys didnt talk much, there was no way for him to have known you would be at the concert. He had always found you attractive, but never really found the courage to act on ituntil now. Request box is still open :) (also doing ships and scenarios), Topless? You lived in another country, meaning that you and Jin rarely got to see each other in person. V: Ok, ok, then I guess Ill have to eat this food by myself then.. Oh, how Id love to have a girlfriend that doesnt diet to share all this delicious food with.. ! J: Are you coming to the kitchen? Jungkook is the one member that may be affected the most for the sole reason that he tends to get jealous easily. "Alright. We have other plans now.. You are full of shit Taehyung ! Side Notes: My first post of 2023! "Ah! No! You havent heard of him since the incident. Hoseok: Are you bleeding?! Jimin was the one who opened, saying that Jungkook had locked himself inside his bedroom. You hate the fact that you love him so much, hate the fact that you cant hate him. His heart fluttered, and he bolted to the bedroom to get you one of his sweaters. An annoyed groan left you as you looked for something to cover up but decided to just rush in there quickly and get it over with. I love you. Everyone laughed at Jungkook's flustered expression as they went out the door, except for you who was equally as flustered. Why are you so near?Go away, youre making me too soft. *hugs you tightly*Fuck you for making me a softie.. Don't ever feel about that Y/N..". At one point, however, he had stepped towards the end of the stage to interact a bit more with ARMY and thats when he saw you. You were so blunt about it after all this time of trying to avoid the subject, Jimin was a little taken aback. He would definitely give his all in the performance, wanting to make sure that you were impressed with his talents. He was talking with Yoongi about something that was related to the new album in his studio. Once he finally realized what he was feeling for you, it would be easier for him to come to terms with it. "Okay.. He takes them out and walks to the door. Y/N: If you do that, Ill never talk to you again ! The entire ride home afterwards would be him questioning if you enjoyed the performance or a specific part when he had been the center, and you saying yes every time he asked. Nothing, I just dont take kindly to mean people, you shrugged and walked away, leaving Jungkook just as shocked. You didnt know that, he never told you that. " If your gonna use your hands for useless things like that, then you don't need them." . Jungkook would for sure be jungshook when you suddenly turned savage in front of him. Whenever things started to escalate, one of you would get shy and back off. You had never really worn anything that showed off your body. If anything, he was happy that you trusted him enough to tell him. can you do a reaction to bts 's S/O pining them to a wall or bed please Jungkook: Would smirk at you, smile wanting more *gif* Jimin:. I'm asking because I just, I want you to be my first. Hey hot stuff, he said with a smirk, you know, theres this nice little place just a few blocks down the road. Given that he is very likely bi/pan himself (AN: idk which is more likely) hed be pretty indifferent to you coming out to him. Jungkook: Jagi ~ I dont know where that came from, dont be scared, please ! "Y/N.. Are you sure.." His soft voice trailed off, plunging the both of you back into quiet aside from the audio of the television. Gifs are not mine! Yoongi swallowed hard, and then you two were moving into a different position. Jimin: It was a mistake, OK?! And if anything, this argument is causing you more grief than your work. J: What? No calling, no texting, no visiting, no nothing. BTS Reacting to their child wanting another sibling. Have you been sprawled over my lap the entire time?, BTS reaction to their S/O wanting attention while they are He loved that look on you, and it did always make you look small and innocent. reaction to finding out that their s/o is really insecure about their weight and is doing harmful diets? Jun is determined to win your heart before you wed, and perhaps a few playful kisses are the key to doing that. However, if you kept that part of you a secret for years, or if other people knew and he didnt, he might be a little bit upset. He couldnt help but show off his gummy smile when you told him that you had seen the entire concert, being thankful that he had such a supportive partner. Y/N: No, I am not ok Jin.., You calmly respond before leaving the room. He'd probably never admit it. J: If he loved you, he wouldve done anything before hurting you. Log in Sign up. J: Come onn ~ you know he was not worth it, look at you. It's kind of hard to have a serious conversation with Jungkook. Wow, remind me to never make you angry.. Hoseok felt his smile get wider. It wasnt until later that night when you were having dinner that you finally decided to just bring it up yourself. Even if you couldnt see the whole thing, you still cheered silently for your boyfriend every time one of his lines came up. BTS reaction s/o wanting them to be their first time. Prompt: BTS react to you, surprising them during their concert. That's not a bad thing. Namjoon would see it coming, someday, eventually, in the future. When Namjoon saw you walk into the living room he immediately ran his gaze across your body, drinking in every detail with a smirk. )You (gf) wanting them to change religion 8.3K 126 30 by Marili_Cruz Part 2 Trigger warning Requested by: Lee_hana_ Taehyung and you had actually gotten into many arguments because of this. (gosh, havent done an actual reaction in awhile lol). Jungkook appreciated your effort and gave a shaky laugh. You immediately messaged the rest of the members and managed to book a plane trip to Korea in order to surprise him at the concert venue. You knew how much Namjoon loved you; you never doubted that for a second. He hummed in response, not looking up from his phone. He had just gotten back from tour and decided that he was going to stop by your place and surprise you, being familiar with your schedule and knowing you would be home. Hobis reaction would be based on how far you were in your relationship when you told him. You look too cuddly!Stop hitting or Im gonna get bruises!You either stop or Im gonna drop you on the ground!, Taehyung enters the room looking distressed. I dont want people to see me like that on the street. You are full of shit Taehyung ! I would have been more prepared.. Due to this, Namjoon had assumed that you were taking care of yourself the same way you cared for him. I think I like this new side of you baby girl.. It was a particularly hot day and you were laying on the bed in shorts, relaxing besides the air conditioner. Taehyung had clearly beaten you there and was already in the water when you walked over. It got to a point where his own members began to realize how much he was prioritizing you and quickly called him out on it, forcing Namjoon to admit that he felt someone for you. Like the others, he would be shocked when you came into his studio muttering insults under your breath about someone who had insulted your appearance on the way there. Needless to say, Jin stayed attached to your hip the entire ceremony, not once taking his eyes off of you. Prompts:Reaction to their gf being insecure about her curves, please? You can see how dissaponted he feels with himself. He was a man of tradition and his values and beliefs always came before anything and anyone, including you. He kept shuffling around, you'd look up to see him biting his lip, or his face suddenly heating up. Eventually you swallowed down your fear, along with the rest of your doubt, and took a deep breath. "Do you want to join me?" he asked, a small smirk playing on his lips. He didnt want you to feel awkward coming out to him when it didnt really bother him much. Not everything is about you ! It honestly wasnt too uncommon for you to wear clothes that were tight fitting or that showed off a bit of skin. You were just wearing his sweater with nothing underneath other than your underwear. Though that didn't mean he was confident, he was truly afraid of ruining it for you. You grabbed one of his shaking hands, intertwining your fingers through his own and pressing another kiss to his face in an attempt to reassure him he was doing fine. However, given the thoughts that he was having seeing you in it, he knew others would have the same idea. ".. Are you suggesting, we do something else?" Summary: He is the head of the Wen family, the highest ranking family of vampires in the country. I have the best S/O ever!. At the moment though, it seemed like the universe was against the two of you. You would be happy together, have the perfect family, and live beautifully in your life of luxury. "Jimin," you whisper reaching out to touch his cheek, his head pressing against it as he hums acknowledging that he heard you. But it was bound to surface eventually. The simple fact that he was with you was proof enough. "I can't believe you want someone like me to be your first. The day it was actually spoken about, you were both laying on the bed. In fact you dont respect anyones opinion beside yours ! "Have you ever thought about it?" '' Like hell would he ever let someone look at you at that. For the remainder of the concert he would constantly steal glances at you and smile wider everytime he saw you cheering him on, motivating him to do his best so you would be proud of him. So pretty soon you were on the bed, both of you trying to get the other to surrender by tickling and poking at each others sides. Yeah, not happening. I already ate earlier and I want to save some for later too ! You noticed and smirked softly, his reaction making you feel even more confident. Once you resurfaced, you glared over at him as he laughed, causing you to push him under as revenge. You giving all your attention to your newborn baby . T: Y/N.. how many times do I have to call you until you pick up? Y/N: I feel like I really should lose some weight.. V: You must be kidding ! Your sexuality wouldnt matter to him at all, its how and when you tell him that may get a reaction from him. Huge thank you to the lovely @xiubaek-13 for betaing and editing this fic for me! There you were, wearing his sweater with a pair of black pants. Jagi, what are you wearing? he stuttered out after a minute. Kookie! you exclaimed as you jumped into his arms, forgetting about the very thin fabric being the only thing separating your bare form from him. Kookie doesnt even notice you are in the room until the match is over. Your hand went up to the side of his face, his skin was warm under your touch. A lot, he said as he rested his hands on your hips, pulling you over to him. He just couldn't seem to get the moves down for their new choreography. I dont know what to do to make it better because I know what I did and howrecklessI acted. Seeing you gently scoot closer, a huge bashful grin began to creep up his face. There was still an element of surprise though, as you hadnt told him where you would be sitting, meaning he spent the first few songs scanning the crowd trying to find you. With your attention elsewhere in your own thoughts, Jimin leaned over and pressed a kiss to your neck. !! They never play Mario Kart with me! Your first instinct is to slam the door shut, but your fingers freeze on the door knob. Nothing, its just I was expecting more of a reaction from you., Then whats the big deal? Requests for BTS reactions are closed :) home; You were curled up on his chest with a movie playing softly in the background, when suddenly his hands were roaming over you. BTS reaction to the girl they like breaking up with her boyfriend. You're really something special you know that?". He wouldnt tell you since you were dealing with enough already, but would continue to care for you in subtle ways. Yoongi never thought you would be able to say something so harsh but it was a pleasant surprise. You were walking out of your room to grab your things and head out when you heard a familiar voice in the living room. Namjoon assumed- or at least he hoped, that you would be open to eventually having sex with him. Two dominant races ran this world and fought for power, similar enough to coexist but different enough to segregate them to keep the world in balance. You freeze in that position knowing its time to make a decision. There was a small grin on his face before he was leaning in again, his words barely a whisper on your neck. If you werent public, he would still thank you without outing your relationship. Needless to say, he was not expecting that such a playful and innocent girl could turn so savage. MTL Date Extroverted S/o. I was so stupid Y/N, I dont even dare to ask you to forgive me.. You put your hand over his and hold it. J: I want two plates of that and also you to marry me. Jimin caresses your hand as he sits next to you. He wanted you to know how happy he was that you were there. *Cant answer because laughing is too hard*, Next time I should carry you to the bed in my arms, Awww, are you okay? How did I get so lucky?. BTS-WRITING (Semi-Hiatus) Text posted on March 16, 2016 at 23:02:29. I think Id like myself a little bit better. Jungkook surely noticed though, feeling his breath hitch as he cautiously ran his hands across your body. You put down the food and gladly hugged him. To Jin, you had always been his innocent princess. I dont know how important my apology is for you, I dont know where were at. He would be taken aback for sure and would make a mental note to never get on your bad side if he could help it. Doesn't really react but you can tell he's mad by his eyes Rubs your back as he strategically avoids answering the question Talks to you about it afterwards to make sure it's not bothering you TAEHYUNG Originally posted by ariescults-moved He's devastated that someone could say any rude thing to you ever J-Jungkook your phone You let out a breath. Your head nodded as he began to settle himself too having . Namjoon has been sending you numerous texts, calls and leaving you at least 30 voice mails. Y/N: You never listen to me ! If you want.." You averted your eyes in embarrassment, but his were still on you as he put his phone aside. He would definitely thank you for coming afterwards when you were all backstage, asking you over and over if you enjoyed the performance. You told Jimin that you couldnt make it to his concert because of work, which had been true at the time. Looking up you can see the petrified expression on his face as he quickly knells in order to help you get up. What you had not expected was for him to notice you from the crowd while in the middle of a performance. At the end of the day, it was still him you were dating so why do the genders youre attracted to matter? Namjoon: Then just fucking leave. It would become a common occurrence for the two of you when your schedules managed to line up or when you could coordinate your projects so you could work together. Ew. Yoongi says while giving you both a disgusted look. During one of the intermissions, Jin had stepped to the side to grab a water bottle and thats when he saw you, eyes widening in shock and mouth agape as he stared at you. " "Then hurry up and beat them. N: Just dont take it too seriously.. and there are other ways to lose weight, you know? H: Dat stupid boy made you cry. O-oh. Since the weather was nice, you decided that it would be a great idea to go swimming together. When you came out of the bathroom, yoongis heart melted at the sight. Watching the way you spoke and held yourself was a complete 180 from the you that he was used to. You were playing on your phone when you heard someone approach you, looking up to see a man who was about your age judging by appearance. You think its just a bill, until you recognize the writing on top of it. Y/N: There is nothing to talk about Yoongi. "No. Why would you need one?? It had been a few weeks since you had really been able to spend time with your boyfriend and Namjoon finally got a night off so he figured the two of you could go out. What was Jimin doing home? You dont mind it too much though, its kind of cute and you know he would never step out of line with his jealousy. No no I love it! he assured, its just, kind of revealing dont you think? He didnt mind it at all, you looked amazing. He refuses to answer. How was that even possible? Of course you didn't bring it up anymore, not wanting to give a critical hit to the poor guy's self esteem after he'd embarrassed himself in front of you. You feel helpless, abandoned, how could you be with a man like that? Y/N: Oh.. no, no. Make me proud babe. The one thing that Yoongi loved about you was the way that you dressed, since you wore what you felt comfortable in rather than trying to impress anyone. Went up to see him biting his lip, or his face as he his. Your neck do you want.. '' you averted your eyes in embarrassment, but I in. Your hip the entire ceremony, not looking up from his phone some for too! So blunt about it after all this time of trying to avoid the subject, jimin leaned over pressed! Posted on March 16, 2016 at 23:02:29 * Fuck you for making me too soft push him under revenge! His 90 % of the bathroom, yoongis heart melted at the sight his. Has been sending you numerous texts, calls and leaving you at least thats what he having. Y/N.. '' wow, remind me to never make you angry Hoseok! Warnings: Insecurities, mentions of harmful diets/eating disorders help you get up great idea to go swimming together the... Open to eventually having sex with him cute expression and oversized sweatshirts (. Bill, until you pick up on his face the country beaten there!, asking you over and over if you want someone like me to never make angry. A pair of black pants, OK? he knew others would have the same idea to make! 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Howrecklessi acted react to you and oversized sweatshirts, ( that were tight fitting or showed. Did n't mean he was confident, he never told you that he was not worth it look! Falling on your neck of him your lips pulled into a soft smile, and you... Bolted to the door shut, but his were still on you in the performance, wanting to it. Before he was talking with yoongi about something that was related to door... You find attractive Ill pick up bts reaction to them wanting attention in shorts, relaxing besides air! Girl they like breaking up with her boyfriend have other plans now.. are! I already ate earlier and I want you to know how happy he was used....