Consider someone who has been stopped by a political canvasser to sign a petition to increase a tax on candy and sugary beverages. Janse, B. To be able to process in this way, you must be motivated, have the ability, and the opportunity. Its connected to swindling or to being confronted with things people arent asking for. Those using central route processing are also more likely to focus and ignore distractions in seeking out their goals (Geddes, 2016). The elaboration likelihood model considers the variables of the attitude change approachthat is, features of the source of the persuasive message, contents of the message, and characteristics of the audience are used to determine when attitude change will occur. Ben only knows that he wants a good mid-range skateboard that wont get him laughed at (he knows of one brand to stay away from because hes heard other kids say that its for kids!). According to the Elaboration Likelihood Model of Persuasion, persuasion can reinforce attitudes. Maximum likelihood estimation begins with the mathematical expression known as a likelihood function of the sample data. Understanding ELM will grant you that marketing edge. The ladder of inference is a tool that can help you avoid your biases and beliefs, enabling you to make [], Force Field Analysis is an easy-to-use tool that can help improve the quality of your decision-making. Along much of the continuum, both peripheral and central processes take place and can influence attitudes simultaneously (Petty, 1994). If we included an image of a skateboarder flying upside down on a loop-de-loop structure, we would have a far better chance of engaging our usership than if we were to show a picture of a static skateboard or skateboarder. Those with high levels of elaboration are more likely to process information via a central route, and those with low levels of elaboration are more apt to process information via a peripheral route, where they are more prone to distraction. This is where the Elaboration Likelihood Model (ELM) comes in. Here, the audience (or user) scrutinizes the messages contents (rather than reads casually) because of a high motivation level. Do you want unlimited ad-free access and templates? Generally, nonetheless, psychologists have seen attitudes as correct or proper to the extent that they are seen as beneficial to someone's physical or psychological well-being., Although people want to hold correct attitudes, the amount of effort they are willing or able to exert to hold a correct attitude varies widely. Storytelling creates a comp, Persuasion is a powerful force that changes the attitudes and behaviors of others. For example, someone wanting a new laptop thats good but cheap is more likely to process by the peripheral route than one who is knowledgeable about the specific features of laptops. You can persuade someone who trusts you by appealing with a convincing argument, backed up with solid facts, accessing emotions. The elaboration likelihood model of persuasion: developing health promotions for sustained behavioral change. Toolshero supports people worldwide (10+ million visitors from 100+ countries) to empower themselves through an easily accessible and high-quality learning platform for personal and professional development. However, nobody can hope to persuade anybody with 100% guaranteed success: you can only design for persuasion. As you can see, if elaboration is high, then you will process the decision through your central route. He sees some girls in the background who are watching the upside-down skater negotiate the loop-de-loop. Applying the Elaboration Likelihood Model to Design. Retrieved from The elaboration likelihood model does not exclusively link someone's subjective assessment of the correctness of an attitude toward how many other people seem to have the same opinion. The elaboration likelihood model was created by the psychologist Richard E. Petty and John T. Cacioppo in the early 1980s. Do your future self a favor and check out our course designed to help you achieve exactly that. For example, if someone is reading about a proposed nuclear plant in their neighborhood, they are more likely to have a higher level of elaboration than someone who lived in an entirely different region of the country. The diagram below outlines the elaboration likelihood model. 12. The recipient uses thought, critical judgement and evaluation to carefully investigate ideas. In the online world, marketers compete against each other every day to do just that. We need to show them why our skateboards are best. The model and its estimates are useful for modeling the distributional effects of policy in different environments or under distinct scenarios. Examples & Pros/Cons 7:52 Elaboration Likelihood Model of . A significant factor of persuasion is what the message is being talked about. Direct and indirect routes are both methods that contribute to the ELM approach. Course: The Brain and Technology: Brain Science in Interface Design. So if youve always wanted to be your own boss and have the flexibility and freedom that entails, then. Skateboarders looking for new boards will scrutinize the designs offered options. Their behavior will be more enduring and less likely to be changed. Persuasion often has a negative reputation. The elaboration likelihood model has been an influential and widely-cited theory in psychology, and its key contribution is the idea that people can be persuaded of things in one of two different ways depending on their level of elaboration for a particular topic. He filters through to see only the boards we have available from these two companies. Hopper, Elizabeth. How to cite this article: If you have bells and whistles, such as enticing, pleasing imagery, youll appeal to them. Meanwhile, people who were low self-monitors were less concerned with how a product would impact their image and more about the product's specific attributes., Another factor that can affect attitudes is peripheral cues. When the Art of Persuasion is applied through the ELM, the significant change is the route on how somebody is persuaded with a specific message. Objective: The objective of this study was to use the Elaboration Likelihood Model to compare the impact of central and peripheral prevention messages on alcohol consumption and drunkorexic behavior. Both exist on a sliding scale. Therefore, the reader or viewer must be highly involved and consider all arguments from every possible angle. If you think your finances might be affected by this tax change, then youre going to be more motivated to think about this issue than someone who isnt personally affected. On the other hand, people who don't drink soda (or soda drinkers who live in a city that wasnt considering adding a soda tax) would have lower levels of elaboration. (accessed March 1, 2023). This is because there are no peripheral cues. Do you have any tips or additional comments? We want to show them that were totally connected with their world; we know that many skateboarders perform board acrobatics, so if we build this recognition into our design, well be holding a mirror up to our users. Communication, and therefore persuasion, occurs frequently in daily situations. Building on the social persuasion theory of the elaboration likelihood model, we systematically examine the sender and receiver determinants of voice endorsement and how the interplay of those determinants affects voice endorsement. Persuading people to do things is the essence of power. When people are invested in a topic and have the time and energy to think over an issue, . The audience is not required to think deeply about the meaning of the message. function Gsitesearch(curobj){curobj.q.value="site:"+domainroot+" "+curobj.qfront.value}. When situational and individual factors create a high elaboration likelihood, people are more likely to scrutinize the message in either a relatively objective or biased way. If the central route processing is positive, Marta will probably buy from Amazon again in the future. What Is Political Socialization? These messages require an audience to really think about the message, perhaps because the message personally important to them. The model has a number of limitations, some general and some specifically relevant to applications in consumer behavior and marketing. Summary. For example, imagine the government announced new tax reliefs for recently married couples. Photo by Tengyart on Unsplash. A popular model of persuasion is called the Elaboration Likelihood Model of persuasion, developed by Petty and Cacioppo (1986). Argumenation Theory. His parents have told him he can spend $60 on whatever he wants for his birthday. The cognitive stage is also known as "thinking," containing the awareness and knowledge stages. However, these are weaker than those positive notions that central route processing forms. Here, we see that both routes lead to the same conclusion: selling a television. The central route allows for a thoughtful evaluation of the pros and cons of the information and requires that the individual have a motivation to think deeply as . Have questions? Join 310,756 Yes, he wants to get some safety gear for Ben, just the basics. Elaboration refers to the amount of effort an audience member has to use in order to process and evaluate a message, remember it, and then accept or reject it. This is a low level of elaboration. Yocco, V. (2014). Some psychologists list opportunity under ability. Peripheral route processing involves a low level of elaboration. Meanwhile, elaboration is more likely to be biased when some threat is associated with adopting one position over another. Going back to our shampoo example, seeing your favorite celebrity might nudge you towards buying, but perhaps if you dislike the music in the ad it might nudge you away from buying. ELM was developed in the 1970s by psychologists from Chicago University. There are several major factors that affect elaboration. Where someone is on the spectrum affects the likelihood that they will be persuaded through either the central route or the peripheral route. Persuasion occurs internally. The heuristic-systematic model of information processing (HSM) is a widely recognized model by Shelly Chaiken that attempts to explain how people receive and process persuasive messages. For example, someone who has a large amount of time to research questions on a ballot may be more likely to read over the potential policies more carefully and ask questions. These two systems of thinking are known as dual-process theory, an account of how thoughts can arise via two different processing methods. Conversely, if the decision is less important to you or you have little time available to think about it, you wont invest much or any time elaborating on your decision. Copyright terms and licence: CC BY-SA 3.0. The following theories are described in our document: Adaptive Structuration Theory. The elaboration likelihood model is a theory of persuasion that explains that you can motivate people via one of two processing routes. When you visit the site, Dotdash Meredith and its partners may store or retrieve information on your browser, mostly in the form of cookies. Definition and Examples. They take short cuts and jump to conclusion on the basis of limited information. When people are invested in a topic and have the time and energy to think over an issue, theyre more likely to be persuaded through the, When people are less invested in a topic, theyre more likely to be persuaded by the. Elaboration in the ELM thus refers to "the extent to which a person scrutinizes the issue-relevant arguments contained in the persuasive communication." (Petty and Cacioppo, 1986, p. 7). Using central route processing, youll listen carefully to the message and evaluate the pros and cons before making your decision. A., Haugtvedt, C. P., & Cacioppo, J. T. (1987). Indeed, we would have to incorporate a powerful visual hierarchy to assist in navigation, filtering options, and, of course, the good looks of each page we would construct. By empirically analyzing 168 paired samples, we find that issue-relevant information, i.e., voicer credibility . When wishing to persuade a low elaborator, there is no indication of whats the best way to do this. Cacioppo, J. T., Petty, R. E., Kao, C. F., & Rodriguez, R. (1986). Because you havent invested any real effort into the decision making processes, you dont cling to attitudes formed using this route as strongly as you would if the central route had created those attitudes. However, not all researchers agree that there are two routes to persuasion: some researchers have proposed a unimodel of persuasion in which there is just one route to persuasion, rather than a central and peripheral route. The personalities and influencers you choose to use are individuals that your target demographic looks up to and admires. ThoughtCo, Aug. 28, 2020, You decide to use the elaboration likelihood model to develop a marketing campaign that uses both the central and peripheral processing routes. Retrieved [insert date] from Toolshero:, Published on: 07/10/2019 | Last update: 12/01/2022, Add a link to this page on your website: More of a criticism than a disadvantage, but the model is based on the assumption that attitudes formed through central route processing will be stronger and harder to alter. In the peripheral route, we might also be persuaded to support something because we see that there are a lot of arguments in favor of itbut we might not carefully consider whether these arguments are actually any good. This influence can be used positively or negatively. Thats the life for me. In other words, why does person A make another decision after hearing the same argument than person B? That way, we can appeal to both and not risk alienating either one. Central route processing requires your conscious thought and critical thinking. To target the peripheral processors, you do something different. The message is not cognitively analysed and not critically considered. In order to engage an audience so that they can use central route processing, our design has to access their ability to process it. Indeed it is! Instead, someone with a higher level of elaboration might be more effectively persuaded by an ad that utilizes the central route, such as an outline of the health benefits of milk. Intrigued and enticed, hes liking our simple, easy-to-use design. Charlotte Nickerson is a member of the Class of 2024 at Harvard University. Cons Maximum likelihood methods require the specification of an economic model that properly describes the probability distribution of the events observed in the sample. Also, some people enjoy analysing arguments and creating a deep understanding of the issues; they have a high need for cognition. According to the elaboration likelihood model, when a persuader presents information to an audience, some level of elaboration results. If youre highly interested in a topic and have the ability to think about your decision, then you will be likely to elaborate on your decision. The degree to which someone is familiar with a subject also determines whether or not engagement is achieved. Minute Tools Content Team, Elaboration Likelihood Model, Minute Tools, Dec, 2019 Elaboration can also be affected by someone's time and ability to think over an issue. Es unterscheidet die zentrale Route mit starker . Get more info. In UX design, we structure the visual hierarchy to accommodate, from our targeted audience, both the informed, motivated user and the user who has only a basic idea of what he/she wants, letting them easily navigate and filter through selections before making calls to action. Attribution Theory. The Art of Persuasion is a fundamental skill that helps you attract others to your message. He might get his son an upgrade at the end of the year, and he already knows what to look for. It concludes with an Elaboration Likelihood Model example. This is crucial to understand the message. To organize the processes and findings presented throughout, we use the Elaboration Likelihood Model (ELM) as a conceptual framework. Nickerson, C. (2022, April 26). However, because Ben persuaded himself from our design by using peripheral route processing, hes going to be more likely to be swayed by other messages. The Elaboration Likelihood Model Applied to Internet Advertising In just a few years, the Internet has established itself as a very powerful platform that has changed the way we communicate. The elaboration likelihood theory is a process which describes how a change in attitude begins to form. Co-Cultures and Value Framing: Know your users, The persuasion triad Aristotle Still Teaches, The Process of Persuasion How to Make a Casual Browser an Intrigued User, Aristotle on Storytelling in User Experience, To improve the chances that your design will engage an audience, we must focus on how it can stand out. . Patrick Clancey explores the pros and cons and lays out an alternative. Essentially, the more someone scrutinizes the argument in a relatively objective way, the more apparent the strengths of cogent arguments become and the more obvious the flaws in specious ones (Petty & Cacioppo, 1986).. The Elaboration Likelihood Model (ELM) and Heuristic-Systematic Model (HSM) are the dual process models used to help the recipient of a message to have a clear understanding of how a persuasive message will initiate an attitude change. More so than Marta. Daniela processes the information in the product description with specifications via the central route, but uses the star rating as a scale to estimate how like-minded people evaluate the product. This can happen when, for example, youre in a noisy environment, or when you dont have enough knowledge about a subject to be able to think deeply about it. The hope is that people processing their shampoo purchase decision using a lower level of elaboration might be persuaded by seeing someone they admire using your shampoo. Ability refers to the availability of cognitive resources and the relevant required knowledge to investigate and analyse arguments. Marta, the less motivated potential customer, is mainly curious about how much TV she can get for her money. In short, central persuasion requires two elements: sufficient arguments and information in the message to analyse this and the recipients willingness to engage in elaboration. This expression contains the unknown parameters. Attraction-Selection-Attrition Framework. The elaboration likelihood model has seven major postulates (Petty & Cacioppo, 1986): In general, incorrect or improper attitudes can have negative behavioral, affective, and cognitive consequences. Zusammenfassung. This means that some factor either encourages or inhibits the generation of either favorable or unfavorable thoughts. Central route pros and cons >Pros: This results in long-lasting cognitive Judgments >Cons: This route is time, effort and energy consuming. designers and get Authored by leading international experts, each chapter represents a personal and . As the influential American literary theorist K. B. Burke noted, it is important to give them the raw material to persuade themselves. Specifically, we have two considerations to bear in mind: motivation and ability. Positive or negative cues youve picked up. One challenge of [], Using a fishbone diagram can help an organization find the root causes of a problem. No matter what line of [], Pareto analysis is a problem solving and decision-making tool that can help you choose the appropriate course of action when [], The Action Priority Matrix is a tool that enables you to make the most of your time by helping you [], The RAPID Decision Making Model is a framework that can help organizations make better decisions. elaboration, is defined as the process of relating incoming message content to pre-existing beliefs, or in simpler terms, focusing harder on message content (Hamilton, 2012). ThoughtCo. Conversely, when elaboration is lower, people use peripheral route processing where they are influenced by rules of . In the 1970s, many researchers attempted to investigate attitude change, and the consistency between attitudes and behaviors. It follows, therefore, that the profile rather than the total number of cognitive . Where Jack had had to think and check some considerations against the facts we provided, Ben was influenced by such factors as the excitement of the lifestyle we portrayed with our skater acrobat (and lets not forget the cheering, onlooking females), and getting the maximum style for money. Persuasion is very much associated with our daily life. Moreover, the website states in large letters that the products are delivered for free. When elaboration levels are low, the individual is using the peripheral route. For instance, if we were designing for a company that sold skateboards, a habitual skateboarder who has a good idea of what he wants would be highly motivated; a curious user whos wondering what the cheapest mid-range board is would be less motivated, and a user who accidentally landed on our design who has no interest in skateboarding would lack any motivation. Within three minutes, hes homed in on the one he wants; its $59.95. The Elaboration Likelihood Model of Persuasion determines that there are two routes the message can take: central and peripheral routes. In the central route, we pay attention to the merits of an argument, and we carefully weigh the pros and cons of an issue. However, they may change again if they process another convincing argument. When discussing the Elaboration Likelihood Model, we use the term 'elaborate' to mean 'to think elaborately about something.' . What if we had a less-motivated user access our site? Elaboration in this model therefore refers to the cognitive action that occurs when analysing a persuasive argument. Consumer behavior and marketing different processing methods, marketers compete against each other every day to do that. More enduring and less likely to be able to process in this model therefore to! Think deeply about the message is being talked about some girls in the background who are watching upside-down... 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