Accordingly, Prov. As Moses grew up Jochebed educated Moses in the religion and history of Israel, ensuring that Moses did not lose his Hebrew identity. And works His sovereign will. Instead of letting him be murdered, she took a basket and coated the bottom with tar, to make it waterproof. The proving of our faith is planned by God to bring praise and honor and glory to Him in the day when Jesus Christ reveals himself at His Second Coming. Hebrew: MSH Mosheh (M. T.), Greek: Mouses, Moses. Some, its likely all of us, know the pain of giving up, letting go of someone, or something precious to you: A relationship, a job, a dream. The Story Answering:, "Jochebed couldn't have gone to the Holy land because God killed off the entire generation that left Egypt except for Caleb and Joshua as punishment. Another proof that "bare" in Numbers 26:59 cannot indicate an immediate father-son or father-daughter relationship is found by considering that this verse states Jochebed was a daughter of Levi. . That Jochebed could still be bearing children at the age of forty-eight might seem unlikely by modern standards. When the child was born, the baby was a boy, and we learn in Exodus 2:10 that he was later named Moses.. Leah and Rachel: The Mothers Who Had to Share. God could grow a crop of wheat on the concrete pavements of our cities if He wanted to, but He normally expects the farmer to use the means at his disposal to grow a crop of wheat. Summary of the story of Jochebed in the Bible Generations after Joseph died, the reigning Pharaoh became paranoid. Moved with compassion when she discovered the child, she decided to adopt him. Has He brought something to your mind that youve been holding on to and need to let go? My pastor often says Give up the hope of a better past, its keeping you from a better tomorrow Past hurt, past decision? The Torah relates that the midwives did not fulfill Pharaohs command because they feared God, who rewarded them for their actions: He established households [battim] for them (Ex. To save her son's life, she waterproofed a basket and put the child in it. Jacob, his sons, and their families had gone into Egypt to live because there was a severe famine in their land, and they were able to find food in Egypt. The Bible records, "She gave birth to a son, and . The new Pharaoh reduced the Hebrews to slavery, he robbed them of their liberties, and he put them to work in the brick yards under cruel taskmasters. Jochebed is usually lost in the shadow of her famous son, Moses, and although she is many times forgotten when studying Exodus 2:1-10, surely in Heaven Jochebed is well known. 2 Later, the woman became pregnant and gave birth to a son. Moses said: The mouth that will speak with God will not nurse something impure [the milk of non-Jews]. Her appearance is short and we are not told much about her, but one trait stands out: trust in God. What if she had been found out, they would take the baby and kill him, perhaps she would lose her life, potentially the whole family, husband, 2 other children= Miriam=young little girl and Aaron=3 years old. Yet the Bible reveals that Levi and his son and grandson all had very long life spans. Moses, in the wilderness, instructed them to put away pagan gods. But this couple worshipped Jehovah God. In all three explanations, Jochebed immediately comprehended that her son was meant for greatness and she discerned that he possessed unique spiritual qualities. There was the risk of him being discovered, or washed away in an errant wave. Women of Influence choose to: Truth: Let it go and trust God. In the midrashic exegesis, the Egyptians counted the months of her pregnancy only from her return to Amram; they did not know that she was already in the third month (see above), and so Moses could be hidden in his parents home until he had had time to grow and develop. Jochebed was the daughter of a Levi man and born in Egypt. She saw that he was a beautiful child, and hid him for three months. He said, for example, I know that my redeemer liveth, and that he shall stand at the latter day upon the earth (Job 19:25). He does them in a big way if we dare to trust Him. Yocheved was the daughter of Levi, Jacob 's son. Jochebed showed great trust in God's faithfulness. Amram married his fathers sister Jochebed, who bore him Aaron and Moses. There is great historical debate on who was Pharaohs daughter? There, Moses stood up for seven young women who were drawing water who were being driven away from the well by shepherds. First, some background. Jacob, too, married two sisters t. A little boy spent many hours making a small boat and then he took it to the lake. Cain the first human murderer recorded in the Bible, Jephthah the Gileadite the tenth Judge of Israel, Samuel 15th Judge of Israel and also a Prophet, Background Information: For Hebrews Chapter 11. She is a witless baby. Still another notion bases its understanding of the name on Job 26:13: By his wind the heavens were calmed [shifrah]. The verse describes the heavens that were created by God for Israel, and it was Shiphrah who returned Israel to their Father in heaven (Eccl. For others, a family member rebels against the Gospel plan of salvation. Hebrews 11:23, 2:1 A man of the family of Levi married the daughter of a descendant of Levi. The outcome of this brave action of defying the King of Egypt is now known to all. Print copies of this booklet may be obtained from: BIBLE HELPS Someone is always crying. The Pharaoh's daughter agreed and so Miriam called her mother, who was appointed to take care of him. United States of America, (Click + to show other publications in this category), (A Study of Acts 18:1-26 and Romans 16:3-5), (Click + to show other publications that have this tag). Exodus 6: 20 - "Amram married his father's sister Jochebed, and she gave birth to his sons Aaron and Moses. Part of her reward was an extremely long life, living to witness the positions of leadership held by her children, and she was even one of the Israelites who entered the land of Canaan. The Rabbis resolve this abbreviated chronology by stating that Jochebed and Amram divorced, and Ex. Courtesy of Wikimedia Commons. Sometimes sorrows crowd in, and troubles pile up, and it seems like God is throwing rocks. Hanover, PA 17331 Rabbah 1:25; for the identification of Jochebed with Shiphrah, see above). "We cannot save our little boy from the forces of death,"Moses' parents decided, "but God can.". Or maybe the relationship has been too close, too controlling, or maybe the seasons of life have changed and its hard to let it go and move on. He treasures up His bright designs He ordered all male Hebrew babies to be killed. 2:12 state that he married a Levite woman. We have seen now the trial of Jochebeds faith, the foundation of her faith, the exercise of her faith, and the response to her faith. Moses, Hebrew liberator, leader, lawgiver, prophet, and historian, lived in the thirteenth and early part of the twelfth century B.C.. NAME. During the few years, Jochebed was permitted to nurse her son, she would have had a profound influence upon him. All Israel saw this, and in consequence they also divorced their wives. This portrayal emphasizes the painstaking attention that Jochebed paid to every detail in the ark. Our background is not our destiny When a womans heart and a babys tears meet, something happens. According to Jewish legend, Jochebed is buried in the Tomb of the Matriarchs, in Tiberias. Pharaoh of ancient Egypt saw that the Hebrews were multiplying greatly and feared that they would consider a revolt. But there came a day when she knew she couldnt hide him any longer, had to let him go, Exodus 2:3-4 But when she was no longer able to hide him, she took a papyrus basket for him and sealed it with bitumen and pitch. Rabbah 1:16). Amram and Jochebed committed Moses to the ark, and the ark would come between Moses and death. Perhaps there would be some shade too from the sun in the reeds. Answer (1 of 23): Re your query: According to Exodus 2, Moses' mother gave him back to Pharoah's daughter. Two lessons emerge from her story. Rabbi (Judah ha-Nasi) would sit and expound, and the public was drowsing. Like Jochebed, we won't always foresee God's purpose in letting go, but we can trust that his plan is even better. One of the great hymns of the church says: God moves in a mysterious way The question of Jochebeds kinship to Amram arises from the statement in Ex. Jochebed knew also that God had foretold the bondage in Egypt which they were now experiencing. [1] Amram was the son of Kohath, who was a son of Levi. Exodus 1; 2. She took leave of her baby with a heavy heart, and tried with all her might to protect him and ensure that he remain alive. Help us elevate the voices of Jewish women. "Jochebed: Mother of Moses." According to this tradition, Amram was the leading scholar of the generation. Zavada, Jack. And so, when we have done all we can do, we must calmly trust in the Lordeven though to us there seems to be no way out. [27], Stories of unusual events during the pregnancy of Aminah, mother of the Islamic prophet Muhammad,[28] are compared with the similar experiences of Jochebed when she was carrying Moses. When Jochebed gave birth to a son, she saw that he was a healthy baby. And the years of the life of Amram were a hundred and thirty seven years. According to the masoretic text, Jochebed's family tree is as follows: According to the Septuagint however, Jochebed would be a cousin of Amram or Kohath: Along with the parting of the Red Sea, the burning bush and the Ten Commandments: The Quran relates the story of Moses with some added details and slight differences. How do we know? The conditions described in the first two chapters of Exodus indicate that indeed those were dark days for the Children of Israel. Jochebed, more commonly referred to as the mom of Moses, is an important biblical character when studying mothers in the Bible. He said: Master of the Universe! At any rate, Pharaohs daughter was determined to give protection to the baby. [29] The significance of this comparison is understood to spring from the affinity of Arabic folklore for Hebrew traditions.[29]. Thus Jochebed nursed her son until he was old enough and brought him to the Pharaoh's daughter, who adopted him as her son. Amram married Jochebed for the sake of Heaven. Jesus says to us, If ye continue in my word, then are ye my disciples indeed; and ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free (John 8:31-32). Jochebed his father's sister. T. Moses died. Pharaohs daughter, although a heathen princess, had a womans (a mothers) instinct, and one thing that touches a womans heart is a crying baby. This would make Jochebed the aunt of Amram, her husband. About 1486, the reigning Pharaoh tried to kill Moses when he sought identity with his people Israel, but Moses escaped to Midian. He plants His footsteps in the sea, Just rememberthis is a trial of your faith planned to bring honor in the day when Jesus reveals himself. I imagine he learned about the Patriarchs: Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph, and the Great Covenantal promises made to the Hebrews. When Moses was about to die, he addressed God and begged for his life. How did Jochebed help Moses become a Hebrew? We can only get through that kind of disappointment by turning it over to God like Jochebed put her child in his care. First, many unwed mothers refuse to have an abortion, yet have no choice but to place their baby for adoption. Maurice is a Messianic Jew who frequently channels God. And she bore to him Aaron and Moses. 'YHWH is glory') was a daughter of Levi[1] and mother of Miriam, Aaron and Moses. Learn Religions. The story of Jochebed is thought to be described in the Book of Exodus (2:110) although she is not explicitly named here. So she made a little miniature Nile boat for her baby.2) She put the child in the basket among the reeds near the bank of the river. She was the only surviving child of Thutmose I . (Maybe an angel stood there and pinched the baby so that he would cry at the right time.). Imagine being her as she left him here alone in the water. Genuine faith also has rewards. Just so, the Son of Righteousness is still shining, although in the dark tunnels of our trials and afflictions, sometimes we fail to see Him. How will you be encouraged by Jochebed to boldly face your fears today? He turned to his three friends, and said in essence, Although I dont know why I am called upon to face this trial, I do know the joy of fellowship with God, and though He slay me, yet will I trust in Him (Job 13:15). In his gracious way, God gives us himself, the most desirable dream we could ever imagine. Jochebed was the mother of Moses, one of the major characters in the Old Testament. Growing up, we wanted him to have all the normal experiences of childhood, sleepovers, soccer, basketball, baseball, and football, field trips, then dates, eventually college and marriage: without me. Perhaps God might use him to fulfill the Promise. The smaller lad began to cry even more, because he thought his brother was trying to sink the boat. 1:21), which the Rabbis understand as priestly and Levitical households, or as royal households. Rabbah 1:13). She was so scared of losing her son that she placed him in a basket in one of the most dangerous places imaginable. In verse 16 we find that Levi's sons were Gershon, Kohath and Merari. Jochebed was the mother of Moses, one of the major characters in the Old Testament. They first became unlawful by the positive command recorded in Leviticus 18:12. This brings us to the influence one mother had on history - not only the history of her family, but the entire history of the children of Israel. Jochebed was paid to nurse and care for the boy, her own son until he grew. Maybe its a relationship that is toxic and you need to make a hard choice. 2:2). The story of Moses' mother is found in chapter two of Exodus, Exodus 6:20, and Numbers 26:59. We know from history that all the kings in Pharaohs day had bath houses, such as even the wealthiest do not possess in our day. Lesson two Handout (Click Here). By faith, Jochebed and her husband Amram hid their son Moses even against the king of Egypts edict that all Hebrew boys should be put to death at birth. Jochebed Mother of Moses. She is only mentioned twice by name in Scripture, but she is the mother of Miriam, Aaron and Moses. She was Levi 's daughter, and Kehot, Amram's father, was Levi 's son. [22], Textual scholars attribute the genealogy to the Book of Generations, a hypothetical document originating from a similar religiopolitical group and date to the priestly source. She caulked it with bitumen and pitch (Ex. Exodus 2:2b She hid him for 3 months. She did . Hebrews11:23 they were not afraid of the kings edict. Jochebed, wife of Amram and mother of Moses, Aaron, and Miriam, is mentioned by name only in Exod 6:20 and Num 26:59, both genealogical listings. Like Jochebed, they trust God to find a loving home for their child. How do we know? With Thy favorloss is gain. She chose bulrushes, a soft and flexible material that is capable of withstanding contact with both soft and hard objects. Not only was Moses spared, but his older sister (later identified as Miriam in Exodus 15:20), who was standing somewhere within sight, offered the Egyptian princess her services. Why did Terah died in Haran? In the Rabbinic exegesis, Jochebed was already pregnant with Moses before Amram divorced her, and the fetus in her womb was three months old when he remarried her. In Thy service pain is pleasure, (Isaiah 18:2 writes that the Egyptians made their boats, skiffs out of this material. You can never get them all quiet at the same time. Likewise, we have nothing to fear when we learn to rely on God. ): I will pay your wages, from which the Rabbis learned of Jochebeds righteousness: like the righteous, she merited the return of what she had lost (her son), and in addition received reward for it (for having nursed him) (Ex. PO Box 391 Ex. The woman conceived and bore a son, since she conceived before this second marriage? The Rabbis deduced from this that righteous women are not subject to the decree passed on Eve (that is, the curse of in pain shall you bear children [Gen. 3:16] does not apply to them) (BT Sotah 12a). 3 But when she was no longer able to hide him, she took a papyrus container, coated it with asphalt and pitch, placed the child in it, and put it among the reeds along the bank of the Nile. Meet Miriam: Moses' Sister and Prophetess During the Exodus. We must remember that the young woman was the kings daughter, and that the hatred for the Israelites was bred into the very core of her being. The Scripture says, And, behold, the babe wept (Exodus 2:6). Jochebed was Amram's aunt, strangely enough; she was his father's sister. After Moses was born, Yocheved hid him at home for three months. By Harold S. MartinA Bible Helps Booklet No. The sun has not stopped shining just because the traveler in the tunnel doesnt see it. He went from her arms to the arms of Pharaohs daughter. Her name in Hebrew means "bitterness." Miriam was the first woman in the Bible to be given the title prophetess. But soon he noticed that the stones were going beyond the boat and forming huge circular waves in the waterand those waves were bringing his boat toward the shore. The Egyptians believed that the waters of the Nile possessed the ability to impart fruitfulness and to prolong life.4 Dr. Thomas Constable, While her attendants were walking up and down the banks keeping undesirable people and animals away, she saw the basket. I felt like cold water had been poured all over me. Imagine the emotions, the feelings Jochebed had as she placed him down and backed away. F. Pharaoh's daughter knew Moses was a Hebrew baby. God blessed Jochebed's obedience by making her Moses' nursemaid. The woman became pregnant and gave birth to a son. According to Exodus 6:20, Jochebed married her nephew; thus, she was Amram's aunt as well as his wife. Jochebed enjoyed longevity, living to witness the positions of leadership held by her children, and was even one of the Israelites who entered the land of Canaan. Miriam, the baby's sister, watched to see what would happen. Then verse 18 shows that Kohath's sons were Amram, Izhar, Hebron and Uzziel. Amram and Jochebed had a daughter, Miriam, and two sons, Aaron and Moses. For some, poverty comes, friends disappoint, children bring heartaches, and feelings of inferiority torment. JOCHEBED (Heb. First of all, God began to move upon the heart of the pagan daughter of a pagan king, so that at the exact time the baby Moses lay by the rivers edge, Pharaohs daughter came to this very place to take a swim. Would he be treated differently because he was Hebrew? She found herself in a terrible. Trials and difficulties and obstacles come to all of us, but for the moment, we want to look at the example found in the life of Jochebed. The story of his birth ( Exodus 2:1-10) is followed by an account of his killing of an Egyptian and the flight to Midian ( Exodus 2:11-16 ). Yet the Bible reveals that Levi and his son and grandson all had very long life spans. Jochebed was a daughter of Levi ( Exodus 2:1 ), and the mother of Aaron, Moses, and Miriam ( Exodus 6:20; Numbers 26:59 ). The second lesson is for heartbroken people who have to turn their dreams over to God. Much of what we know about Jochebed is recorded in the first ten verses of Exodus 2. Who was the mother of kohath? She felt a firm unity with her Creator and was exhilarated by this bond. Jochebed's story is the third part of our eight-week Bible study - Ordinary Parents with Extraordinary Faith. Joseph, Jacob's son, was a ruler in Egypt at that time and the children of Jacob (Israel) were treated kindly. Job had some low points in his experience, but repeatedly he expressed his confidence in Gods faithfulness. And so Jochebed did what she could. She and her husband, Amram lived around 1571BC to 1613BC or 2,433 years after Creation. The Apocrypha calls her Tharmuth, other names suggested are Merris, or Bityah, perhaps even the well-known Hatshepsut( HAT shep shoot). Exodus 2, which describes the birth of Moses, does not name her, or, for that matter, the father or sister of Moses. And if all the male children were murdered, it would of course only be a generation or two until as a nation they would be wiped out completely. 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