This is great news as Elder Ballard has just given his apostolic permission to members, including me, to be more open about and discuss the problematic Steve Bloor: Former Mormon bishop critical of church accuses it of 'excommunication by the backdoor' The 51-year-old podiatrist said he was told last week that his name had been removed from the . CES Letter began as a letter Runnells wrote to an LDS religious instructor (CES Director) outlining his questions, concerns, and doubts about LDS Church foundational truth claims (e.g., Book of Mormon and Book of Abraham historicity, Joseph Smith's polygamy and polyandry, LDS priesthood restoration, multiple first vision accounts). Yes I've witnessed appalling things said to the faithful in workplaces and heard the media's taunts. [5], After not receiving a response, in April 2013 he posted his letter on the internet. February 10, 2016 CES Letter Foundation Press Conference, Leaked Video of Jeremy Runnells Disciplinary Council. Do what is right and the consequence is excommunication. I started my questioning expecting the church would remain victorious on the other end as I had complete faith and hope that the church was true Those who do leave over historical inaccuracies, according to her research with Benjamin Knoll, are a smaller, vocal, and growing group. It felt like bullying to me. ", "Mormon history is discrediting the church. Different accounts of First Vision. They also cant hold a calling in their ward, so they are outside (ex) community. Not a single question. As current Church Historian Steven Snow states above, the church followed and continues to follow a pattern of keeping records closed and not giving In fact, this essay went further than I did by admitting the Runnells decides to redirect the conversation from verbally via the phone to writing They were wrong about polygamy/polyandry/marrying and having sex with teenage girls. answers to try to help me. Without a healthy marketplace where the free flow of information, ideas, and discussion exist, there is no true freedom. CES Letter represents Runnells' sincere attempt to obtain answers to legitimate questions and doubts through proper church leadership channels. want my name permanently and completely removed from the membership rolls of the church. She wrote this op-ed before that decision, but it's just as relevant today.) years to answer the questions as promised me. Will you appeal this? Ms. Kelly's stake president had warned her in a letter in May that if she did not shut down the website, dissociate herself from it and repent, she faced excommunication for "openly, repeatedly. There was The February 28th cancellation of the March 20th court has nothing to do with my grandfather's passing. what you have said and done has done just that. ", "The honest investigator must be prepared to follow wherever the search of truth may lead. It depends upon the spiritual needs of the person. I have now come to a place where I respect the leaders and many things in the Church. negative facts about its truth claims. It was done in a way that was a business approach to a soul who had been educated since primary (Mormon school for children on Sundays) th. I have repeatedly asked you for correction so that I can publicly correct as I am only interested in accurate facts and information. They're in apostasy. /r/Mormon is a subreddit for articles and topics of interest to people interested in I want to add that I trust that you will be fair to me and will follow Note: Your post will require moderator approval before it will be visible. Fox 13 covered the event and Runnells was interviewed by the Salt Lake Tribune after the event. All members feel learning these troubling facts for the first time after a lifetime of discipleship and faithful study of correlated church history. A Bishop has 4 tools at his discretion to help someone repent and be forgiven in the eyes of the church: The first 2 do not show up in a member's record, the other 2 do. Of seer stones. By clicking Accept All, you consent to the use of ALL the cookies. As for translations, I have spent exactly $0 on translations. I have in turn asked several of my own to you. Natasha Helfer received the news of her excommunication from her Salt Lake City-based church on Wednesday in a letter written by Stephen Daley, a regional church official in Derby, Kansas. And I find that very, very President Ivins assured Runnells that he wanted to help, and that he would obtain answers. In 1841 the Mormons published a poem which stated "Or Book of Mormon not his word, because denied by Oliver". by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints on charges of apostasy. It is all recorded and documented for you to see for yourself. We were all temple recommend holders, and they were treating us like we had baseball bats or something.. Gender issues. disturbing. I'm really touched by that. You have refused over and over and over and over and over to show me any errors or mistakes for me to publicly correct. In response to criticism that the videos were mocking Runnells and other disaffected Latter Day Saints, FairMormon chairman John Lynch said, "We are not trying to mock the people who are affected by the 'CES Letter,' We are mocking the letter itself and signal to people that this is a deceitful document, not to be taken seriously. I'm somewhat confused and surprised by this news, however, because President Ivins and I had originally agreed upon a March date to accommodate my Ivins' church office in American Fork, Utah. While I no longer attend regularly, I enjoy attending family events (blessings, baptisms, ordinations, funerals, etc.). This is the family member referred to above as being in hospice. he could come in to meet with Ivins. doctrine.". They refused to answer any The bishop explained to me that he felt that anything more would have driven her away from the gospel. Yesterday's doctrine is today's disavowed "theories". - Book of Abraham. If it would not crush my parents, I would have used quitmormon already. questions posed in CES Letter and raised concerns about the LDS Church's recent historical essays ( For your convenience, in addition to enclosing the letter I handed to you bunnzy having been put on probation and disfellowshipped (yes I was a bad girl) I was put on probation through talking with my bishop at the time, I couldn't partake of the sacrament, say prayers, giv. Runnells did not hear back again from President Ivins until January 25, 2016 when Ivins telephoned Runnells to inform him of his intention to President Ivins has never given me any mistakes to correct as required by Church Handbook for disciplinary actions. The Nelsen, Transition Integrity Project - full document, Rich Higgins National Security Council Memo - Deep State, Article on the Pentagon and unidentified aerial phenomenon, Marco Rubio on off-world crafts in our top-secret air space. you shared in your email. By hiding and withholding important information from members and investigators, you are literally obstructing the free agency of members of the church, and I have a problem with that. -Jeremy Runnells, during his disciplinary council, 17 April 2016. simply seeking official answers to church problems. So the real problem here is that the church has a problem with freedom of expression. Anything less is an obstruction to the free agency of the individual.. It has validated and confirmed to me that this organization has no divine power or divine mantle behind it. In fact, most of them have created versions of Mormonism that directly contradict the First Presidency's and Quorum of Twelve's version of Mormonism. me. has already had 913 submissions of resignation in the time since Sam's announcement barely a day ago. It contains the summons letter from William H. Reeder Jr., the president of the New England Mission, for her to appear before the bishop's court and his cryptic, one-line excommunication proclamation 26 days later. Church's own foundational truth claims. You're invited to your Court of Love next month. The Church's Race and the Priesthood, Plural Marriage in Kirtland and Nauvoo, Book of Mormon Translation, First Vision Accounts, and Translation and Historicity of the Book of Abraham essays not only are in open opposition to Joseph Smith and church leaders, they directly contradict carefully correlated church narratives taught to generations of Latter-day Saints. The council will be held February 14th 2016 @ But go ahead, bash away. The website exists for the purpose of being able to directly respond, in an organized manner, to those who have attacked me and continue to I have asked you 3 questions over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over. including translations. A vigil for Jeremy Runnells is being organized on Sunday, February 14, 2016 @ 7:00 pm Mountain Time at the American Fork Utah East Stake Center. After four years of research into Joseph offering to answer my questions or to find answers to my questions, I have found that rather than getting answers, I instead get silence and ultimately at (801) 240-3500 and ask them to check on it. Runnells holds a press conference to announce and discuss the upcoming disciplinary council as well as to discuss details on what has occurred between you told me in our last meeting that you thought I'm a good man. I have also recently had ear surgery that I am still excommunication when I have done nothing wrong and have sought official answers to my questions and concerns about church essay verified problems through Runnells decides to email Ivins to I am one of them, resigned yesterday about 30mins after he open the letter =/. Photo by Jody England Hansen. the ones i've known about a one night stand was never enough to create a common law marriage. He's asked to have a deaf interpreter. The room with the high council and stake presidency already inside was locked and Ivins had to tap to get the door opened. But the world has changed in the "If a faith will not bear to be investigated; if its preachers and professors are afraid to have it examined, their foundation must be very weak." It may take time. This means the papyri did not come from Abraham's own hand as Joseph and the church claimed the last 175 or so council: Jeremy Runnells, Author of CES Letter, Faces LDS Church Excommunication: Jeremy Runnells, author of the popular Letter to a CES Director faces excommunication from the LDS Church on believe that leaders in the Church are kind, dedicated, loving, caring, well-meaning and very diligent servants to the members. This is especially true in light of my verbal and written promise and willingness to If the person is bitter and wants to be excommunicated, then it will happen. Seasons and Times, Vol 2, p482. seen as nothing short of Orwellian. 4 days ago. "My experience with President Ivins, unfortunately, the past year and a half, is that he has never answered my questions. Now that they've used up their leverage they held against you as an idle threat, you are free to roar like you've never roared before!!!!! Many wonder if the Quite frankly, President, I am extremely disturbed by your behavior and actions against me. Runnells received a phone call from Ivins himself a little past noon. What errors or mistakes in the CES Letter, or on the website, is incorrect so I can publicly correct it? I would like to meet But all of it is secondary to my unyielding love of the church. Our whole strength rests on the validity of that vision. 2. Is my understanding correct? What errors and mistakes are there in the CES Letter or on my website that I can publicly correct? claims, you and the church are actively seeking to censor, silence, and kill the messenger rather than address the message. "No interpreter or any representative will be allowed to attend with you. I am disgusted by the LDS Church's and President Ivins' multiple attempts to place me in the same category as murderers, rapists, and child molesters for No interpreter was present in the room. Your past communication is not clear and opens the possibility that you desire to cancel the meeting and move our conversation to email/writing. A note dated 4 July 1840 preceded Phelps's letter in the letterbook. to stand up for truth and right. GEORGE, Utah (ABC4 News) - A former bishop of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints announced on his website that he was excommunicated over a podcast that frequently criticizes church history, policies and procedures. fragments as parts of standard funerary texts that were deposited with mummified bodies." Many Latter-day Saints share the same questions and concerns I do about the LDS Church's foundational truth claims. understand that some of what you have said and done has done just that.". In the end, President, I know that you will do what you feel is appropriate. I wanted my church's answers and defense to very troubling facts I learned about Joseph Smith and the church's origins and will respect this request and the Handbook by not attempting to hold a disciplinary council against me in my absence and inability to defend myself. Excuse me, I meant that she has been subject to a withdrawal of membership. Withdrawal is the new euphemism for excommunication, per the revised Church Handbook. If you decide to do so, please send me a written statement specifying the alleged errors or unfairness in the procedure or decision. Some leaders, like Hans Mattsson, an area authority in Sweden, when Firestorm ensues, Ivins reverses interpreter ban after Runnells fights for one. I no longer have access to the CHI, so I'm going from memory here a little bit, but probation is really up to the discretion of the Bishop as to the DOs and DON'Ts. to believe in during the 1980s and 1990s never really . In fact, truth, The free flow of information and a healthy, balanced marketplace of information are, Free agency - supposedly the church's most cherished and foundational principle (after all, Heavenly Father lost 1/3, Runnells responds to Ivins' censorship demands, Runnells updates the public on latest with communications with Stake President Mark Ivins, Ivins ignores Runnells' clarification questions and tries to corner Runnells, Runnells tells Ivins that his understanding is incorrect as he is asking clarification questions about Ivins' demands, Ivins continues to ignore Runnells' clarification questions and sends Runnells another disciplinary council letter, Disciplinary council is set for April 17, 2016 @ 6pm. Upon its public release, CES Letter went viral and immediately became a Mormon internet phenomenon, providing validation and support to tens of thousands of questioning current and former LDS Church members. reference. the 1st 6 cylinder car they made. Runnells responds to Ivins' March 20, 2016 @ 5:05am email with the following 11:56pm email (screenshot): I am asking you questions seeking clarification and understanding from you as to how you and the church justify your demands to censor me, obstruct my free [4], The CES Letter outlines a large list of issues Runnells has with LDS Church beliefs and its historical narrative. Join. Church members can be excommunicated if they are involved in gross iniquity. In the spring of 2013, Jeremy was approached and asked by a CES Director to share his questions and concerns about the LDS Church's origins, history, and current practices. A number of elements about this story make me angry, not the least of which is that this is a church that emphasizes order, procedure, detail and following rules to the letter. Another acquaintance was ex'd for a single adulterous affair 10 years previous to being called to be elders quorum president. While I can understand and appreciate that point of view, President, my response is that it is not only an inaccurate perception but it is a simplistic one 8:54. I'm not alone here. The artist, Ryan Ottley, also released a statement saying, "My entire family are members, as are many of my friends, and I would never include anything mean-spirited about them or their beliefs. 15th, Handbook and common decency requires that you provide me written email and certified mail notice at least six days in advance. I recognize that dealing with a family member receiving hospices care is a difficult situation for you and your family. Wait a minute. Church authorities excommunicate a person from the Church only when he has chosen to live in opposition to the Lord's commandments and thus has disqualified himself for further membership in the Church. The Church Handbook is clear that when there is any possibility of a personal conflict of interest in a disciplinary hearing, the stake president is supposed to consult with the First Presidency. free agency and the free agency of others, and to take our conversation away from the light of transparency and openness into the dark of secrecy and It is worth bringing up current Church Historian Elder Steven Snow's comment again: "I think in the past there was a tendency to keep a lot of the records closed or at least not give access to information. When the essays were released, I made sure to include them so that CES Letter readers could read the church's essays. Total I have already answered and rebutted this accusation against me in my March 7th letter to you. non-transparency. I had two meetings with you (Stake President) in the fall of 2014. Ivins emailed the very next morning at 5am after my press release announcing that he decided to postpone the Valentine's Day evening court of love to March 20th. We had a gentleman's agreement over the phone when you called to meet on March 15th and you have now backed from your word by holding a disciplinary I excommunicate the church from my life That statement is so potent because it asserts real authority. In other words, by censoring and suppressing individuals like me who are contributing to the Mormon marketplace of information, the church is demonstrating I was extremely alarmed and disturbed by your actions on the week of February 8th with your claim that newly "additional information" demanded a Runnells receives a text message from Ivins' secretary asking if Runnells could come in to meet with Ivins in his church office in two days (January 26, desire to ensure that the information contained in the letter I was sending to the CES Director was as accurate as possible. individual who is a party to conversations to record and disclose the content of said conversations. confirmed to me in a very real and personal way that I no longer want to be associated with this organization in any way. theories promoting a bizarre version of Mormonism that Chapel Mormons would not recognize. Truth stands boldly and unafraid; it is not shaken by testing or investigation. accordingly. You can post now and register later. He admitted to his SP his past deeds. Regarding my Letter to a CES Director and the website where it is currently posted: I originally wrote the Letter to a CES Director because the CES Director, a friend of my grandfather, directly requested that I communicate my Lives are at stake. In fact, I credit FairMormon for helping to make As my interpreter is a professional interpreter, he is bound by confidentiality so I have zero concerns. Thank you for the clarification on your intention to cancel our March 15th meeting and to communicate via writing. Dehlin's press release Tuesday insisting that they were factors. church as promised me by its CES Director three years ago. Thanks for the laugh. began as a letter Mr. Runnells wrote to an LDS religious instructor (CES Director) outlining his questions, concerns, and doubts about LDS Church Why are you treating me like a criminal when I am not one? I believe that members and investigators deserve to have all of the facts and information on the tableto be able to make a fully-informed and balanced decision as to whether or not they want to commit their hearts, minds, time, talents, income and lives to Mormonism. I believe I have answered all of your questions. without challenge or to defend myself. These actions and very vague insinuations felt like a character assassination attempt on the part of you and the church by insinuating that I was new window while listening to the audio recording on this page. Ditto for Debunking FairMormon's Debunking and my responses to other Point #1: Truth is unafraid of private or public scrutiny, questions, and debate. '"[25], Harris, M. L., Bringhurst, N. G., & Mauss, A. L. (2020). In the event it Attacking the messenger does not alter the reality of the message." 0:00. B). today's church essays facts. - President J. Reuben Clark, "Some struggle with unanswered questions about things that have been done or said in the past." Witnesses who prepared testimony to help defend Natasha Helfer in her church court but were denied entrance into the building. You state: "After reviewing your website and your statements, there are many who might suggest that you are openly and publicly acting in opposition to makes the presence of an interpreter a concern. He was either a Prophet of God, divinely called, properly appointed and Please disregard the notice you received by mail today regarding the disciplinary council scheduled for February 14, 2016. He went through a lot of hell, but to this day is still a member and a non-excommunicant (never ex'd). assumption has always been that the 15th meeting is still on but wanted to make double sure. Address many who might suggest that you are openly and publicly acting in opposition to the Church. If he repent not he shall not be numbered among my people, 3Ne. Many times PH leaders will not push the issue at first so that the person can come in and confess on their own (broken heart and contrite spirit) and allow the atonement to being to work on them. If you have an account, sign in now to post with your account. To excommunicate me is an atrocious grotesque injustice. Why haven't you given me Posted on Jun 18, 2014 This month (June 2014), two Mormons who have been critical of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints received letters from church officials threatening them with possible excommunication. I will meeting.". High Priest guy that everyone rolls their eyes to in Sunday School (every ward seems to have one). is a good thing as without updating it, I would be doing a disservice to CES Letter readers as well as the church by not correcting errors and mistakes seers, and revelators all pointing to God himself as the source and gatekeeper of the ban. additional information which facilitates holding a Stake Disciplinary Council in your behalf. It either occurred or it did not occur. ", Elder Ballard pointed to the church's essays ( and instructed his I never heard back from him again. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints excommunicated a prominent sex therapist on Wednesday, citing her criticism of the church and its leaders on social media. But Lyman remained with his wife, Amy Brown Lyman, the general president of an LDS women's society, and was rebaptized in 1954, according to The Salt Lake Tribune. Questions which you agreed to help me get answers to - with zero conditions attached - in our November 2, 2014 ",, "With its gentler approach, FAIR drops its snarky videos aimed at LDS Church critics", "Marvel Removes Anti-Mormon Reference from 'Amazing Spider-Man' Comic", "These Mormon twins worked together on an IRS whistleblower complaint over the church's billions and it tore them apart", "Mormons, Here's Why I Published the Revelations About the LDS Church's $100 Billion Stockpile",, This page was last edited on 25 February 2023, at 12:50. Runnells confirms, Runnells gives Ivins notice of his intention to bring an ASL interpreter to the March 15th meeting, Ivins doesn't want Runnells bringing in an ASL interpreter for their informal March 15th meeting, Ivins agrees to move their conversation over to writing, Ivins asks Runnells specific questions relating to CES Letter, Runnells discusses the Mormon Marketplace of Information and its importance to free agency, Runnells responds to several accusations made against him by Ivins. Yesterday's historians and members with questions have been disciplined and excommunicated on accusations that they were "acting in opposition to the Church members can be excommunicated if they are involved in gross iniquity. Paste as plain text instead, Please let me know if you are willing to abide by these terms. So I believe that it is at the discretion of each Bishop what penelty they will assign. Ivins then blindsides and shocks Runnells with his following email sent two hours later @ 9:36pm (screenshot): Bro. assist, please let me know. Mormon marketplace of information) about the church's foundational truth claims, as verified and confirmed by the church's own essays. I handed my resignation letter to President Ivins just a few minutes ago. For those of you who are silently struggling with doubtsstop doubting your doubts. It has been replaced by an Orwellian system that values unquestioning to "talk about my membership in the church". Also, no worries about preciseness as I have On Sunday, I will be tried in . Jody England Hansen writes the names of more than 700 people who could not attend in person to express their support for Helfer but wanted to communicate their solidarity. FairMormon made direct personal attacks on me, my integrity and my character in their response. This past Friday, Williams released this Open Letter to LDS church leaders in response to the planned disciplinary hearings for apostasy by Kate Kelly for organizing the day of action. Which means that they, too, take their place on the spectrum of excommunication, outside the body of the members their alienation less formal and official, but no less real. Gone are the days when a student raised a Its like even the witnesses were pre-excommunicated out of communication, out of sight, out of the protection of the Church Handbook. against me. What's an investigation? Why won't you just answer the following questions, President? In addition to inaccurate personal ad hominem attacks, Truth in Church History. I wanted to make sure that the church's essays After close to a three week break, Ivins breaks silence by emailing Runnells the following 4:57am email (screenshot): Brother Runnells - As a follow-up to my previous email, I plan to meet with you on March 15th 2016 as previously scheduled. This Jeremy Runnells, Author of CES Letter, Faces LDS Church Excommunication FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE CES Letter Foundation Phone: 801.609.8301 Email: Jeremy Runnells, author of the popular Letter to a CES Director faces excommunication from the LDS Church on charges of apostasy This essay statement directly contradicts the statement found in the Book of Abraham: "The writings of Abraham while he was in Egypt, called the Book of Abraham, written by his own hand, upon papyrus." Why isn't the church going after FairMormon for destroying Mormon testimonies on the Internet? This letter is my formal resignation from the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and it is effective immediately. temple blessings." A total time span of a year and a half. Why am I being punished for pointing to church essay verified facts and admissions? CES Letter has been downloaded an estimated 600,000 times to date, and over 12,000 LDS Church members have reached out to Runnells after reading the CES Letter. and integrity. Most Chapel Mormons would be disturbed and shocked at the new Mormonism that these unofficial apologists mingle and preach with Excommunicated persons can, however, rejoin the fold by being rebaptized. Functional cookies help to perform certain functionalities like sharing the content of the website on social media platforms, collect feedbacks, and other third-party features. Against me in a very real and personal way that I can publicly.... Some struggle with unanswered questions about things that have been done or said in event... 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