Artemis call Zo Nightshade so we have another Hunter, Poseidon call Amphitrite and Triton and Hades call Persephone. We all watched as they carried the young boy off to his bed who was protesting loudly. "My boy you have woken up! Trying to decide if he was acceptable or not. You didn't summon us?". tip: katekyou "alternate universe" sort:>words, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Percy Jackson and the Olympians - Rick Riordan. He was asleep within minutes and we sighed in relief heading back out to our sisters and Artemis. When we had caught breakfast which was elk and 2 rabbits, we cooked it and plated up, 18 servings in total which was 16 huntresses plus Artemis and Percy which was a rather small portion because he was so little. Chapter 21 176 pages April 15, 2018 Daughter of Nyx Hunter of Artemis. I got up to go and see what was wrong but to my surprise, as I reached the flap of my tent I saw my son was running to Phoebe's tent who came out after a second, and was then pulled to Zoe's tent, after they managed to make her stop crying I heard them both singing to her which was making her laugh. 1.3M 18.6K 31. "L-L-Lady Artemis, P-Please keep my son safe. all eyes were on me. 84 guests Potter and Poseidon, god of the sea. "Yes my little one, quite like that!" The group made it through the first book without the Gods killing anyone, mostly due to not having their powers. Feet away from the sea and the lazy Sea king did nothing! I know he is male, but he is only a child. If I had to pick, I would say that they were his two favourite sisters even though he loved them all like his own sisters. The lightning thief (Percy Jackson and the Olympians) Twelve-year-old Percy Jackson is on the most dangerous quest of his life. as well as Hera looked grateful for the interruption and waved her hand so a special Greek sheet filled with feathers and moss appeared beneath the falling children. Mortal world AU's. It's rare IMHO to find a good fic that doesn't retcon everything since HOO of goes in an original direction. I cautiously walked towards the light and was pulled in and found myself falling with a screaming girl. "Hello Hermes, Hephaestus. "Chiron I know and respect that my father has given you orders to keep my son here. She fell in love with him. We all knew he could breathe under water out of our experience with every single bath time we had ever been a part of and all of the open expanses of water that were nearby wherever we stayed which were hiding Percy 50% of the time we played hide and seek for like 3 hours until he came out beaming and yelling. Report story. Artemis quickly explained what was happening and she nodded though she was tense. They had just come back from breeding season and alerted us to their arrival. I whispered to him and his eyes lit up as he ran over to the tree hollow wary not to get to close to the gods but he flashed them a polite smile as he dug deep into the hollow and pulled out his inventory. Browse through and read reading percy . He was wary at first but as I knew he was a very ticklish boy, he giggled and squirmed before squealing with delight and yelling "No, no, no, no pweeeeeeeeeeeeaasse miss, stop nooooooooo. Phoebe whispered the last bit and I smiled at her. Just then a silver bow and arrow came into sight above my head as well and knocked the trident away pulsing silver steadily as if it was angry. He hadn't quite understood how old the girls were and kept saying that when he was their age he wanted to do stuff like them and hunt. she answered at him smiling. This was Peter McReily. Hermes waved his hand over the equipment that had been stolen and safely returned it. I relaxed and put my knifes away but still held the boy close. he looked at her a little scared now like he was going to be punished. One night when I was awake just listening to the wildlife I heard Zoe crying and mumbling in her sleep. "My boy I am Hestia god of the hearth and home which means I can control fire but I also see everything!" This is because it might ruin the story. valkerie; marvel; powerfulpercy . Zeus&Apollobashing! asked the frightened child. I took wonder in how he trusted me so much! She bowed to mum and then jogged to her sisters to tell them about how camp was now. Percy and Annabeth have made it out of Tartarus, but the real war is just getting started. Just got abducted by a few campers, it was all a big misunderstanding!" I bowed to them still holding Percy and asked. "I Lady Artemis, Goddess of Childbirth the Hunt and the Moon hereby swear to raise your child as my own on the River Styx." Chapter 16 I got scared and stepped closer to Zoe for comfort who threw an arm around me and ruffled my hair which made me groan. The girl in the front had Auburn hair and bright silver eyes. We were right and I scowled at the boy but it vanished when he looked up at me with a beam on his face that was slightly guilty as he said, "Sowwy Phe-Phe but I had to; I wanted Zee-Zee to have a good pwesent so I made it see!". Then Zeus nodded towards the other four demigods. I was quite small and scrawny for my age but was fast and stronger than I looked. Chapter 23. He could see through the mist and knew it was . He was quite scrawny but not as weak as he looked. Help him p-please. Rubbing him dry all over, even though he could will himself dry sometimes, he still liked the feel of a nice soft towel, especially this particular blue one which happened to have fishes on it which Percy adored. Very important!" The only troubles we ever had with the child were. He collapsed exhausted by this big effort and both Zoe and Phoebe came up to him smiling warmly before turning it into an evil grin as Zoe grabbed the buck and started to heave it back towards the tents leaving Phoebe who hoisted the scrawny demigod onto her shoulder and walked after Zoe with the small boy over her shoulder. 14. Chapter 11 "Wike when Auntie Hestia gived me her powers. Percy: [to Artemis] Should we just rest for the rest of the day since it is already afternoon and the dare is to take you out for breakfast? Gods of forgery and thieves/travellers among other things. Zeus will be very angry! Ares finished his sandwich and brushed his hands together to get rid of crumbs he lifted himself off of the ground but then realised he was dealing with a three year old and knelt down with one knee on the floor and picked Percy up and put him on it. The lights dimmed and there was a blue glow coming from above my head. Also a certain prophecy. I don't do fishy sandwiches but I can make a ham one if you want" the god laughed at this obviously recognising his power as that of a child of Poseidon. Triton's throne was next to Amphitrite's and looked a lot like Poseidon's but much more plain. Someone always had to stay behind when I wasn't with him but they didn't mind at all. Percy is betrayed when Nick Waters, a son of Poseidon and Percy's half brother, comes to camp. "Mooooom" he whined and we all laughed at his embarrassment. He pulled a length of rope out of his pocket and bent down to the buck tying all four legs together. Perseus is raised by the Hunters of Artemis. A 14 year old boy was head counsellor for the Hermes cabin and came up to us giving us toiletries and some clothes he 'borrowed' from storage. But remember when he refused to come out of the lake for bedtime. That was the last straw for Chaos, he found his son Percy . There are currently twelve major gods, the Olympians, who rule over the universe, all of whom are under . Suddenly I saw a silvery-blue light and stalked up to it quickly. It was a wooden dolphin and the boy seemed to like it very much as he was reaching up and trying to grab it. The battle with Kronos had ended a couple of months ago, but now that it was over, I didn't know what to do. Just as Percy was getting tired of tag and took his pup back to the wolf tent for the night even though it was only 4 o'clock, he came over to me and asked if he could show me Zoe's present so I could tell him if she'd like it. - he saw my worried face as I held the boy closer but re-assured me by saying. My huntresses didn't like him but I know he'd like Percy. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. When I was done I checked out and took the trolley to the back of the shop. Son of Artemis (Percy Jackson Fanf. Percy Jackson: Son Of Artemis SOA Book&Literature 87 Chapters 1.6M Views Author: TheGodSage. The 27 of July!" The Seven are now about to be together and the great prophecy will begin. This wasn't so much a problem as a nuisance but my heart raced each time I heard him cry. Changing him wasn't a problem for them and they loved telling him stories at bedtime. Chapter 18 There they are to read several books about the past and future of Percy Jackson in the hopes of making a better future. He had been extremely easy to potty train. They had been on a mission to save another stray demigod who was beside me. He was developing very fast. It turns out my son has quite a nice voice and Apollo had tried to get him interested in poetry after I had told him about my son but he was having none of it. 23. Though Poseidon never got the chance to detect the boy's presence as he was never allowed near the sea just in case. he laughed and looked up when Hestia stopped. Just then there was a flash beside us and Percy was so shocked he fell on his bum taking the hollow door of the tree with him. He smiled at us and closed his eyes dropping the bottle and fell asleep. Your the Son of the Man-hating Goddess, Artemis. Whenever he woke up crying about monsters he'd seen around the camp when it was attacked, they would both go to his room and sing him a lullaby to put him to sleep before falling asleep themselves by his side. I had never seen such a powerful demigod. I woke up in a deck chair next to Ellie who was asleep so I shook her awake. Follows Book 1! It had an inscription on it that read, 'When the darkness comes at night my dear. They didn't mind changing him when I asked them if they could take some shifts because taking care of a small child, especially a demigod child, was tiring. 1067 guests So far she was getting a new bow from Artemis, a set of green clothes from the other hunters along with emerald earrings and a necklace, I was getting her a new dress, headband and iPod for her beloved Demi Lovato songs along with a 50 voucher as I have been saving up for a whole year because we only celebrate ten year birthdays in the hunt unless of course it's Percy! As Lieutenant of the Hunt, I was able to say an incantation which would bless the animal's species with two of the animal for each one that was killed. I recognized them as Lords Hephaestus and Hermes. Lord Hephaestus wasn't easy to look at and he didn't make much of an effort either. "Sleep" and panicking I felt myself drifting off. It caught two of them but the older of the two boys fell on to the hard tiled floor. So I gave them one. Just as Ares had, she had let go of her cold exterior shell and was nice to be around after we found the boy. 19. His powers had also grown immensely for now he could control moderate flames thanks to Hestia as well as summon a small meal for four, though it drained him. How will the gods react to this? "Fine, yes come whenever you like and relieve me please, it's so tiring looking after so many children even though some are more than 2000 years old!" It only took a week and he was off nappies completely. I was curious why so many gods were taking an interest in the boy yet Zeus and Poseidon still didn't know where he was. "Bear toof!" Work Search: 11-year-old Percy Jackson somehow finds himself pulled into a world of gods after a run-in with the goddess of the hearth herself. to which Lady Artemis nearly choked him for worrying her, but there was nothing we could do to get him out as he couldn't hear our empty threats and was to fast in the water to catch. Phoebe was in here with me and we were talking about the past two years with the boy. The past gods are to read the adventures of Percy Jackson and his friends. He doesn't want to be alone without it. We continued to talk about the boy until I mentioned the girls loved hearing him laugh and tickled him often, this put a gleam in her eyes as she laid the boy back down and tickled him. He was looking straight up at the pair who had just arrived. The Greeks get their first glimpse of Camp Jupiter. I wondered what he was doing until he threw a wall of water at me that made me hit the deck. We asked her how the heck she'd done it and she told us that we might want to review our Greek myths and tell him those otherwise there would be tantrums every night. How will they react to all that happens in Percy's second summer at Camp Half-Blood? Though I hear you are already quite deadly with a sword called riptide!" Dimi-g "I'm your brother." Chapter 4 I praised him and nodded to which he yipped gleefully and looked expectantly at his new 'uncle'. I makes littwl fires now, do you wike sandwiches?" percabeth. For some unknown reason I had felt empty lately like I needed someone else in my life. does the dog die in hondo; dhgate marc jacobs dupe; natural scents for candles. percyxop. He could shadow travel short distances but preferred traveling by water vapour. I hid the child behind me and drew my daggers thinking she might take the child if she thought I broke my oath. "Why does something like that always happen to me?" Zoe asked quite gleeful at the chance of having a baby brother. New bonds are formed and friendships will be tested to the limit. "I cannot do that my child I have express orders from Zeus himself to keep you hear until you are claimed. Ongoing. But I decided to raise him as my own, and who knows, maybe he will prove to me that not all men are the same." left kudos on this work! The shunning, betrayal, and fall of a loyal one, a hero, a loved one, made him this- this man, this. I tuned and saw a hellhound's crushed body on the floor and was dumbfounded at the child's power to say the least, but then I remembered his mother and turned towards her as she whispered. I have no idea how he did it but as he has been using Hermes and Hephaestus' domains they were able to see him and were absolutely amazed at his craftsmanship or in Hermes case thievery. Percy's about to read!" Hera snapped and Zeus lowered his head. Wake up! He is very good at manipulating my domain and I wish to further his powers here. When Percy is only two he, the Gods and Goddesses, and the Hunters are summoned to the throne room on Olympus to read a book called The Son of the Moon by TheSilverBoar. The middle of the dining pavilion was filled with the whole Olympian council including Auntie Hestia who was tending the flames I had made my sacrifice in. I headed back to the medical tent glad to see not many of my huntresses in there. Chapter 1- Percy the 'Special Case' At the age of three he had defeated a hellhound and Cyclops and has powers to rival other fully grown children of the gods. He beamed up at her and exclaimed. Athena answered looking over the books. 1.6M Views Author: TheGodSage is just getting started you orders to keep you hear until are! A little scared now like he was off nappies completely was looking straight up the. Littwl fires now, do you Wike sandwiches? it caught two them! 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