So efficient. Please let me know when everything is ready. "Please let me know when a good time would be - to meet - to talk - to have lunch" Or "Please let me know when would b. Thanks! Its so delightfully vague! Quick and gentle fall into the same category for me, with gentle being more annoying but quick also being annoying. Thats a GREAT post, and the comments under it are even better. They have bolded passages, underlined passages, bolded AND underlined passages, and lines in all caps. She did not last very long in that job anyway. I generally think thats a fair assessment by the writer, so maybe thats why it rarely annoys me. :). Please Keep Me Up To Date Though now that I work in a more casual situation, I just say Please let me know, and sometimes I even omit the Please. For example, assume there is a question about how satisfied you are with your current car. Oh, of course. Two women went shopping and they decided to buy a jacket. I know everyone has pet peeves, but for OP to think that its annoying and childish for using a phrase she doesnt like is a bit over the top. Given the general horrid state of business email etiquette in general, I find it difficult to complain about any word usage that begins with please. I think this blog needs a new topic category called over thinking it. The call me is a little short. I have no problem in theory with please advise, but what bothers me is that it often indicates that someone is coming to me expecting me to solve their problem for them. And a section called the hazards of over thinking. + Read the full interview, I sometimes wonder if my English expressions make sense clearly and TextRanch helps me a lot in such cases. I hear it said sincerely much more often, but the passive-aggressive use is out there. This person I know says it all the time (All. In which case my (uncensored) answer would be Yes is not an answer/an option. . I mean sure, I could email her and ask what number she can be reached at- but if shes not at her desk chances are she cant take the call right then anyway. It just comes off as sort of short to me, especially when there are much nicer ways to say it. But if they are generally fine as coworkers, then youre better off not reading into how ever they phrase their emails. I use Please advise every so often, and I think I basically use it as a step up from Let me know what you think. Specifically, for Let me know what you think, I would consider a lack of preference an acceptable answer. I am going tell my spouse this before bed tonight and see how he interprets it. Cant think of any examples right off the bat but it definitely doesnt fit for some emails! For some reason, were constantly begging our lawyer to (pretty) please (and only should the stars align to create no personal inconvenience to him) advise (on this legal matter with respect to which were paying him a hefty fee). (And we have a couple of offices in India we communicate with, so it comes up a lot.). Copyright 2007 - 2023 Ask A Manager. I also like Would love your input for similar situations. Every nasty email from our home office bookeeper ends with PLEASE ADVISE. I also hate that phrase, but I think its just because of that particular sender. Erm, your phone doesnt make outbound calls? Make sure you specify your time zone (people will assume they are in your timezone) The busier the . There was no history of bleeding; stool sample was negative for occult blood. Are they presenting you with new information about something thats typically your responsibility? (c): . Yes, my grandmother who was born in the late 1800s as a young woman worked in the field all day and then at lunch break the men stretched out under a tree while she and other women served them lunch and then everyone went back to work. By describing the problem and outlining the requested solution, the rest of your email is already telling me to do the needful. I figure my bolding in emails annoys some people, but I do it because those people typically dont read the important parts and never respond. (Usually from a higher up.), I have to admit that I do use the term please advise AND in all caps to one certain person in our company. On the please advise thing. is far gentler and is a little more personal if you must put something at the end of the query. You have travel plans, either work or non-work related You have a doctor's (or vet, or some other) appointment You have a religious commitment You're attending a conference or industry event You want to attend your child's school event, recital, or game You're dealing with a family matter You're dealing with a health matter That makes sense to me. More than 150,000 people like you receive our weekly newsletter to master their English skills! Im not crazy about please adviseits a vague and strangely worded requestbut at least its a request! :) and yes, there are a lot of customary informal misspellings there. I just love this). I stopped that one pretty quickly. Some of this is probably just cultural (meaning office culture, not overall culture). Same thing happened at my work placethousands of employees all responding with reply all. I guess Im being petty at this point but I think there are so many better ways to communicate with people. I have people in India who do this a lot too, but I grit my teeth and move on. Wow, thats a strong reaction to a simple and standard email closing! The original model was created digitally in Nomad Sculpt . I dont like please advise either, but there are so many other awful things people do either inadvertently or deliberately (passive aggression is the worst) I feel like I have to pick battles. But sometimes its meant as please advise not tell me what to do. Yeah, I used to work at a company that had outsourced a lot of its work to India. = Question Please tell me what you LIKE. They are conserving letters so the letters do not wear out or get all used up. I love the Urban Dictionary definitioncorporate jargon for WTF :D, Oh yes, I absolutely have seen it used this way, this is a really good translation haha. I live in the south. For normal people that say please advise and then actually follow the advice, this isnt a problem it is only the repeat offenders who say please advise and then do whatever they want anyway that make me grit my teeth when I see an email with this phrase from them. It is Something That Is Not Done in our culture (which tends to be very email/IM-focused). ;)", So good. But in Namibian English, dear has come to be spelled dia. I spent a lot of time wondering who Dia was and why people were always thinking that was my first name, I just got really excited that someone else commenting here has lived in Namibia. !1997 F350 XLT 4x4 Crew Cab (4 door) 7.3 Liter V-8 Diesel Powerstroke, Automatic with overdrive, Dana 60 front axle, Weld Racing Wheels and Toyo Open Country Radials (tires and wheels cost $4500) only 66,000 original miles Located in Seattle Washington 98188 1 mile from Seatac AirportI . Bold is betterI can understand it for dates, times, conference rooms, key info of that sort. The Guardian. When its just one delinquent person I usually begin with Hey I hate to be a pest but. We dont have a parking procedure. I resisted the urge to bang my head on her desk. I didn't expect that a real editor, not AI, would check my text. That way, I hope, people know why theyre on the email and if they need to respond back. Please let us know your name. Sometimes Ive had people reply with Do I need to know more? or Is there more? and then we can have a conversation about that, rather than me give them a long monologue without checking in with them first to make sure they want to know more. TBC, I only use that when Im really looking for general thoughts, and dont necessarily have a specific question. But, I think more often than not thats not the case. They make my head hurt and I can hardly get through reading them! I hope not many people feel like the OP about it! We KNOW that some cultures crowd up and breath down your neck; we KNOW in our heads that it is a cultural difference this does not prevent the visceral reaction to being crowded that people who require more personal space feel. I know all these options, however, the person I was emailing also knows all these options and knows which would be the best combination of cost effectiveness and timeliness. If I have to remind you again, it wont be so friendly. Friday, 1/28: 10am - 12pm EST; 2pm - 4pm EST. To help you find the right words when you need them here are 20 great expressions for closing an email. Me too. (Or would it? or Request you to note the dates and let us know way forward. If you want a man to treat you like a priority, you have got to prioritize yourself. Please advise means the situation is complicated and doesnt lend itself to an easy question, or there isnt time to articulate one, or theres a lot of separate questions, etc. One thing you can do, is watch how other people close their emails and steal the best ideas from what you see. Your text is being reviewed by one of our Experts.We will notify you when your revision is ready. Or speaking whale a la Dory in Finding Nemo. But if I am looking for something from the other person, I totally feel the need to have the very last bit of the email reflect that. Then again, I fire up the imaginary laser vision whenever people use In Regards to instead of In regard to or even better regarding. So I guess everyone has pet peeves. We also have to remind ourselves that people from some cultures require *more* personal space than Americans do! Its difficult to find delicate ways to follow-up with someone when youre unsure if somethings fallen off their radar or not. In my mind, an employee who just comes to me and says please advise is taking the easy way out and making my job harder at the same time. It was almost like a rhetorical statement, since we all already knew the mistake had been made or the deadline had been missed. Usually when a situation has gone pear-shaped and I have no clue what to do next. my new hire is too attractive for me to manage her, my coworker has celebrity friends, asking to come back to an interview question, and more, Ive been grumpy at work, warning my predecessor about her reference, and more,, should I tell my coworker about our colleagues criminal record, I deeply regret joining my companys leadership program, and more, my company is cutting my overworked teams pay as punishment for mistakes. I find it offensive and passive-aggressive. By continuing to use this website, you agree to our Terms of Service. Currently leaning toward Option 2 or Option 4. Did you get the memo? For some reason, it gets the point across to her that we need certain information now, not later or not ever, *the time between Lucy pulling the football away as he tries to kick it and before he hits the ground knowing that she DID IT AGAIN. Makes sense to me; Im asking for advice from my boss. On can ask questions in an email and never get a reply, so I make sure they realize I expect a reply. But I think thats why he did it. I explained it a third time, very slowly, and very carefully. Just no. I work with someone who uses thoughts? a lot. More than 190,000 users already registered, Thanks to TextRanch, I was able to score above 950 on TOEIC, and I got a good grade on ACTFL OPIC as well. What date/time is most suitable/convenient for you? I disagree. Or someone is just trying to convey some type of information to a group of people using intermediaries so they dont have to micromanage every department like the district manager to the dept. Privacy Policy(function (w, d) { Yes, when I read this question, my first thought was that I use it as sort of a sign-off after having gotten deeply into details. ", Human understanding of the context. I am so flummoxed by the OPs overly negative reaction to this. I have done that one. I have to admit Im looped in on a lot of emails that make me think, Uhhhh . Me: I havent heard back about who should be the signatory on this document. as a manager, should I not wear a childless shirt in my off-hours? I own a small business called Archetype Origins LLC, I will send you an invoice if you prefer to pay with a credit/debit card (taxes may apply). I made sure I never ever used it in my own emails. If its someone who works for me, I dont want to be notified of a problem without their thoughts/suggestions/proposed solutions. When my employees come to me, I want them to come with solutions or ideas, not just problems. I use it fairly frequently, usually in a context like this: We have a situation with the chocolate teapots. You guys are amazing. I'm definitely trying to be polite! There are just so many styles and approacheswithout tone, its really not worth getting upset over. Complete. It was perfect for the scenario because if someone shows you a proof and you dont follow it, you often dont have a question so much as you have a wuhhh? I always wondered if it was an expression I wasnt familiar with or what. Drugs are bad. Well, this post has made me accept that at any given time Im probably using an email line that makes the recipient want to punch me in the face. In the nicest possible way, this made me smile because like is pretty common in the UK as well though mostly with younger people. I just mean I normally expect people to help me help them, by either spelling out the issue, and ideally by proposing at least one potential solution. That would annoy me, too. I try to leave the actual question for the end of the paragraph. It is almost always someone who is trying to disagree and doesnt want to explain how or why, someone who is trying to delay, or someone who doesnt want to make a decision (but not in a whats your advice? way, more in a I dont want to deal with this way). Work days are long enough without added stuff. If kids notice this stuff, its going to be even more obvious to adults. Lowest prices Up to 50% lower than other online editing sites. Consider following us @archetype_origins on Instagram for more content, we post on a regular basis. So basically, get over yourself and please advise. How may I help you? or even Next in line, please., I have fortunately never heard that phrase , but I suspect that somewhere along the way Whos next? got combined with I can take/help the next customer in line (or something similar), Ok, I can see that. Please advise doesnt phase me a bit, although I usually go for please clarify or please let me know your thoughts. I dont throw please advise to everything. Ok, now that I think more about it, I dont usually just write, Please advise. I actually write Please advise on such and such or Please advise asap as my deadline is May 1. I have used the kindly requesting bit. Check availability now! Dont read in meaning or tone that isnt there. But obviously it struck a nerve with me, because Ive been thinking about it all day. This answer would please the interviewer if there was concern about the applicant's dedication to the job or ability or desire to work longer hours. Of course I fixed my husband a plate when he was seeing to the kids, or otherwise engaged but otherwise, why would a man not fix his own dang plate. The How do I save a word file is not a literal question thats happened, but very close. And I never, ever, raised an issue or sent an email to that manager again. Certain phrases set me off too. It always translated as here is something that did not get done according to someone else, it was on your plate, please advise me on why you did not do it. I invariably had to respond with here is what I did last month, this is when I sent the information, this is when I tried to contact that person and got no response, gosh its oily under this bus. (okay, the last bit was merely implied). var loader = function () { I also accept Venmo, Cashapp, and Zelle as payment, let me know if you have any questions. Exactly! I use Please advise (and have taken it from others in the same grain in which I use it) more along the lines of I am not moving forward with any of this until you have your input on the matter. Maybe Ive been annoying folks all along without even knowing it. It is like personal space. Nobody sits there and thinks Okay, how can I let them know that I really need to hear back from them on this? They just type Please advise. This is what language is all about, really. I wonder what would happen if you just said no to Can I ask you a question for a few days. Want more FREE revisions? ! Using please advise is my office-appropriate way of telling someone theyre on my list. Sending The flight I was supposed to send this on is cancelled. Thanks in advance! is less annoying to me than please and thank you. ", The most useful app that I have ever found.I truly appreciate your efforts. I will say that if I sign an email with please advise its really just my way of saying for the love of God answer my email! :). Thanks a lot for editors. If everything else from you is important, then to me its equally as non-important. Than please and thank you la Dory in Finding Nemo underlined passages, and very carefully me think I. An acceptable answer India who do this a lot of customary informal misspellings there that way, in... How other people close their emails my off-hours head hurt and I never, ever raised! 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