This is a FANTASTIC machine!!! I have IBS and it has helped me so much. I learned of your Rife 101 machine from friends who were into herbs and natural healing. I've had black spots on my forearms from too much sun exposure for quite some time - they said it was melanoma. I bought the Rife 101 about a month ago and it has literally changed my life. There are many things too long to go into detail here sometimes all that was needed was one treatment, whereas sometimes two. I put one directly on my lip where the cold sore was coming up and the other over my thymus gland (located under breastplate about 4 inches below the Adam's apple). I didn't know if the cats would let me do the treatments being they had minds of their own. This video tells Bob's experience of using Spooky2 Plasma to heal his legs with varicose veins(Phlebitis). Nothing else made a difference at all! - A. Rubino, NH (3-1-19). I'm not surprised. Blood sugar levels were monitored over one week and found to be always normal. I was so glad that he was willing to let me help him. It's been about a week now and I've continued to run the Prostate program about 7x along with the Inflammation program 4x. I have seen how much good it has done with friends and family. I could now stop 2/3 of the daily medications. high pH alkaline water 84 minerals from the sea, matching your body's profile to energize your life! In June I started using the Rife 101 everyday through the end of September. To us that is so wonderful to hear, I am jumping for joy. Her cancer marker numbers dropped from 8,000 to 2,000 in one month and other tests went from 200s to normal! It saved my life. This itching nearly drove us crazy - itching on our hands, arms, feet. (11/18/09). I've owned my machine for almost 8 years now (as of April 2012)! Today I walked down my stairs. It seemed the best and the price was reasonable. It has helped the swelling and edema in my feet and legs so much. WebThe GB4000 Rife Machine is probably next in line. - R. Buchholz, SD 11-21-17. I will be/am familiarizing myself with the machine tonight. I sent Tina another email late Friday night requesting overnight shipping. I was 41 years old with 4 teenage children and a husband. Spooky2 gives you not one, but MANY Rife machines in one package with plasma, contact, remote, PEMF, cold laser, audio, and more. If youre interested in complementary therapy, choose ones with proven benefits. Theyve concluded low-frequency electromagnetic waves do affect tumors and dont impact noncancerous cells. The Rife machine has worked every single time I needed it to for the last three years.". You can receive treatment of Spooky2 only by pressing a few bottons on GeneratorX. The electromagnetic frequency they emit is very weak, sometimes too weak to even penetrate the skin. Today, the day after, there's no bruise, no black and blue or any discoloration at all. A double blessing! And I use it for Eye Problems too. Although, I do have family members and friends that suffer from chronic pain and other maladies. Amazing. It's so easy to use even for a "technically challenged" old gal like me. WebWhat about the Beam Ray Rife Machine? It will be a long, hard road, but here's hoping! (Rife 101 user since November 2011) K Dunning, WY, My mom was having a lot of pain in her left ankle and foot. 6 months ago I was experiencing abdominal pain, went to doctor who requested a sonogram that showed a 4-5 mm polyp in the neck of the gall bladder. Yes, please use the story. Using the machine at first did not do much for me but when I called the seller I was advised to use the machine more frequently, and that I should also try several programs that related to nerves and their functions. They also said I had cancer! Rife machines are expensive. - very happy user since 2006, D. Dillhoff, AZ 3-16-18. I tried every remedy that sounded helpful but nothing worked. Thank you. I am so happy to have the machine. Fortunately, I have been healthy and pain free my entire life. The machine is so easy to use! However, I am excited about receiving the unit. - Erlend H, AK, I started using my nephew's Rife 101 when I found out I had Lyme Disease. Kidney Disease, Renal Failure, Kidney Failure, Cancerous Tumor, Kidney : D. Boyer has Kidney Disease, Renal Failure - cancerous tumor on his kidney - using only the machine and dietary supplements, the cancerous tumor on his kidney has shrunk 9mm to 6mm in one year. It's been a couple days and she's better! And my stomach is definitely better! A second Pap smear a month later revealed an improvement to Stage 3 cancer. The way I look at it I'm still here for a reason and if I can help anyone else in any way I am willing to do it. He is a walking miracle from what the family has told me. When I finally got to the point of ordering, it was very late in the afternoon (Friday, too late to ship that day). - Frank S. (3-10-07). WebThe GB4000 Rife Machine is probably next in line. I can see how much careful attention went into engineering this unit to be user-friendly for the average person. Other names for Rife machines include Rife frequency generators and Rife ray machines. But, being a real estate agent, I needed to communicate. No more pills! Able to turn over, not stooped over, Feeling overall well. Doctor Gregory Howard received a pharmacy degree before a medical degree from the University of Texas in Houston. After $1,400 in vet bills that didn't accomplish much, I had a chance to use a friend's Rife 101 machine. - Dawn, FL, I'm doing well! Lori K. (NW 6-2015). It has helped my wife's insomnia, and she got rid of her cold in record time. It really truly works. The list is nearly endless, but a handful of them are: Breast cancer8 Melanoma Prostate cancer Leukemia Bone Also, I have herpes mouth sores about 1 or 2 every month, especially if I'm out of my normal reoutine and eating different. He tried many homeopathic methods without much success. After going back to work, I was so drained of energy, I would just come home and go to bed. For at least 13 years! He said "Spooky2 takes care well the rest of my life. He was lethargic, but yet seemed alert. With 6 minutes, the whole body can be scanned. There is no evidence that Rife machines have any effect on cancer or can cure HIV. He went back to the doctors for his pre-operative testing, with the surgeon standing by, and the mass was GONE. "Medicine" shrank it with radiation and chemo, then surgery left him unable to swallow food. - J Burkett, AL (8-12-19), I brought my Rife 101 to the Philippines, as I go there regularly. TrueRife has been on the leading edge of frequency delivery devices for almost 20 years. Within an hour Plasma treatment, his problem of muscle stiffness is better and back pain is almost gone. The frequency is lower than that of waves emitted by cell phones. The painful boil that has been such a troubling discomfort had also begun to heal and has now gone away. Thank you so much for hurrying things along and sending the machine - please let me know asap about the manual. Because it can differentiate between various low EMFs, a multitude of cancers can be detected. - Wanda M, FL (8-20-14), I've been using the Rife 101 for 5 months now and I decreased my HBP pill to 1/2, now I'm at just 1/4 and I hope to be off it soon! The constipation and digestive problems started to dissipate with the first use. Made me a believer!! Rife's work deserves serious review by open-minded scientists and researchers. These custom bulbs are very expensive to manufacture, but integral for desired outcomes. Bless you Tina Rappaport - you are an Earth Angel! - K. Hardy, CO (3-28-19). I've never seen anything like it before. He was adamant that he was getting the best medical treatment available as he was close to Vancouver which is the biggest city in the province and has some very qualified doctors. I was happily able to bend over and plant hundreds of flowers in our yard. The oldest BM on record was 16 and Gator almost made it! I packed up the x-rays and headed over to see him. Thank you again, from another happy user - Laura, FL. Take Care! I have used it every for stage four PROSTATE Cancer. I also felt it would benefit me in helping to eliminate some of the joint pain I was having. I am a true believer in this remarkable machine!!! I couldn't believe it. I talked my husband into getting one for his GOUT not knowing it would help him. I keep using the Rife 101 frequency generator and recently it was time for another mammographyhaving cancer thickens the breast tissue and it shows that on the mammo, but I'm all clear now! After using the frequency machine for just two times I was able to sleep a full 8 hours a night. - D. DeRocco, MI 6-27-17. Eyes Improved - Bad Vision - Legally Blind: I have a friend who was legally blind in her right eye - she couldn't read the first line on the doctor's eye chart. I no longer feel so weak in my body and starting to feel somewhat normal. This was happening daily even though it was only partial fecal incontinence that she was experiencing. Used 292 general infection and 241 fungal infection and the next morning it was not sore and looked normal. Rife's work deserves serious review by open-minded scientists and researchers. Stage IV Mantle Cell Lymphoma, MCL, Cancer, Colds, Flu, Fungus: Late fall in 2011, dad was diagnosed with Stage IV Mantle Cell Lymphoma. Disclaimer: These are actual testimonials - your results may vary.Use at your own risk. Before this I had never been sick except for a brain hemorrhage. URparamount health includes rife machines Portable Ionizer Sticks Needak Rebounder trampoline Air Ionizer and more. He states his two proudest achievements as a physician have been reversing his fathers stage 3 lung cancer using the Abscopal Effect, and the detection of his wifes malignant melanoma and ovarian cancers at stage zero using liquid biopsies. After two Rife machine treatments at twice weekly intervals he reported that he was symptom-free. So many, many thanks. This will construct a database of programs not only for medical related issues, but the most comprehensive list of programs available in the Rife world. Guess what? I bought it to treat my Lyme's disease and have had 100% success. After more sessions I could sing again. I had never felt so disconnected from society. Contact us for more information. I finally feel like I have my life back and I'm ready and able to connect with the world. It took this long to figure out the best placement of the electrodes. It seems like it melted away all my problems to "no big deal." I've been running detoxification, acidosis and infections programs. First, just after using it the first night, the next morning I got up without pain, just a bit achey, but no pain like I have every morning! I am determined to explore every avenue possible to heal her. - S. Fugler, LA (8-27-18). I bought my Rife 101 Energy System last year (2011) and I used it on a friend that was diagnosed with esophageal Cancer - he's 56. He carried a syringe with him wherever he went. He did have chemo and did the Rife 101 every day for 3 months and it's gone. I have had digestive problems for several years. This machine (along with some herbs) helped tremendously!! Nothing Chronic - Use for Maintenance, Colds, Flu, etc: My wife and I have used the 101 regularly. Thank God for you and my Rife 101! - Fred S. (4-30-07), My friend (in Florida) is a distance healer and she focuses on me in Indiana. (Rife101 user since July 2016) - DRT, OK (8-5-16). The American Medical Association condemned Rife's experiments. It even works for hangovers :-) - B. Fetzer, Mexico 6-18-18. I feel grateful to have found your website and this wonderful piece of equipment! George C. (NW, 6/2015). Last time I stopped passing urine around 9 pm. I was 76.- JR #8168, TX (11-8-19), I was diagnosed with breast cancer. She used the Rife 101 three times, and it's gone! By the way, fyi, I use the small sticky pad electrodes low on my abdomen on either side of the top of my penis. There have been a lot of different practitioners using different modalities trying to help me have a normal life. Rife machines are generally thought to be safe, but we dont know for sure. - N. Rape, NC 12-4-17, We love the machine, it saved my wife's life in 2012 (My future wife, and each others 1st love from school finding each other thanks to Facebook). It's 2 more years now (5-23-12) and he's clear of cancer. Also the Rife manual is an equally awesome production. Results so far are amazing! She did it every other day for about two months. So I Rife It! In my last letter, I told you I had named my Rife unit "Albert." I used the Rife 101 on him and he beat the cancer in two months! I believe preventative maintenance with the Rife 101 is pivotal for my health and when traveling - I don't leave home without it! They don't understand the technology and don't want to know. Thank you for the work you're doing! (Rife 101 user since March 2015)- E. Paredes, CA 5/16/16, My PSA was 23, now it's down to 4.5 (normal is 1-6). I have her doing a weekly maintenance program now, because when she didn't the asthma came back 3 months later. I use the Rife machine 3-4 times a week on inflammation and arthritis and once every week for diabetes. I postponed his taking action until I tried your Rife machine first. They could not find a mass. Multiple Myeloma, Blood Cancer, Leukemia: I have been using the rife machine for multiple myeloma for almost two months. The doctors wanted to remove them, of course. I did have radiation and chemotherapy, and I still had a lump on one side of my tonsils. TrueRife has been on the leading edge of frequency delivery devices for almost 20 years. But I knew how well the Rife machine worked. In much appreciation and much gratitude for all you do and your help and caring, Sue R, NH (7/17/15). Now, she additionally had developed a raging yeast infection with copious leucorrhoea, had severe mood and energy swings, and craved sweets. Tina has just been terrific! She's left only with scar tissue on her bones in her pelvis and lower back. Zimmerman JW, et al. I took the unit with us last week when we visited our son and his family in Phoenix, AZ. There was this red line extending up her arm (blood infection). It is important to note that none of these studies used the Rife machine or the same electromagnetic frequencies that it emits. Bio dentist at NIHA invariably finds my mouth in excellent shape. I wish to point out that there are some areas where modern medical science and Rife's work appear to be converging. TrueRife Buy Bless you! But no such thing with this manual, which is letter perfect, grammar perfect, and composed with the same thoughtful concern for the user as is the device itself. He had been having problems walking with right-sided paralysis of the leg and arm, along with numbness, problems with focusing and reading, difficulty swallowing and felt very unstable walking. I heard about a Rife machine but I didn't really think would work for me but I was desperate to try something. - D. Schuster, FL 8-19-12, Another thinglast night I started itching on my left chest where I had a mastectomywhen I looked it was red with a rashused my Rife 101this morning it's no longer itching or burning and the redness is going away!! She was in the hospital and then a nursing home - she has nerve problems and she uses the machine before bedtime and it helps her sleep. Early research suggests that a low carb keto diet may help to treat or prevent cancer. I continue to spread the word about Rife's work. He has maintained this status for more than one year now. It's helped me with my arthritis and inflammation, got rid of the Epstein-Barr virus, and keeps my sugar regulated. Although her liver seems enlarged, her liver enzymes are completely normal - the doctors can't understand - "she should be yellow!". I found after using the Rife 101 for a few weeks, not only could I walk without my cane, but now I'm even walking stairs! I'm able to put my shoes on and I can tie them too! But this was done in a lab, and not on humans. She also had surgery to remove some scarring, and the doctor says she's doing better than he could have ever imagined! If anyone else has experienced these they know how uncomfortable cold sores can be. Thanks - Mary Ann W. My friend's bought a Rife 101 in May 2015 for the husband's multiple myeloma and I'd just like to report that they are thrilled. ", About my friend with cancerWOW, it will be 3 weeks tomorrow that she started with Rife treatments. We have both used it numerous times already and feel we're on our way to a more healthful life. Call or email her like I did. Remarkable results! We run the Rife machine on both of them once a night and they are lively, happy and healthy. So far so good. My Father was diagnosed with Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma. WebMy chiropractor said the Rife 101 was "the best Rife machine, by far" and lent me his Rife 101 frequency generator, and after just 2-3 days running the Prostate program, there was a noticible difference! - Ruby M, UT (5/21/15), Hi Tina, Hope all is great with you! Spinal Meningitis, Pain, Numbness, Tingling & Chronic Fatigue: White male, 48 years old, history of Epstein-Barr Virus, Chronic Candida, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, presented With viral form of Spinal Meningitis, the symptoms of which had been increasing for at least a month: sharp stabbing pains shooting up spine into brain, limited range of motion, and tingling and numbness in the extremities. Learn More About Spooky2 Rife Machine Success Stories and Testimonials. There is a DVD on how to use it, but I rarely use DVDs because they are difficult for me to see. Since then I have used the machine often to address issues from Lymes Disease, Asthma to Arthritis, Inflammation and general detox. Best regards, Ray - Australia (10-18-04), My friend from Brazil was visiting and told me he had a cancerous mass in his liver and was to be operated on in one month. I used my Rife 101 machine daily on the dog and after just a few days he was walking and jumping around like a much younger dog. He thought that Spooky2 database is so worthy and effective. Arthritis, Diabetes, Pain, Cellulitis & Infection: Me, my mom & dad, and sister have all seen benefits in 5 months since getting our Rife 101 systems. George Alexopoulos Hi Dr Peter, This is George from Greece. - Jonathan, MI (4/28/14), I am only 38 years old and a breast cancer survivor. I immediately contacted this mutual friend who invited me over to his place of business, and offered to give me a treatment on his machine. I had bloodwork done 11-20-2019 and met with my oncologist last Wednesday. One hip was in need of a hip replacement, and the other one was on the verge of needing one. My body for the first time was fighting back. I have a friend that was having many health problems and offered to let him use my machine for a week. 36 hours later I was able to eat solid food and it was 72 hours from onset to GONE! I have seen it work miracles on many things, some of my own problems and others! That is the top of the line food with only 2 ingredients and no grains, only meat, fruit and veggies. She has ozone treatments and is using the Rife 101 also for detox. One guy with blood cancer, myeloid something, would go months without a blood transfusion when he'd use my machine - otherwise it was only 2-3 weeks. George Alexopoulos Hi Dr Peter, This is George from Greece. I used the wrist bands so I could do a few other things during the two-plus hours, if needed. I have the Rife machine, and wanted to add a digital control, I would not recommend this to anyone without an electronic background, I gave up trying to add the digital control, it cost too much, and I could not find one in production. I have optic nerve damage, a cataract and droozen, which are yellow spots on the retina. Jakes business prowess and outstanding customer service is second to none. I used the settings for bone spurs and the pain and bump were quickly both gone. Hi, I'm Betty Farnholtz's daughter. - C. Kraeft (7-18-16), My friend referred me to Tina as she had spots of breast cancer and the Rife 101 cleared it up. At the time, few people believed his claims. Two treatments with the standard Headache program number 260 back in early May 2010 and the headache is gone and has not come back. I use the Rife 101 three hours a day or more with several programs. I was so happy and felt so much better - my world has changed! I wanted this Rife 101 machine for years, and I finally was able to afford one. Healthline Media does not provide medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Thank you again for everything you've done and for being so accessible. The Rife 101 took it away in a few minutes. Lyme Disease, Asthma, Arthritis, Inflammation, Detoxification, Ovarian Cancer, Pain and Injuries: I was so glad to receive your latest newsletter. Keep up the good work! ALS (Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis - Lou Gehrig's Disease), Virus Miracle Machine, Infection: In 1993 I was diagnosed with a virus in my muscles. I immediately ran the two influenza programs and the basic detox program. Yay! Whether it was the Rife 101 or combination, the ordeal was over. The lump on my left elbow looked really weird, the result of recently slipping on our ice-coated back deck stairs and braking my fall with my elbow. She purchased the machine and my father started doing the programs every day! I have COPD so I run Program for Emphysema/Lungs along with Detoxification daily. - R and L Phillips, Ecuador (2-3-16), My daughter's mother-in-law (67 years old) had a stroke and her left arm was paralyzed. Then, one of the people that I am was ordering this for, a liver patient, took a turn for the worse that night. We have tried, acupuncture, chiropractor, change of food and immune boosters and still the problems persists. - Jessie B, RI (1-28-15), Tina - I want to say thank you so much for the information you've provided me. I have had, however, some setbacks that mainly, I feel, were the result of my own ignorance concerning the machine. (6/25/14). Thank you for this wonderful unit. Bunion, Influenza, Type II Diabetes & Asthma: My husband and I have been extremely well pleased with the Rife 101 Frequency Machine, having used it for several different ailments. The same condition as Diane Rheem, the PBS radio talk show host. I've been using the Ligament and Nerve programs followed by the Detoxification program and it's also helped my sciatica. We need another one! - R. Fernandez, NM 1-14-17. But to feel the remarkable relief of pain and symptoms of the conditions mentioned is enough to make me a believer. The second one is that Spooky2 GeneratorX is very easy to use. I was becoming physically unrecognizable to myself and the painful reality of my once budding career was that it was vanishing before my eyes. Satisfied. He treated me with his own Rife 101 Energy System and I had amazing results! He says he feels better almost immediately upon finishing a session with the Rife 101. - Chrisma O, England. How Viagra became a new 'tool' for young men, Ankylosing Spondylitis Pain: Fact or Fiction, Complementary Medicine / Alternative Medicine,,,,,, Common sweetener erythritol tied to higher risk of stroke and heart attack, Skipping breakfast and fasting may compromise the immune system. Cant thank you enough!!!!! Well, I've noticed that my brown spots on my arms have faded! Most recently, physician Gregory Howard,MD with 30 years of clinical experience was added to the TrueRife team. Immediately got my Rife 101 machine and put a sticky pad below the spot and the other above the spot on the outside of my wrist and ran the Bone Trauma program, which I had used once before on my leg. But better than that, the cataracts are JUST NOT THERE! I've tried may new things with the Rife unit. I do treatments every morning and every night. Masaki had know about Rife Royal Raymond and his Rife Machine before, but at that time, it was very expensive. In a 2016 review, the authors looked at studies into the use of electromagnetic frequency for treating cancer. I've also used it for sore throats and it works. Anyways, I just wanted you to know how stoked I am to have discovered you, Tina Rappaport, and the Rife Model 101. His soreness/pain comes from overuse, similar to Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. That little machine is worth its weight in gold. The fungus went away. He starts with the Detox program & Cancer-all program in the morning then Prostate program & Cancer-all program at night. ALS Untangled no. Many of the other programs work just as well. GX biofeedback scan is very accurate and fast. I praise God for leading me to this machine. But it's ALL about money! YOU recharged my energynot just my Rife 101! I'm thrilled with it. They used to own an alternative medicine place with migun beds and ionic foot baths. I know that all the supplements you recommended will only add to the success of the Rife machine when they arrive. Although, i was 76.- JR # 8168, TX ( 11-8-19 ), i have seen it miracles... Month and other tests went from 200s to normal three years. `` ready and to. Almost 20 years. `` bought the Rife 101 machine or combination, PBS! 101 or combination, the whole body can be detected postponed his taking action until i tried your 101... And researchers use DVDs because they are lively, happy and healthy they to. 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