When the teenage years come and the questions and pushing the boundaries begin most churches are ill-equipped to handle it. Rhett and Link aren't going to church either way. Today that simple choice to follow Jesus and learn to engage Life through his Way comes with a whole lot of additional belief requirements. But it was Jesuss turn to be under the microscope next. Actor Rupert Everett, who fell hard for her said: 'Her face had the illusion of beauty, but in fact it was wonky all over. Once you've listened to that track a certain number of times, it's clear that you don't own it but would like to. Chances are also good that one of them isGood Mythical Morning featuring Link Neal and Rhett McLaughlin. Ive heard these things described dozens of times by now, but never before by guys I know my still-believing daughters have been watching for years. For exmaple, you decide you're hooked on a song. These are great questions that Christians have been asking for years. And we dont have to wait a week for the next episodein many cases theres a new upload every single day. Back in seminary they warned us that the world out there hates truth, and wants to be free to create their own reality. Rhett and Link refer to an American comedy duo who are very popular on YouTube. the opposite is often true. I could barely stay in my car seat listening to Rhetts story. Its the. before can enthusiastically answer, YES, Jesus never answered the thief on the cross who asked Christ to remember him when he came into his Kingdom with, This Day youll be with me in Paradisejust so long as you also believe the world was created in six days. But the same timeworn skepticism the church has interacted with since its inception is given a fresh dose of potency when delivered to a whole new generation by cool and funny guys whove become a fixture of their childhood. Role. and African Christians, and South American Christians, and Indian Christians, One of the metaphors I like to use for my own personal spiritual deconstruction and reconstruction is that of a supermarket. The comment sections of their Reddit, Facebook, and YouTube pages reveal that their stories inspired many atheists and touched the hearts of some folks who experienced similar deconversion journeys, describing the videos as beautiful, candid, and vulnerable.. When I was 11, I only had the opportunity to see Ricky Schroder once a week. He was basically telling MY story, along with the stories of a hundred people I know who went through the same thought processes and the same emotional struggles. .What do you think happens after you die? Scarlett had befriended the very people who had destroyed the South. Later in Pauls ministry, however, he writes that Demas ended up loving the present world more than the things of God and walked away (2 Tim. With the precision of a gifted lawyer, he laid out roadblocks to the objections he knew would follow his statements. God draws people to Jesus, He saves them, and He doesnt lose any of them. But I dont think its the actual arguments themselves people have found so persuasive. Then the format changed. Well, first off, lets look at their deconstruction and see if they went wrong anywhere (Spoiler Alert: I think they went wrong right out of the gate). But as both Rhett and Link recounted, there was something brewing underneath the intellectual questions. And as a guy who loves Jesus too I quickly found myself resonating with their stories. Thats worse than a house of cards. Since Rhett and Link were relatively deep into religiosity, having learned "Christianese" and the culture, it took them years to complete their pilgrimage to secularism. Commercial Kings: With Rhett McLaughlin, Link Neal, Shayne Pax, Brandon Taylor. I hope theres something. As an evangelical Christian, you learn to tackle controversial subjects by reading only books by other evangelicals as they talk through their own rationalizations for their beliefs. And you think Los Angeles stretched But I dont think its the actual, people have found so persuasive. I also appreciate him making a point of clarifying that bad experiences didnt push him out of the faith. Evolution by natural selection seemed intolerably non-intuitiveit didnt make any senseand it struck him as a desperate and unsuccessful attempt to explain how a world like ours could come into being without an intelligent designer. What Huxley feared was that there would be no reason to ban a book, for there would be no one who wanted to read one. Why ban a Tim Keller or Ravi Zacharias book when you can create a community in which no one will want to read one? Celebrity YouTubers Rhett McLaughlin and Link Neal have caused a few waves following their collective decision to abandon the Christian faith. Anticipating pushback from those who say you have to trust Jesus over the noise of your own intellectual questions, Rhett reminds us you cannot separate an historical figure from actual history and still say youre talking about the same person. Ray Comfort explains the reason why this happens so often with those who used to believe in Christianity. Maybe YouTube said "we want to get behind you and do such and such but it has to be about Rhett and Link, not random crew members". Rhett echoed that hes more interested in what happens during his life on earth: , Its not so much what happens after you die, but what happens while youre alive., Paul wrote in 2 Corinthians 2:1416 that through his missionary work, Christ spreads the fragrance of the knowledge of himself. Thats humanism in a nutshell, and I feel the same way. Bingo! She's been showing up less and less on the main series so I've suspected for a . Co-founder of @mythical. Would. Gone with the Wind as Bildungsroman or Why Did Rhett Butler Really Leave Scarlett O'Hara? Aside from the fact that most apologists have day jobs, this leads to a fair question: what would Rhett and Link stand to lose if they didnt capitulate to culture on an issue like same-sex marriage? When youve mixed with European Christians, Rhett and Links deconstruction journey frequently mentioned the struggle they felt as they began to hold long held beliefs to the fire. fear that if they stopped believing in this 1:24; Col. 4:14). How can two guys who make a living as YouTube personalities go from making possum corndogs one day to throwing 2,000 years of Christian history under the bus the next? I might get a new episode once a week if I was lucky. But it was while still back in North Carolina that Rhetts wife, Jessie, had taken Bible courses under agnostic biblical scholarBart Ehrman, and the historical questions those studies raised continued to impact their lives. The two men, known for their daily Good Mythical Morningbroadcast, have, over the last few years, gone through what they have described as their spiritual deconstruction[s]. After having spent years in young adult ministry, Rhett and Link now call themselves hopeful agnostics.. Confession: When I was a kid, I was in love with, As much as I felt undying love for Ricky Schroder, I knew little about him. Tokyo is a recurring joke on Good Mythical Morning. Spotify have songs removed so you will buy them. I was angry at the people who wrote the books. Catholics believe one can have lgbtq thoughts/ temptations, but not act on them. But when evangelizing, is apologetics helpful or necessary? We homeschool because the public education system is a liberal conspiracy to brainwash children into believing things like global warning is real. Im reasonably certain that you dont burn in hell because you were intellectual curious and honest. Rhett Butler (Born in 1828) is a fictional character in the 1936 novel Gone with the Wind by Margaret Mitchell and in the 1939 film adaptation of the same name. While God is love, we must remember that Hes also just and holy. What about the rest of the world? I'm glad that so many are able to turn their jobs at GMM into better careers down the line :) We'll miss you Jen, I guess the old saying is true, "If you love something, let it go". The sad reality is that, for the deconverted, disbelief isnt sufficient. / Politics / Trump / Uncategorized, find a Statement of Faith list of things you will need to believe, had to the spiritual journey of Rhett and Link. Rhett and Link already know theyll be accused of being arrogant. Rhett & Link are celebrating their 10-year anniversary and the 21st season of their show, Good Mythical Morning Released on 01/27/2022 Transcript We should be pretty good at this. Try the whole world. News flash, these are all grounded in the Christian worldview that he is trying so hard to distance himself from. Lets keep this conversation going, please. you? I mean we have little finite minds and we are trying to understand an infinite God. Lover of beans. They were also Christians, former missionaries, and Campus Crusade (now Cru) staff members. 4K Followers. But it wouldnt have shaken. After all, when someone is conversant in apologetics and theology, knows his Bible, and can anticipate my suspicions and objections, its difficult to simply pass him off as someone who never really understood Christianity. Responding to a fan question in 2010, Rhett said that, while they were both Christian, their content is not religious. And we as Christians shouldnt be surprised when this happens. Giza Theme by Pixel Object, G.O.P. Rhett says hes lost his appetite for certainty, and I know what he means. Every bit helps, and is greatly appreciated. With the help of the Holy Spirit, they became convinced that Christianity is true as they gazed deeply at Christs beauty. And I want to say that because Ive noticed that when I tell my story, often people kind of conclude that I was never a true Christian. The answer many of us who deconstructed their home town version of Christianity placed on them. I was recently at a conference where a prominent Christian leader was asked to give his opinion on what good could come from a Biden America and Continue reading, How are Christians supposed to think about Game of Thrones? He feared that truth would be lost in a sea of irrelevance. Fast forward 35 years to a day replete with a global internet and smartphones, and Postmans words ring with the chill of prophetic accuracy. Thats why leaving it is so damned scary. Just over a month ago in two hour+ podcast episodes, Rhett and Link told their stories about how they came to believe that Christianity wasn't true. By naming several apologists such as Lee Strobel, Josh McDowell, Tim Keller, and Ravi Zacharias, he knocked the legs out from under their arguments. Are Rhett and Link still religious? While Rhett and Link spend some time talking about their post-Christian lives in the deconstruction episodes, they devote the lion's share of the time to looking back on the life and belief. As a creative team, Rhett and Link have consistently pushed their limits instead of sticking to their comfort zone, a fact that has helped them immensely. The lesson we can learn from the Rhett and Link story is to observe the power of the media platform, recognize the roadblocks of the new apostles of unbelief, and keep a humble eye to history, remembering that our Savior told us some would fall away. But, Continue reading, When we talk about what it means to be a man from a biblical perspective, we have to realize that we are working completely against popular culture. This creates a sense of community, in which we come to experience love and loyalty for our favorite YouTube celebrities. Its not like hes throwing out the baby with the bathwater, its like hes throwing out the tub and trying to keep the baby and the bathwater intact. Rhett even invokes the Apostle Peters response to Jesus when Jesus asks if he will leave him to which Peter responds, Where would I go?. They began their career as engineers and ended up in the field of comedy. The best chance I had of communicating with him was writing a letter to his fan club. . But then on top of all this, adding insult to injury, they keep underestimating the sincerity of our search, which may be the thing that stings the most of all. Mythical, founded by Rhett & Link, creates entertainment, products, and experiences that inspire human connection through curiosity and comedy. Its okay to have doubts. 1) Deconstructing Statements of Faith is not the same as Deconstructing Faith itself When Jesus called his disciples he simply said, "Follow Me". Rhett echoed that hes more interested in what happens during his life on earth. We don't. The younger generation is even more open about questioning their faith and leaving Christianity behind. Later in Pauls ministry, however, he writes that Demas ended up loving the present world more than the things of God and walked away (2 Tim. With the help of the Holy Spirit, they became convinced that Christianity is true as they gazed deeply at Christs beauty. Link Neal. Starring filmmakers and comedy duo Rhett & Link, this non-fiction comedy series follows their travels to small towns across America where they develop and produce commercials for local businesses using local talent. Or what about morality? He occasionally sends judgments to earth to remind us of this. Mythical Kitchen Why did Rhett and Link leave Christianity?-----Our mission is to create educational content. The sweater of faith. It's easy Christianity-it left Jesus out a long time ago. Theres one thing I respect about the deconstruction stories of Rhett and Link. for a rude awakening when you travel. Is Apologetics Helpful or Necessary in Evangelism? Rhett & Link are entertainers who primarily use the Internet to display their talents. On the contrary, as he pointed out, being a straight white dude in an evangelical church kind of greased the rails for him. It gives you direction. Postman posited that in the future, we would be oppressed not by an outside force like Big Brother in George Orwells dystopian novel1984. I couldnt check his Instagram for updates every hour or tweet at him with the real possibility he might tweet back. Both Goins-Phillips and Andros commended the comedy duo for their willingness to talk so transparently about what is sure to have been a difficult and challenging process. Ray Comfort Home of #GMM, Rhett and Link, and everything else #Mythical @rhettmc @linkneal @mythicalstore @mythicalchef I remember my former Christian marriage therapist asking me point blank: What are you getting from this? Postman posited that in the future, we would be oppressed not by an outside force like Big Brother in George Orwells dystopian novel, people will come to love their oppression, to adore the technologies that undo their capacities to think,, He predicted that with the rise of technology and communication, people wouldnt be deprived of information, but rather they would be given, that they would become passive and egocentric. Travis Tritt asked the question, but it seems Thomas Rhett knows the answer. They loved not the things of the world, but repented of their sin and put all their hope and trust in him. That was one of the hardest pills for me to swallow, too. It morphed into doubts surrounding biblical reliability, the historicity of the resurrection, and the general idea of hell and judgment. The truth is that we have a personality-driven culture in which two comedians can persuade Christians to rethink their faith in just three hours of video. Should we watch it? I hope in the future they will explore that question a bit more, as well as their differing orientations toward hopefulness for the future of our species. The Keller Center for Cultural Apologetics helps Christians show unbelievers the truth, goodness, and beauty of the gospel as the only hope that fulfills our deepest longings. This! Since the release of their stories, several apologists and scholars have offered sound rebuttals to some of the claims made by Rhett in particular. Get resources, podcast episodes, and SWO updates sent directly to your inbox. It gives you purpose. What was scheduled as an hour-long chapel service last Wednesday has turned into a multi-day revival at Asbury University. Where does that come from? If you believe in him and love him, he is supposed to be the most important thing you can speak about with anyone you meet. He feared that truth would be lost in a sea of irrelevance.. And then my heart broke hearing not only where they are in their faith, but how they have made it easier for others to abandon their belief in God too. How would it affect their revenue streams and net worth to remain faithful Christians in todays cultural climate? Can nothing make something? It may not be them but the have to obey the labels they are partnered with. It still provides the stability and the community on which peoples lives depend. Because of that many former Christians suddenly and unceremoniously find themselves kicked outside the church wondering what just happened (with various levels of resentment and cynicism thrown in). Affiliate disclosure: As an Amazon Associate, we may earn commissions from qualifying purchases on Amazon.com. If I wouldve found out he was a former Christian now identifying as agnostic, it would have broken my heart. The comment sections of their, pages reveal that their stories inspired many atheists and touched the hearts of some folks who experienced similar deconversion journeys, describing the videos as beautiful, candid, and vulnerable.. It isnt the skeptics who crave constant assurances were on the right track. I jumped into a sea of uncertainty. Thomas, 31, wrote his chart-topping hit, "Die a Happy Man" a story about a man's need for nothing more in life than his woman's "crazy love"for and about his wife, Lauren (Gregory) Akins, 32. At some level, my therapist knew what everyone in his position knows: Once you start seriously considering the unthinkable about your faith, so many scary questions begin to plague you that it keeps you up at night. Im not gonna be scared of the truth. Thats what pushed us out, in the end. Love these mugs! Read what Steve Ham has to say on this subject. How would it affect their revenue streams and net worth to remain faithful Christians in todays cultural climate? Right and wrong? Its hard not to feel insulted by his unwillingness to accept this. Theres one thing I respect about the deconstruction stories of Rhett and Link. For example, in 2016, they worked on a scripted television show called Rhett & Link's Buddy System that saw the pair act in a bid to entertain their viewers. 1:24; Col. 4:14). Both guys were raised in an environment that assumed Christianity as a part of the culture, and ultimately that did them a grave disservice. How Is God Loving if He Allows Suffering. The song became the most-played country tune on the radio for six . This implies that they are, in fact, deceiving people. Man, does that feel familiar! And thats no laughing matter. Ray Comfort explains the reason why this happens so often with those who used to believe in Christianity.Visit https://www.LivingWaters.com to view more free Christian videos, articles, and to get tracts and other resources by Ray Comfort and the Living Waters team.FACEBOOKLiving Waters: https://www.facebook.com/lwwotmRay Comfort: https://www.facebook.com/official.Ray.ComfortINSTAGRAMLiving Waters: https://www.instagram.com/livingwatersofficialTWITTERLiving Waters: https://twitter.com/LivingWatersPubRay Comfort: https://twitter.com/RayComfort Today, Rhett and Link have a net worth of $25 million as of 2021. Help train Christians to boldly share the good news of Jesus Christ in a way that clearly communicates to this secular age. The two Rhett echoed that hes more interested in what happens during his life on earth: Its not so much what happens after you die, but what happens while youre alive.. Link is known to be awkwardly funny, a master of organization, the President of the Republic of Cheesistan, and prone to retching and gagging when introduced to strange or unfamiliar food. Rather, he foretold, people will come to love their oppression, to adore the technologies that undo their capacities to think, pointing to Aldous Huxleys satirical Brave New World. One article about Rhett and Link said, "they both felt a deep discomfort with biblical sexual ethics, which they perceived to oppress women and their LGBTQ+ friends.". I laughed out loud when Rhett talked about engaging people on airplanes by spouting talking points from books byJosh MacDowell and Lee Strobel. But that is no way to live. Listening to both Rhetts and Links stories, you can feel how much pushback they anticipate encountering from people who love them. suggestion that their moving to Los Angeles was just the slippery slope to It gives you something to hold on to. Rhett seems really reluctant to talk about it, so Scarlett doesn't ask more questions. While their degrees and first jobs were in engineering, funny video production ultimately became their claim to fame. Questioning those beliefs meant friendships, family bonds, and the very fabric of their community were all threatened. My heart is breaking and my head is spinning in light of the so-called deconstruction of Rhett and Links faith. Goins-Phillips, in response, pointed out that Christianity has been around for 2,000 years and remains the worlds largest religion, so it has withstood challenges and investigations. The reason Rhett and Link's deconstruction is so important is precisely because they are not scholars and neither are most members of their audience - which is no longer limited to Christians looking for wholesome entertainment. They offer videos that present everything from video-game hacks to make-up tutorials to opinions about political and religious issues. I want to hear MUCH MORE about this from Link and Rhett. At this point in his story, Rhett uses some of the exact same language I use when trying to explain what its like trying to look at the world through a completely different lensjust to see if things look any clearer. Rhett, who makes up one half of the comedy duo Rhett & Link and co-hosts their hit YouTube talk show Good Mythical Morning, admits that while he is eager to "settle into the space we have,". This is something Jesus himself said would happenand it will continue to happen until he returns (Matt. I dont know. Like him, I was told that archaeology only proves the Bible, which means theres no reason not to dive headlong into it, right? (Tim Challies reviewed the book once upon a time.) Demas traded eternal hope for earthly treasure. I kind of saw Christianity as this boat in a very stormy sea. Rhett James McLaughlin and Charles Lincoln's hosts are known for their comedic viral videos and have gathered an estimated net worth of 30 million dollars. What would Rhett and Link stand to lose if they didnt capitulate to culture on an issue like same-sex marriage? Rhett and Link grew up as evangelical Christiansand worked extensively with Christian organizations in the past, including working for Campus Crusade for Christand playing the Fabulous Bentley Brothers for a children's Bible education series on Jelly Telly. Theres a good chance the Christian kid who looks up to Rhett (and probably doesnt ever crack open his Bible) will never read those authors now. ), and both have made it abundantly clear that they are 100% pro-homosexuality, and take serious issue with Christianity because of it (I mean it is the 21st century - Helloooo? This insatiable need for certainty is something the still-faithful need to confront about themselves, not us. What does this obtain for you? I told him honestly that it could only lead to loss and pain, but that I didnt really have a choice. Remember that even John the Baptist had a little crisis and needed to be reassured (Matthew 11:1-11). In fact, he said that he jumped out of the Christian ship, but not into another ship, per se, but into an ocean of uncertainty more on that later. So, if you want to listen to them you can do so without fear. No one that I was in personal contact withpastors, Christian friends, elders in the churchnone of them disappointed me or let me down. I was crushed. Frank had gone to Shantytown with some members of the Ku Klux Klan to. Maybe the whole deconversion narrative is due for a bit of deconstruction. (And they do have an audience - their personal channel alone has nearly 5 million followers. Were So Spoiled. With guest appearances on The TODAY Show, Live with Kelly, and The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon, their stars have been rising for the past few years, swelling their net worth to an estimated $23 million. I jumped into the water. I had been pulling on this thread for a really long timeLets call it the sweater of faithI had been pulling on this thread until it had sort of turned into a vestand then a midriffand then a halter tapand now it was a string bikini. 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