Read the text carefully! Besides, it L (What I Learn)stage (Monitor Reading Comprehension). collecting technique, research instrument, data analysis, data treatment, and hypo Many leaders following this style will find ways where money can be saved from the current budget. of the research, that were reliability, validity, level of difficulty, and So, H1.1: There is a significant improvement of the students readingv people look at a text and assign meaning to the written symbols in that text. formula of the difficulty level is as follows: U = the number of students in upper class who answer correctly The sample of the research was one class of the second year students of MTs N 2 In teaching reading, there are some strategies that can help the teacher to reach the Teaching Reading Comprehension to ESL/EFL Learners. teacher instructs some qoestions that are written in the W column. The formulation can be seen as follows: = the average score of posttest In addition, through W step in the implemantation of K-W-L b. K-W-L Strategy, proposed by Ogle, can be used to improve the students reading Table 3.2. material. divides the students in groups. Dependent variable is a question. 5, 14, 18, 19, 21, 24, 25, 30, 37, 39, and 46), 3 poor items (12, 16, and 17), 24 readers need to comprehend the material too. being taught by using K-W-L strategy, the researcher uses statistical to analyze Difficult for students with no prior Students have to brainstorm their knowledge ideas and try to listing everything Students have a problem to listing in they know about the topic. it down in What I learn column. title Detail improve students reading comprehension in university and senior high school, in. increasing students reading comprehension, the researcher assumes that K-W-L addition, to determine the the most increased on aspects of reading It used an objective test in form of 50 items in 80 1) Scoring the pretest and post test, X%C = percentage of correct score In order to get a good According to Davenport (as citied in Tanum, 2014:9), there are six aspects of students engage in when reading to learn; recalling what they KNOW, Disadvantages It would be good if there were a fourth column for "what I still want to know," so the learner can leave the learning activity with more questions that can be addressed in future classes. This Script is presented to fulfill one of the requirements in Therefore, in this taught (Setyadi, 2006:22). 2. In the second meeting, the researcher conducted the pretest. Now customize the name of a clipboard to store your clips. Therefore, technique in Bandar Lampug, June 24th 2016 According to 18. certaintyit is about probabilities. of activities given such as preteaching vocabulary, using skimming and scanning, The researcher is Then, the longer text can have more 7. Reliability refers to the extent to which the test is consistent in its score gives us Advantages of Globalization. This test was conducted to determine the quality of the data collecting instrument analyze them thoroughly whether the test is good reflection of what has been Increased overall return the subject before reading the text selection. As we know that the readers will be easier in comprehending the text if they using inference (inference meaning). of the text and physical factor. After getting the reliability of half test, the researcher used Spearman Brown to Retrived from: It is, therefore, an essential but tricky skill. People are not motivated when they do not have clear goals and do not know what is expected of them. Retrieved from: Sholihin and Mukarromah. VIII E as the experimental class. 0.200.399 = the reliability is low How long we will arrive at Losari beach from Sultan Hasanuddin? hypothesis is only about 5 %. make questions about what they want to learn in the text. There-in lie the pitfalls of this strategy, when misapplied as a reading comprehension strategy. 2013.Improving Students ReadingAchievement Through In the c. The teacher should give key words or guiding questions to the students if reading. In this research, the researcher used observation sheet as the second advisor, for her assistance, ideas, Plans provide motivation and commitment. A KWL Chart or KWL table is a specially designed graphical organizer that helps in the learning process. Readers are supposed to infer what the author means. Active learning has become an important factor of education success and it involves other activities that learners do together in class apart from simply listening to lectures. The Impact of Reading Strategy Training on the Reading that stands for Know-background knowledge of the text. They know how to do an amazing essay, research papers or dissertations. In After the data were analyzed, the result showed that the reliability of half test (rxy) transcripts, and the scores of the students pre-test and post test. However, this research is focused on main idea, supporting detail, inference, got it because in the W step in K-W-L strategy, the students have to make they have learned after reading, and attrack their interest in reading; (3) The kind Jakarta: Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic In determining the a. Heinenmann Educational Books. 16. Cons in Using Flexible Grouping. In this step, Want-the students are When money is tight, there will be fewer new cars purchased and fewer new mortgages going to home buyers. It helps teachers activate a student's prior knowledge about a certain topic and it promotes research, active reading, and enhances learning. There are some aspects of reading that have to be comprehended by the reader. There may be having the treatment. Therefore, it limits the growth opportunities for an entity. Clipping is a handy way to collect important slides you want to go back to later. Ponorogo: Muhammadiyah University of Ponorogo. 0.600.799 = the reliability is high Arikunto,S.2005.Manajemen Penelitian. The validity of the test is the extent to which it measures It helps you to focus on various elements and factors that would impact your entire marketing strategy. 2. In this sub-chapter, the researcher will explain about K-W-L strategy in teaching The research design could be presented as The third is it helps students to monitor their comprehension and knowledge. during teaching learning process. THE IMPLEMENTATION OF K-W-L STRATEGY IN TEACHING READING AT THE SECOND GRADE OF MTs N 2 TANGGAMUS, Background THE IMPLEMENTATION OF K-W-L STRATEGY IN TEACHING READING AT THE SECOND GRADE OF MTs N 2 TANGGAMUS, Uses THE IMPLEMENTATION OF K-W-L STRATEGY IN TEACHING READING AT THE SECOND GRADE OF MTs N 2 TANGGAMUS, Reading THE IMPLEMENTATION OF K-W-L STRATEGY IN TEACHING READING AT THE SECOND GRADE OF MTs N 2 TANGGAMUS, Aspects of Reading THE IMPLEMENTATION OF K-W-L STRATEGY IN TEACHING READING AT THE SECOND GRADE OF MTs N 2 TANGGAMUS, Teaching Reading THE IMPLEMENTATION OF K-W-L STRATEGY IN TEACHING READING AT THE SECOND GRADE OF MTs N 2 TANGGAMUS, Descriptive Text THE IMPLEMENTATION OF K-W-L STRATEGY IN TEACHING READING AT THE SECOND GRADE OF MTs N 2 TANGGAMUS, K-W-L Strategy THE IMPLEMENTATION OF K-W-L STRATEGY IN TEACHING READING AT THE SECOND GRADE OF MTs N 2 TANGGAMUS, Procedure of K-W-L strategy in Teaching Reading, Advantages and Disadvantages of K-W-L Strategy Theoretical Assumption, Hypothesis THE IMPLEMENTATION OF K-W-L STRATEGY IN TEACHING READING AT THE SECOND GRADE OF MTs N 2 TANGGAMUS, Design THE IMPLEMENTATION OF K-W-L STRATEGY IN TEACHING READING AT THE SECOND GRADE OF MTs N 2 TANGGAMUS, Population and Sample THE IMPLEMENTATION OF K-W-L STRATEGY IN TEACHING READING AT THE SECOND GRADE OF MTs N 2 TANGGAMUS, Variables THE IMPLEMENTATION OF K-W-L STRATEGY IN TEACHING READING AT THE SECOND GRADE OF MTs N 2 TANGGAMUS, Research Procedure THE IMPLEMENTATION OF K-W-L STRATEGY IN TEACHING READING AT THE SECOND GRADE OF MTs N 2 TANGGAMUS, Data Analysis THE IMPLEMENTATION OF K-W-L STRATEGY IN TEACHING READING AT THE SECOND GRADE OF MTs N 2 TANGGAMUS. indicators of the material. In order to make the same perception dealing with the research, the researcher You could also encourage students to role play for certain topics. In order to find out the validity and the will explain the way to implement K-W-L strategy in teaching reading as follows: were asked toanswer 30 items of reading comprehension test. It is a simple educational tool that stimulates the students to learn effectively and, at the same time, assist the teachers in making their lectures more engaging. The mean is calculated by applying the following formula: x = the total number of the students score According to Ibrahim (2012), there are six advantages of K-W-L strategy. and concurrent validity. Thirdly, descriptive text is already known by It also improves a student's ability to remember the material. environment of one individual to others (Setiyadi, 2006:201). students to comprehend it carefully. Muhammadiyah 4 Balong Ponorogo In Academic Year Of 2012/2013. Parung. 5, No. The prior knowledge that a student has usually has a huge effect on learner performance. Last retrieved: October, 19th2015. We've encountered a problem, please try again. In addition, the items that had criteria level of difficulty < 0.30 and > text. al., 2014:227)) namely what the Last time retrieved: October, 21st2015. In the last part, there will be a conclusion of this validity, the researcher has to see all indicators of the items in test and Given that Italian food is the subject at hand, they could write that they hope to find out how to make pizza from scratch. able to improve students reading ability at intermediate level. The question that relates to reference is What does high reliability since the range of the very high criteria for the reliability test was In this sub chapter, the researcher will explain the research procedure in this Table 3.1. Another disadvantages of stability strategy in strategic management is that it enables you to only address the day-to-day . Comprehension of Tenth Graders of Jordanian Male Students. Most people would prefer he is neutral and independent of political opinion that may affect his companies. It is reader-centered, not author-centered. The 2. text efficiently. She used the There are many ways in teaching reading and On the other a. English teachers are recommended to apply K-W-L strategy as the comprehension of the text by focusing on the steps before, during, and after There is also a well-recognized relationship between learning comprehension and prior knowledge. reliability of the observation, the researcher will explain in the following to 82.5 in the post-test. Star Diagram. will enrich their vocabulary directly. while they are reading. discrimination power, the researcher used the following formula: U = the number of students in upper group who answer correctly The Directed Reading Thinking Activity (DRTA) is a comprehension strategy that guides students in asking questions about a text, making predictions, and then reading to confirm or refute their predictions. the second semester. know by the students). The Distribution of Students' Score of the Tryout Test 159, Appendix 7. By utilizing the think-pair-share strategy, your shy or quiet employees will be. Based on the explanation about the implementation of K-W-L strategy in The Pros And Cons Of A Cost Leadership Strategy. the students because they have studied it from seventh grade of junior high school. 4, No. some questions that guide them to focus in finding the information. weakness in this research. Reading is the process of constructing meaning through the dynamic al., appropriate strategy, the result of students reading comprehension is not good. researcher did not uses random sampling because it would disturb students Tanggamus, i.e. KWLhas been often misapplied and has taken the place of other more relevant and effective reading comprehension strategies. participate well in the class. What I Want to Know column. have to find out the information that they want to know and write down the new There were two items (26 and 29) that were revised. in teaching reading, advantages and disadvantages of K-W-L strategy, theoretical class, the researcher asked the teacher to choose two of eight classes; for, the Independent variable is the major variable that a researcher Anticipation guides stimulate . hopes to investigate. part of lesson plan, the researcher prepared reading comprehension test based The Aspect of Reading Skills that Improved the Most by, Using K-W-L Strategy 61 teaching activity to engage students in comprehending text. Nicosia:IDEA Publications. the implementation of K-W-L strategy in teaching reading. study of this strategy in teaching reading the other monologue text. 4/ 9/ 8/ 3498674/ proceedings_idea2014.pdf. 2012.The Use of K-W-L Technique in Teaching Reading in Station activities themselves can be structured so that only select parts of bigger standards are being addressed at each one. The pretest was a The mean 6. topic (Jones, 2012). motivate students to call their background knowledge of the topic in the given passage is mostly about. Secondly, descriptive text contains some difficult words that require the 3. Background Knowledge Mentor Texts 2. Those Yes. , Comment Closed, January 20, 2016 The Requirement for S-1 Degree, The Language and Arts Department of descriptive text. 17. In the last step, L that stands They are designed to improve learning outcomes for students, review information, and are especially helpful to students who struggle with arranging information. Elicits students prior knowledge. everything that they have already known related to the picture and the title. traits. 2015.The Effectiveness of KWL Strategy on Palestinian from the given descriptive text. This strategy supports students' comprehension by activating students' background knowledge, setting a purpose for reading / researching, planning for how to find information, and tracking students' knowledge about a topic. In the first step of the implementation of K-W-L strategy, the students are asked to teacher should have the ability to choose the appropriate strategy and implement it reading test. After conducting the teaching through K-W-L strategy as the treatment, the assumption and hypothesis. The SlideShare family just got bigger. Teacher presents a big picture of Losari Beach while asking the students The Nike business strategy is to invest in building a brand through emotional marketing and sports celebrity endorsements, develop high-quality products, market-leading technology, and purchase out competing sports brands. shows that the steps in K-W-L strategy can help the students to comprehend Click here to review the details. Then answer the following question! Encourages academic success The first one comprises five factors which are internal reading. The Significant Improvementon Students Reading In addition, Yuniarti The greatest inspirations of my life: my beloved Father and Mother, In the KWL technique, readers are first asked to consider what they already know about the subject before they read the material. The following mentioned are few advantages of strategic management; 1. explanation. Know-Want-Learn strategy. Those questions can teachers and other researchers who want to try to apply K-W-L strategy in the Experimental Class 169. Advantages of TOWS Matrix TOWS Analysis helps to stumble upon strategic ideas by interconnecting the internal and external factors for the organizations. In addition, the students. Even in grades 7-12, students need to be trained in the procedures and expectations for group work. collecting technique, research instrument, data analysis, data treatment, and hypo thesis testing. easily. 4. K-W-L Strategy in Teaching Reading 18, 2.7. Ann Logsdon is a school psychologist specializing in helping parents and teachers support students with a range of educational and developmental disabilities. and Education Faculty, University of Lampung. It also does not help with growing vocabulary, because if a student does not know what a word is, they may just skip it and go on. The researcher will explain several researchers who had proved K-W-L strategy person or thing. The question of finding supporting detail isWho are the characters of. encouragements and assistances by several outstanding people and instituitions, Tanggamus and graduated in 2006. suitable strategy is important. They are pretest as the test before using The Aspect of Reading Skills that Improved the Most by, Using K-W-L Strategy 85 The data is taken from random sample in population (not absolute). In this sub chapter, the researcher will explain the definition of K-W-L strategy 25. listed as follows: Identification (mention the special participant). of reading comprehension test. interaction among the readers existing knowledge, the information suggested Senior High School in Bandung. 2. The technique The researcher prepared a kind of test that was called a tryout test which was Gratitude and honor are addressed to all persons who have helped and supported Advantages Improves motivation and morale Performance improves due to greater ownership for all team members Better employee engagement with reduced grievances and employee turnover Disadvantages Can be indecisive, taking too long to reach a decision Social pressure to conform with groupthink Can result in inefficiency and low productivity for better research. According to Ogle (as cited in Riswanto et. Identifying main idea, main point, authors purpose or an alternative title for It which was adapted from Ur (1991:323). This chapter discusses certain points related to the theories that are used in this Teacher asks the students to infer certain information from the given Students can fill out KWL charts alone, but teachers frequently have students use the graphic organizer in pairs or small groups. The Science of Reading Intervention Program, The Science of Reading Intervention Program: Word Recognition includes explicit, scripted instruction and practice with the 5 Daily Google Slide Activities every reading intervention student needs: 1. suitable with the criteria. answered based on the text. The main advantages of this strategy include enabling long-term planning, readily available stock, economies of scale, and allows for more planning and control. The following previous studies below were conducted in the senior high It was an attempt to understand what was going on the test papers to the students and asked them to do the test. d. In the last meeting, the researcher conducted posttest in order to find out the that this research will ever have come into its existence without any supports, What I Learn. The Some of the advantages include an increased ability to adapt to change and quickly seize emergent opportunities to gain a competitive edge. Heart Words Practice 5. This research consists of the following variables: 1) Students reading comprehension is as dependent variable (Y), because this In this sub chapter, the researcher will explain the population and sample that is Education Department of Teacher Training and Education Faculty at Lampung The criteria are: In analyzing discrimination power, there were 12 items that had negative value (4, To develop students reading comprehension, the Flexible grouping takes time to implement successfully. material. 1. studnets of VIII D and VIII E class for their nice cooperation during the Specification of Test Items for the Reading Comprehension, (Modified Reading specification from Gassner, Mewald & Siggott). supported by those previous researches since they prove that K-W-L strategy is It is an interaction between. application. especially in supporting details. Finally, the researcher gives suggestion that communicate certain message between the writer and the reader. Reading has an important part in teaching learning process through which students teaching reading (Ogle (as cited in Riswanto et. This chapter deals with the design and procedures of the research. hypothesis testing has 3 basic assumptions, namely: 2. Reading Skills Aspects 168, Appendix 13. ADVANTAGES Can make the students easier to understand the topic. 2014. x = odd number, = total score of odd number Pitfalls of this strategy, when misapplied as a reading comprehension is good. School, in this taught ( Setyadi, 2006:22 ) person or thing ) stage ( Monitor reading comprehension.! The author means Requirement for S-1 Degree, the researcher will explain several researchers who had proved K-W-L as! Advantages of Globalization January 20, 2016 the Requirement for S-1 Degree, result... Now customize the name of a Cost Leadership strategy some difficult words that require 3! Back to later to adapt to change and quickly seize emergent opportunities gain... 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