counsel then asked, Did you tell Detective Spidle that you had perhaps suggested Defendant told Spidle the following. While the interactive effect of methamphetamine and alcohol was not well developed in the medical literature, alcohol intoxication would be another factor affecting judgment and impulse control. Therefore, the point is forfeited because any prejudice it may have caused could have been cured by an appropriate admonition. Here's a compilation of death row inmates who were convicted inRiverside County, as reported by theCalifornia Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation, as of March 12, 2019, with synopses from various media outlets. 763.) 8.84.1 and CALJIC No. He has been credited with playing a number of characters, but at least he has been associated with Morris Chestnut. The ABC members tackled Gobert to the ground, kicking him and stomping on him in self-defense.. After apparently taking something out of his car, Gobert walked up to them. The latest data, provided by Mark Warren of Human Rights Research, is dated Sept. 23, 2020. 1. (Tuilaepa v. California (1994) 512 U.S. 967, 975976; People v. D'Arcy (2010) 48 Cal.4th 257, 308 (D'Arcy ); People v. Cruz (2008) 44 Cal.4th 636, 680 (Cruz ). Present and The victims were Marvin Gabriel and Milton Chavez, who were killed in August 2006. One of the Asians, whom Gilleres described as a Filipino,9 pointed a gun at Hyon. Even if we assume, as the trial court did, that the Philippine consulate would have provided a lawyer for defendant and that the consular officers and counsel would have advised defendant to remain silent, there was no showing that this would have occurred before defendant was booked. Compounding the problem is the still-widespread failure of U.S. law enforcement officials to notify detained foreigners of their consular rights. Spidle explained that if defendant was eligible, counsel would be appointed for him when he was arraigned, which would occur in 48 to 72 hours. Defendant was sentenced to death.7. Enraca, a Philippine national who had lived in the United States for eight years, was a member of the Akrho Boyz Crazzy (ABC) gang, an affiliate of the Bloods. Enraca initially denied involvement in the shootings but confessed soon after being arrested. [8] The prosecutor introduced the subject of remorse by characterizing it as the third reason why death is the only appropriate verdict in this case. He reviewed the evidence showing lack of remorse at the scene of the crime or immediately afterward. [] [The prosecutor]: Thank you, Your Honor. She stayed home from school and he found her after breaking into the home to steal money. The DPIC website shows the biggest number of foreigners who have been sentenced to capital punishment as coming from Mexico with 50 individuals, followed by Cuba and Vietnam with 8 incarcerated nationals each. | Source: YouTube/MovieClips. Michael Burgener, 68, offense date: Oct.31, 1980, sentenced: Sept. 4, 1981Burgener was convicted of murdering a man while robbing a convenience store in Riverside. ), Because capital defendants are not similarly situated to noncapital defendants, California's death penalty law does not deny capital defendants equal protection by providing certain procedural protections to noncapital defendants but not to capital defendants. (People v. Jennings (2010) 50 Cal.4th 616, 690; see Cruz, supra, 44 Cal.4th at p. 681; People v. Johnson (1992) 3 Cal.4th 1183, 12421243. He said that he would be a man about it and did not want the other ABC's involved. 4, c. Defendants Confession According to the Las Vegas Review Journal, a second Filipino, Ralph Simon Jeremias, wassentenced for the execution-style shootings of Paul Stephens and Brian Hudson in 2009. Johnny Mungia, 62, offense date: April 12, 1994, sentenced: April 07, 1997The killing happened during a robbery. Defense witnesses Marcus Freeman and Alfred Ward testified that the shooter wore a white hooded sweatshirt. consider that, thats the period of time when Mr. Enraca would be able to speak to 20, 23 [Schultz:] Im going to take those handcuffs off you. However, Peppers take longer than tomatoes to get going, so start them first. After apparently taking something out, 13 (People v. Mills (2010) 48 Cal.4th 158, 215; Butler, supra, 46 Cal.4th at p. 885; Barnwell, supra, 41 Cal.4th at p. say can and will be used against you in a court of law. He was not a gang 1.) Gobert's girlfriend Jenny Hyon was shot in the right side of the neck but survived. As a consequence, she had difficulty breathing, could not tend to her bodily The passage referenced by defendant does anticipate that holding. The shooting occurred shortly after Gobert attended an illegal drag race in Mira Loma. or. However, he claims that his assessment changed, prompting him to respond in the heat of passion, when Gobert appeared to reach for a gun. Jeremias said the victims were already dead when he came to the apartment complex to buy marijuana. WebCR60333 In May 1999, defendant Sonny Enraca was convicted of the first degree murders1of Ignacio Hernandez and Dedrick Gobert, with a multiple-murder special [] [Prosecutor:] And what was that? Joseph Avila, 49, offense date: Jan.12, 1991, sentenced: April 29, 1999Avila was convicted of two counts of murder for stabbing deaths of two men in a Riverside parking lot. He didn't want people to do that anymore. It was either self-defense or he killed somebody. They were laughing at this guy until they had a belief they were going to get shot at., We agree there was no substantial evidence that defendant acted under the heat of passion. You know so that the whole fight would just break up. I was just trying to break it up, you know I mean if I wanted to shoot them, if I wanted to intentionally kill these[ ] guys, I would of done it when they first came up here., Defendant claims that Hernandez and Gobert each appeared to be reaching for a gun while they lay on the ground. ][] 4. (See 187, subd. [Spidle]: Okay, and so knowing what your rights are, you want to tell me what happened. We use cookies to ensure you get the best experience on our website. There, the United States Supreme Court made it clear that an officer's failure to notify a suspect of his or her consular rights does not, in itself, render a confession inadmissible. Defendant confirmed these statements were accurate. After he died, Vera received notice that he had On May 5, Enraca was convicted of a double murder in Mira Loma at the scene of illegal street racing in November 1994. Deputy Attorneys General, for Plaintiff and Respondent. when you suggested he think about it? "To the victims, all I can say is, we owe you and we need to do more and do better, more broadly for victims in this state … but we cannot advance the death penalty in an effort to try to soften the blow of what happened," he said. [Spidle]: Okay, not because I forced you, or asked you any questions? Most were prostitutes and drug dealers and they were killed via strangulation and stabbing. The SanchezLlamas court added that a violation of the right of consular notification is not without remedy in appropriate cases. ( [Gay,] at p. Both men said they saw Enraca shoot Gobert while he was lying on the ground. A list of Riverside The victims were shot during a gang fight in November 1994. The killing involved a robbery. Defendant asked whether a reward had been offered. 3 Defendant also signed the form. Felix, a robber who targeted drug dealers, shot Gonzalez in his driveway in front of his wife and children. The extended conviction. 5, 2. what you considered to be his attitude? Late one evening Maile Gilleres and Jenny Hyon accompanied Ignacio Hernandez and Dedrick Gobert to the site of illegal street races. She worried about who would care for her when her mother and younger sister could no longer do so. Sheriff. Michael Thornton, 63, offense date: April 17, 2001, sentenced: Sept.7, 2006Thornton and Janeen Snyder were convicted of killing a Las Vegas teenager, Michelle Curran, in Rubidoux. Gobert got into his car and drove up and down the street for several minutes. The victims' family members themselves did not express any views on the appropriate punishment, and the prosecutor did not expressly attribute any such views to them. Maliwat asked him why he shot the girl. Q. [Schultz:] I read to him, You have the right to remain silent. and criminal street gang6 findings were made as to all three counts. They are starting to get the death sentences rollin' again. ), Section 190.3, factor (a), which permits the jury to consider the circumstances of the crime in deciding whether to impose the death penalty, does not license the arbitrary and capricious imposition of the death penalty. They have waited patiently for 4 1/2 years. Defense counsel objected, that's improper argument. The court impliedly sustained the objection, giving this admonition: I want to clarify something, ladies and gentlemen. [P]robably the most characteristic would be an irrational fear that someone is trying to hurt you. A minor threat may be perceived as a very severe and life-threatening situation. Deere was found days later hiding in the desert near where he worked as a farmhand. admitting the lawsuit evidence (proffered with the hope of supporting an inference In deciding whether police conduct was reasonably likely to elicit an incriminating response from the suspect, we consider primarily the perceptions of the suspect rather than the intent of the police. Riverside County She had been kidnapped and used as a sex slave before being tortured and killed. Defendant later called Garcia from jail and said he had confessed. Maliwat testified that slobs was an insulting term Crips used for Bloods. 4th 735, 269 P.3d 543, 137 Cal. and skidded to a halt in front of the ABCs. In response to defense counsel's request for an admonition, the court instructed the jury: Once again, ladies and gentlemen, public sentiment and public feeling should not come into any decision you make in the penalty phase. The prosecutor said that he had not intended to invoke public outrage. My comments are limited specifically to these facts, this defendant, and these victims. Defense counsel objected to the prosecutor's implication. [Defendant]: When am I going to see my lawyer[?]. Nevertheless, he calls attention to defense testimony suggesting that there was a second shooter at the scene. I liked him in Like Mike, although. Jeffrey Sheldon, 56, offense date: Sept.11, 1983, sentenced: Dec.19, 1985Sheldon killed Norris Neblett, 60, during a robbery near Lake Elsinore. Supreme Court Upholds Death Sentence in Killing of Deputy Among the prosecution witnesses were four of defendant's friends: Lester Maliwat, Roger Boring, Eric Garcia, and John Frick. He was sentenced to life in prison for a double murder. She was strangled near Lake Elsinore. If the right to counsel is invoked, the suspect cannot be interrogated further, unless counsel is provided (ibid.) Carlos Contreras, 40, offense date: April 28, 2008, sentenced: April 26, 2013Contreras was convicted of killing a 55-year-old Indio man, Daniel Kuzawa, during a carjacking, kidnapping and robbery. 18. without cause. Immediately before Schultz's remark, Schultz told defendant that five eyewitnesses had identified defendant as the shooter. Article 36 has nothing whatsoever to do with searches or interrogations. [Citation.] WebTHE TRIAL COURT WAS NOT REQUIRED TO ADVISE ENRACA OF HIS RIGHT TO TESTIFY AND OBTAIN A WAIVER 43 V. THE VICTIM IMPACT EVIDENCE WAS The actor who played Knucklehead in the movie Boyz N The Hood died in 2005. Donald Millwee, 66, offense date: September 06, 1986, sentenced: March 21, 1990He was convicted of killing his mother, Esta Millwee, who was paralyzed on one side of her face after suffering a brain aneurysm in 1981. Defendant claims that he shot the victims in the heat of passion provoked by Gobert's belligerent behavior and conduct insulting to the ABC gang. Defendant told the police he was carrying a .38 revolver that evening, and he Defendants Who Killed Dedrick D Gobert. Hernandez shielded Gobert's body with his own. Steve Woodruff, 55, offense date: Jan.13, 2001, sentenced: April 17, 2003Woodruff killed a Riverside police officer responding to a complaint about loud music. The victims were Erineo Perez and Martin Garcia and the killings were gang-related. (Post, pt. Gilleres told the older man that she would get her group to leave if he and his friends did the same. II.A.) Johnny Lopez, 39, offense date: Nov.9, 2013, sentenced: Jan.13, 2017Lopez was convicted of two murders, a rape and attempted murder that happened in Hemet from 2013. In May 1999, defendant Sonny Enraca was convicted of the first degree murders 1 of Ignacio Hernandez and Dedrick Gobert, with a multiple-murder special-circumstance finding. Prosecution Evidence According to Maliwat, defendant had a revolver with him. Boyz n the Hood is a sad story with power, dignity and humor that received its premiere at the festival. To determine defendant's likely perception, the statement at issue must be considered in context. Defendant later initiated a conversation with the booking officer, Detective Spidle, and confessed to him. Did other people in your group besides yourself laugh at this guy because you didn't take him seriously? I guarantee you if you Eric Garcia saw the fight and heard the shots. And lack of remorse is the third thing., There is a subtle but important distinction between the manifestations of a defendant's remorselessness that may be considered as an aggravating factor and those that may be considered only to rebut remorse as a mitigating factor. You're telling me this because you wanted to tell me this? ), In response to requests by both the prosecution and the defense, the trial court instructed the jury on the law as we have just explained it. As Hernandez and Gilleres tried to shield him, gunshots rang out. James Thompson, 67, offense date: Aug.28, 1991, sentenced: Oct.26, 1996Thompson offered the victim money if he drove him to Canyon Lake to collect a debt, but he instead killed the victim during a robbery. According to witnesses, Sonny Enraca, 22, then shot Hernandez and Gobert. [] [Defense counsel]: But not their desire. The data provided may not be accurate because of the difficulty of ascertaining the nationality of death sentence persons, and the criteria for determining nationality vary from state to state. As he fled, he made several statements reflecting his lack of remorse. 24. Lumord Johnson, 54, offense date: June 25, 1994, sentenced: April 8, 2002Johnson killed two people in Riverside and Mead Valley; Camerina Lopez and Martin Campos. When Jenny Hyon kicked defendant in the back, he turned around and shot her.12, Maliwat testified that he ran away when he heard someone yell, He has a gun. From his car Maliwat saw defendant shoot a man lying on the ground. Hyon was unable to identify her assailant. 24, 1963, 21 U.S.T. Defendant claimed that before Hernandez hit him he had planned to shoot in the air to break up the fight. 550. 2 Defense expert Dr. Jean Nidorf testified that defendant appeared to express remorse in his videotaped statement to Detective Spidle. (D'Arcy, supra, 48 Cal.4th at p. 308; People v. Carrington, supra, 47 Cal.4th at p. 200; People v. Mendoza, supra, 42 Cal.4th at p. Fishburne, Chestnut, and King are related. Lester Maliwat testified that the ABC's were not provoked by Gobert's jibes, but rather considered him laughable because he was so badly outnumbered. Death sentences are unevenly and unfairly applied to people of color, people with mental disabilities, and people who cannot afford costly legal representation, he wrote. convicted of the first degree murder of Deputy Sheriff Stephen Blair and the We have rejected each of these challenges in the past and do so here. The standard is not the reaction of a reasonable gang member. (See People v. Humphrey (1996) 13 Cal.4th 1073, 1087. deadly weapon3 on Jenny Hyon, with a great bodily injury finding.4 Firearm use5 (Pulley v. Harris (1984) 465 U.S. 37, 4142, 5051; Bramit, supra, 46 Cal.4th at p. 1250; People v. Butler (2009) 46 Cal.4th 847, 885 (Butler ). Seed saving is a great way to ensure the survival of your plants, and it's also an economical choice. by other deputies against other gang members. because he felt that the truth was going to come out regardless, was entirely Cathy Sarinana, 42, offense date: Dec.26, 2005, sentenced: June 26, 2009Sarinana and her husband, Raul Sarinana, killed their 11-year-old nephew, Ricky Morales, on Christmas 2005. Gobert, who was still face down on the floor, started to throw insults at Enraca while attempting to move. By continuing, you are agreeing to our use of cookies. Home Boys Only was a group in New York. Some 24 hours later, defendant summoned a jail guard and asked for the homicide investigators to come back so he could admit to three murders. Her younger son's performance in school also suffered greatly. ), Nothing in the federal Constitution requires the penalty phase jury to make written findings of the factors it finds in aggravation and mitigation; agree unanimously that a particular aggravating circumstance exists; find all aggravating factors proved beyond a reasonable doubt or by a preponderance of the evidence; find that aggravation outweighs mitigation beyond a reasonable doubt; or conclude beyond a reasonable doubt that death is the appropriate penalty. yup.of course i knew about that, thats my big homie.. You know him or know of him? Enraca then jumped in a car with two fellow gang members, Roger Boring and Lester Maliwat. 9, 2. He also admitted that he told Jawaun Graham, 43, offense date: Jan.22, 1966, sentenced: Jan.13, 2012Graham killed Manuel Gomez of Anaheim and Joel Rio-Sosa of Moreno Valley during a vehicle-to-vehicle shooting on Highway 91. TermsPrivacyDisclaimerCookiesDo Not Sell My Information, Begin typing to search, use arrow keys to navigate, use enter to select, Stay up-to-date with FindLaw's newsletter for legal professionals. Defendant persisted in proclaiming his innocence and challenged Schultz to produce the witnesses. substantially outweighed by the risk of jury confusion and undue consumption of Defense expert Dr. James Rosenberg later clarified that doing speed is a slang phrase for taking methamphetamine. Gov. Defendant did so here. What kills me the most were the sacrifices her mother had made for her. Cuba and Cube blew up like Chestnut did in Boyz. Juan Coronado Jr., 32, offense date: Jan.28, 2008, sentenced: April 17, 2015Coronado Jr. was convicted of beating and shooting 85-year-old Lupe Delgadillo during a robbery in Perris. Royce Scott, 61, offense date: July 10, 1997, sentenced: Sept.17, 1997Scott was convicted of sexually assaulting Della Morris, a Palm Springs woman found dead inside her bedroom. October 2, 2022 October 2, 2022 No comments. Gilleres saw an Asian man shooting down at Hernandez. Maliwat, Roger Boring, Eric Garcia, and John Frick. Objectively, the victim's conduct must have been sufficiently provocative to cause an ordinary person of average disposition to act rashly or without due deliberation and reflection. Robertlee Williams, 52, offense date: July 15, 1995, sentenced: Aug.29, 2003Williams killed Roscoe Williams and his 28-year-old son, Gary, during a robbery. 8.73, which instructs that provocation insufficient to reduce homicide to manslaughter may nevertheless be considered on the question of whether the defendant killed with deliberation or premeditation. Paul Henderson, 49, offense date: Aug.15, 1997, sentenced: May 25, 2001Henderson was convicted of murdering a man and attempting to murder his wife during a robbery of their home. jury would have reached a different verdict if it had not considered Deputy If you cannot afford to hire a lawyer, one will be appointed to represent you before any questioning, if you wish one., 22. Acknowledging that the jury had the power to return a verdict of life imprisonment without possibility of parole, the prosecutor argued that to do so would be inappropriate and an insult to the victims. The views of a victim's family as to the appropriate punishment are beyond the scope of constitutionally permissible victim impact testimony. tossed what appeared to be a gun into a yard. ), In denying the motion to suppress, the trial court made the following findings. Defendant did not refer to the victims by name. other, ultimately nondescript, shootings.. WebFour members of the Moot Court Honor Society traveled to San Francisco to hear their faculty advisor Professor Paul J. Spiegelman argue a death penalty appeal before the California Supreme Court (People v. Sonny Enraca). Defendant claimed he fired because he was afraid Hernandez was about to shoot him. It follows, a fortiori, that the imperfect self-defense doctrine cannot be invoked in such circumstances. (In re Christian S. [ (1994) ] 7 Cal.4th [768,] 773, fn. This list will be updated. Roger Boring testified that defendant was drinking that night, but that he did not know whether defendant had a lot to drink. The concept cannot be stretched to include the potential effect the jury's decision may have. [T]hat's when you can see your lawyer. ", Handcuffed prisoner behind the bars of a prison. 11. WebPolice arrested Enraca on December 12, 1994. 5 chief justice agreed yesterday that the evidence was inadmissible. ), I. On May 5, 1999, a jury found Sonny Enraca guilty of two counts of first degree murder with a multiple-murder special circumstance finding and assault with a deadly weapon with intent to cause great bodily injury. Carmen Vera was Ignacio Hernandez's mother. the crimes of which the jury had convicted him, and the other evidence of [Defendant]: Even if a lawyer would say that[,] you know[,] you made him talk, I would tell the lawyer that he is wrong.. other evidence of misconduct by Lynwood-area deputies, claiming it was relevant Newsom acknowledged support of the death penalty within victims'rights groups,but said it doesn't justify upholding the system. The fire burned 41,000 acres. (C) Schultz and Spidle failed to advise him of his rights under the Vienna Convention on Consular Relations (Apr. They loved defendant as a son and he responded in kind, calling them Mom or Mother. He was respectful and helpful. 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