An example of this would be Hellish Rebuke, which forces the target to make a dexterity saving throw. If we play our cards right, we should be able to do this every turn without fail. Rakish Audacity: Their Rakish Audacity allows Swashbucklers to add their CHA modifier to their Initiative roll. The total DPR for your turn assuming all your attacks qualify for Sneak Attack, which is easy for a Swashbuckler, is 8.25 + 12.74 = 20.99. But then that's only 4 levels of rogue. Regarding Alignment. Martial Adept The maneuvers of the battle master fighter subclass are a very natural mix with the swashbuckler, allowing you to pull off impressive stunts during combat. But if you are creative, there are plenty of exciting options. Their main subclass feature is the tweak to Sneak Attack, which allows Swashbucklers to apply their extra damage when dueling an enemy 1v1 rather than the original circumstances (advantage, an ally within 5ft, etc). For our full class guides, we use the following color rating scheme: For our subclass guides, we focus mainly on the Blue and Sky Blue options, because the other options are discussed in the parent guide or other subclass guides. 10. The Swashbuckler Rogue is loaded with good features from levels 5 . Thread starter auburn2; Start date Jun . Therefore, I'll have an opportunity to be a smug outcast or an honorable prince. Alternatively, you can choose a feature, if you already have great stats this is a great choice. This new condition completely changes the dynamic of sneak attack. Insight (WIS) Leave this for a party member with higher wisdom to focus on. [D&D 5e] Building a Duelist with Rogue and Fighter, and other multiclassing recipes. Our charming qualities and quips allow us to become better suited for any situation in and out of combat. As for spells, follow your heart. Rogues are considered a SAD (single ability dependant) class, this means that most Rogues can do quite well by pumping their DEX and spreading the rest of their skill points as they so choose. Also I absolutely should have put my WIS points into CON. Rocco Giusto August . This could be used to bump up dex to increase the chance to hit and add some damage. Do you think this is an alright sounding build? For a rogue, this might put us in danger. Sounds like a fun build for combat and role-play! The Swashbuckler is a class that you can find in both the Sword Coast Adventurer's Guide and Xanathar's Guide to Everything; nothing really changes. Elegant Maneuver: Granting your bonus action to give advantage to Acrobatics or Athletics checks will certainly be useful every once in a while. They can dive into combat, do massive damage on a target, then move away because of their Fancy Footwork ability. Use your Panashe action to taunt the enemy (and win (they are now at a disadvantage to hit anyone but you)) New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. You can either increase one ability by 2 points or two abilities by 1. Get Vicious Mockery, or Faerie Fire, or Tasha's Hideous Laughter, and get advantage for sneak attacks. Ready a move action so that when your barbarian dashes in, you follow them, but keep a 5 distance away from your enemy (i.e., right in behind your barbarian, but not in melee range) At third level you choose your roguish archetype: Swashbuckler. While we still want to look for good skill proficiencies, we can put a little more focus into other features that a background can provide us for. If you miss with an attack roll, you can roll it again with advantage. Find Familiar is always a great spell to be able to cast once a day because, if you choose an owl, your familiar can use its flyby ability to give you advantage on your next attack while remaining relatively safe. The following options are great choices for the swashbuckler rogue to pick up. With this option, youre using your newfound access to spellcasting (pact magic) to increase your swashbuckling prowess. Investigation (INT) Skip this, it;s for another type of rogue. Due to their long list of Proficiencies and the Expertise ability, Rogues are usually considered a skill monkey class. She's already a criminal, and she's melee based - she uses EB only if she's out of range. Or we can split the difference more, taking 13 levels in rogue (2nd to last subclass feature) and 7 levels in fighter (up to the 2nd subclass feature). Let me know if you decide to build this character! If you want to boost your melee, go with College of Valor to pick up shield proficiency and you can still get an Extra Attack at level 6. Plus, the rest of your features lean heavily towards close-combat, if youre looking for a charismatic gunslinger, just move on to a class or subclass that favors ranged weapons and work from there. Real life happens, DM gets burned out, etc. Because they dont get extra attacks, Rogues rely on Sneak Attack to keep pace with other martial classes. Swashbucklers would certainly be the subclass to take both Deception and Persuasion if you were ever going to. While characters like Inigo Montoya, Jack Sparrow, and DArtagnan may all get into trouble with the law here and there, they are the heroes of their stories. D&D Beyond can help create your characters by making choices using a step-by-step approach. Instead, we have it built in! With your two highest ability scores boosting your initiative youre practically guaranteed to get the jump on anyone and everyone. So make sail, dawn your feathered cap, and gear up as many one-liners as you need, this is going to be a great character for you. As with most rogue subclasses, Swashbucklers tend to be a single target combatant. Choose this only for a very specific build/plan. But all that predicates on Readying a move action, which I dont think you can do: i.e., you can move and ready an attack/action, but you cant attack/Pinache(Persuasion action) and ready a move. We can take martial adept here and grab up an impressive maneuver. Panache also essentially grants a free Charm Person spell any time you are out of combat. In all ways, however, you're a master of the battlefield. That's without any magical abilities, either. For simplicity I only considered the situation where Sneak Attack is applicable but the attacks do not have advantage since advantage may not always be available. Check out our Guide to DnD Races for non-standard races. Gladiator Proficiency in Acrobatics and Performance. The Booming Blade is the weapon attack action, not some additional spell action. Even with two classes you are seriously delaying some of the character defining things you get (such as extra attacks). Talk about value for a subclass feature. The rest of our features all help us achieve this goal of single combat. A swashbuckler build would be a complete and utter failure if it was not a fantastic duelist. Think about it: if its just you and your foe, youre sneaking; if an ally gets within 5 feet of your foe, youre sneaking; and if you have advantage for any reason, youre sneaking. Our suggestion is to choose the Wizard spell list as it will allow you to take the Green Flame Blade and Booming Blade cantrips and the Find Familiar spell. Basic DPR is 10.65, sneak attack DPR is 9.56 for a total DPR of 20.21. As main damage dealer you have Dex as a primary, for AC, attack, and damage. I think SwashBlade would be a fun build to play. Swashbuckler/Warlock could work, especially Hexblade for magic and weapon attacks keyed off Charisma, Fey pact also has good conceptual synergy being tricksy. As a Swashbuckler you should have high Charisma, so a multiclass into a charisma caster like Sorc or Warlock could be fun. Fey Touched This lets you boost your charisma by 1, and gives you access to Misty Step and another divination or enchantment spell once a day. If every attack lands they all have roughly the same damage. What I love is the variety that comes with this kind of a move. The Assassin is what it sounds. (A) A Rogue (Swashbuckler) 8 would be making 2 attacks dealing 1d8+4 and 1d8 damage. Shroud of Shadow, Repelling Blast, One with Shadows, Mask of Many faces, and more are all great to consider for a swashbuckler looking for more magic in their life. Whether it be for zany purposes, or for optimized combatants, this character building concept is a way for experienced players to have some new types of fun. Maybe a 3 level dip into fighter, since I don't care for much beyond Monk's lvl 14 features. So lets talk about how your charisma turns you into a better rogue. Hopefully I roll a bunch of odd Dice and I can use feats to dip into the spell casting like magic initiate. Keep in mind, most races and subraces are limited by the setting and source material chosen by the DM. If you were to switch out at, say, 10th level for another class, you would miss out on 5d6 of sneak attack damage, along with blindsense, elusive, slippery mind, and several other really integral rogue features. To me this feels like the classic hero move, getting the big bad to focus on you. Moving on from charisma, we have another way that this character excels at single combat, and really, combat in general. This skill is good for a specific build, and mainly a different type of bard like thief or scout would pick this up. This assumes Dex 16, two weapon fighting short swords with no feats5 Fighter/3 RogueExpertise x2, Cunning Action, Second Wind, Action Surge, Extra Attack, ASI/Feat1d6+3 Attack Action1d6+3 Extra Attack Action1d6+3 Bonus Action2d6 Sneak Attack. Swashbucklers, or the idea of swashbucklers, permeate popular culture. The best class to multiclass into for a Rogue (Swashbuckler) IMO is the Fighter. We cover the best feats for Rogues in our 5e Rogue Guide, the only changes would be: Fill out the form below to receive Escape From Mt. I'm thinking I want to bring em' up to level 9, but what sort of multiclasses would be good on a swashbuckler? Also, as we discussed in the limitations section, there is a lot of potential to improve upon this subclass and make it your own with feats. While good in theory, most Rogues dont find a whole lot of trouble scoring Sneak Attack against enemies once per turn as long as they have another martial class at their party. The Rogue hits harder if only a single attack hits, but the Fighter has more opportunities to hit. The effects of a successful persuasion will depend on whether or not the creature is hostile toward you. Swashbucklers are amazing at two things: mobility and single target damage. While some warriors are brutes clad in heavy armor, your method of fighting looks almost like a performance. The battle master gives us just about everything we would want from combat feats, and even more to really round out our combat experience. Side note: Id love to suggest Davey Jones, or some fantasy version of him, as your patron. You just attack like normal, but with a cool (although loud) bonus. Top of the round I have further clarified it to only consider the result of the first successful attack, the alternative is to roll all attacks and apply sneak attack to the better result. This gives a total DPR of23.07. . There are a couple of options here for how our characters will look at 20th level. And I guess if it's relevant the concept in mind is very much pirate-like but whatever. A character with this multiclass combo will be extremely strong in one-on-one fights, as they can deal Sneak Attack damage using Rakish Audacity when fighting alone. Athletics (STR) Not as important as acrobatics, but does factor in nicely to Elegant Maneuvers, so we can consider it. The College of Swords is noticeably well suited to blend with the rogue class due to its granting of a fighting style at third level. Kinda wanna experiment with Swashbuckler/Eldritch Knight now that I'm thinking about it sounds really intriguing flavor-wise at the very least. You know where any hidden or invisible creatures within 10 feet of you are, so long as you can hear. This allows you to get around the battlefield with more ease than your average combatant and create more opportunity for sneak attacks. Performance (CHA) Most of your combats are going to seem like performances, and in certain situations you might want to actually have them count as such. Weve adjusted the Magic Initiate to include some good Warlock choices and added in the Half-Elf to the races section . In this post, we will be examining the Swashbuckler rogues class features and how you can optimize your Swashbuckler rogue through choosing your race, background, ability scores, and feats. Glad you liked the guide! From it, I see that my feats are going to tied up until at least 12 level. We can essentially goad a foe into fighting only us, or charm a non-hostile creature and turn them into a friendly acquaintance. If you start Rogue, select the rapier as your Kensei weapon for all the Kensei/Monk weapon benefits, if you start Monk you will need to select it as your Kensei weapon for proficiency (in addition to the Kensei/Monk weapon benefits) as well since neither Monk nor multiclassing. And as always, happy adventuring! Contact Us for more information.Copyright 2020 Arcane Eye. Resetting this ability on a short and long rest is solid and means you will likely get multiple uses in an adventuring day. Touch 3: What You Are is What You Play. The goal is damage vs damage/utility. One point of caution though is that the drow race has built-in disadvantage whenever you or your target is in sunlight, eliminating A LOT of opportunity for sneak attacks. Variant Human +1 two abilities of your choice (DEX and CHA). The rapier however, does have the Finesse property and so is eligible for Sneak Attack. Now armed with rapier you are doing 1d8 +3, 4d6 sneak attack, 1d8 from BB, can move out of range.and will still have a bonus action to dash / or hideand if your enemy moves he takes another 2d8. Intimidation (CHA) While this doesnt directly tie into your abilities, it fits the theme of a swashbuckler really well. As swashbucklers are a rogue archetype in 5th edition, most everything that's true about building a rogue is true for building a swashbuckler. Eldritch, and Blast. Now, as an adult, I aspire to remind people that sometimes a little bit of fantasy is all you need when life gets to be too much. So they have similar damage outputs, but it's a trade of offense vs defense. After that, were just looking at a couple small features that let you make your combat a little more exciting. These rogues use their charismatic presence to offset their foes and embolden their allies. Subscribe to our newsletter and never miss another post! D&D 5e: Swashbuckler Rogue Guide. Characters (B) and (C) do not gain an additional die of sneak attack so their basic routines stay at23.07and 20.21but they also have all the additional ways of increasing their damage output. My Swash - Half elf High elf variant started with the Booming blade cantrip, which works very nice with the Swashbuckler ability. See your enemy >60 ft away A good option is to choose ASIs for two out of the six, and choose four feats. Maybe youll clip a halyard to bring yourself atop a sail-like Jack Sparrow, or maybe you want to pull off any one of the stunts in the fight between Inigo Montoya and the Dread Pirate Roberts. Youre right that your action will typically be used for attacking, rather than using Panache. Panache: Panache is an outstanding ability. This is when we save ourselves from opportunity attacks, and improve upon our initiative and sneak attack conditions. 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